Season ticket holders attending next Saturday's game or not?

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Season ticket holders attending next Saturday's game or not?

  • I am a season ticket holder, had both jabs and I am going to the match

    Votes: 400 76.6%
  • I am a season ticket holder, had one jab and I am going to the match

    Votes: 41 7.9%
  • I am a season ticket holder, still waiting for the jab and I am going to the match

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • I am a season ticket holder, I refuse to be jabbed and I am going to the match

    Votes: 16 3.1%
  • I am a season ticket holder, had both jabs but not going to the match

    Votes: 54 10.3%
  • I am a season ticket holder, had one jab but not going to the match

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • I am a season ticket holder, still waiting for the jab so I am not going to the match

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a season ticket holder, I refuse to be jabbed so I am not going to the match

    Votes: 1 0.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Immunisations/vaccinations are partly about saving individuals from illness and death, but are much more about public health and acting together as a government or community to prevent the massive and deadly epidemics of the past. They came hand in hand with clean water, effective sewerage systems and a general trend towards health and hygiene which started about 180 years ago. Contrary to what some people believe, public health isn't a socialist nanny state intervention in your life, it came about partly because Victorian factory owners got fed up with their workers dying off at a very young age, so affecting productivity and profits. Victorian factory owners weren't known for their devotion to Karl Marx, although some were quite enlightened. People who saw and lived through epidemics of smallpox, diphtheria, cholera, TB, and "lesser" diseases like measles and whooping cough (both killed many children, I was very ill with it myself), took the jabs willingly to avoid getting the diseases themselves AND to prevent others from getting them.
These days hardly anyone in Britain has experienced mass epidemics of deadly diseases because hardly anyone gets those diseases. Smallpox is extinct outside a couple of research labs. It's extinct because of the success of public health and vaccination, because of people willing to take a very small chance for what used to be called "the greater good". No medical intervention is risk free, but it's generally a lot less risky than not having the intervention. I can speak with a bit of authority here because I've had a lot of medical interventions and am alive because of some of them. I do think that having vaccinations has some small risk, but for the greater good of society I choose to take that risk, it's not just about me but about everyone.
Perhaps if we had a time machine and could show people the mass suffering of the past (not very long ago either, I remember as a kid in the 60's seeing paralysed kids who'd had polio during visits to the Children's Hospital, not something I'll ever forget), then people might have a different view of vaccinations.

Anyway, I've had two jabs, currently am going to the match and am both excited and apprehensive about it. I will wear a mask and hope that I don't get any abuse for doing it.
Stay safe and enjoy the game. UTB!!!!
Just to clarify, I had lots of appointments at the Children's, I'm not implying that the other kids caught polio there, but you could read it like that!!!!!
Unless they’re the proper ones with filters in they’re doing very little to protect you at all
This serves as a great example of the black and white thinking mentioned earlier in the thread. They're not 100%, so not worth bothering. Most "waterproof" jackets aren't waterproof but I don't see anyone sneering at Berghaus.

Putting any scientific reasons aside for a moment, for some people being part of match crowd again will be uncomfortable at first. Going to the match is important to people. Wearing a face covering can feel reassuring and might be the difference between attending or staying away. No-one has any right to challenge or undermine that.

It comes across quite odd when someone is bullish about not wearing a face covering. Good for you, but it's nothing to do with anyone else. Equally, I can wear an FFP3 mask, novelty cotton mask with a Blades badge on it, a balaclava or a burka and that has nothing to do with anyone else either.
This serves as a great example of the black and white thinking mentioned earlier in the thread. They're not 100%, so not worth bothering. Most "waterproof" jackets aren't waterproof but I don't see anyone sneering at Berghaus.

Putting any scientific reasons aside for a moment, for some people being part of match crowd again will be uncomfortable at first. Going to the match is important to people. Wearing a face covering can feel reassuring and might be the difference between attending or staying away. No-one has any right to challenge or undermine that.

It comes across quite odd when someone is bullish about not wearing a face covering. Good for you, but it's nothing to do with anyone else. Equally, I can wear an FFP3 mask, novelty cotton mask with a Blades badge on it, a balaclava or a burka and that has nothing to do with anyone else either.
I have no problem with the mask debacle, wear one if you want, but people need to understand they’re doing very little to protect them. If they want to be safe as houses, you need a proper mask, not one of the crappy ones they give you for free at Asda. Simple as that.
I have no problem with the mask debacle, wear one if you want, but people need to understand they’re doing very little to protect them. If they want to be safe as houses, you need a proper mask, not one of the crappy ones they give you for free at Asda. Simple as that.
You're right, but I don't think many people who choose to wear one are ignorant to the shortcomings so by extension there isn't a need to push this.

It's not truly about safety either, if it was then people would be staying away in large numbers. It's really about comfort.
I’ve had 2 relatives die from Covid - one was aged 82 and was in the NGH and caught it in there as an inpatient and the other was 61 in reasonably good health. I’ve also got a relative aged 35 with long Covid and after a year he can still hardly climb up one flight of stairs! Experiences like that affect your approach to precautions - get vaccinated, wear a good mask and keep your distance. Good luck and enjoy the game - on TV in my case until the end of September at the earliest.
Turns out, after reading this thread, it's just as predicted... Some bullies will look down on people who wear a mask, apparently masks don't work....! in their own minds, clear of conscience, too. Because "Steveo"(local laptop expert) saw many youtubbers including a deranged failing celeb, says masks don't work....!
I find this both expected and unsettling... What these new "woke" bullies don't want to hear is..... we wear masks for you and everyone else! How is it so hard to comprehend that when every human has to cough, talk, shout or sneeze you are potentially spreading a new variant? Carry on with your selfish and frankly snowflake behaviour.....The ground will be segregated, then closed to us all again. The blame will sit on your "woke" toes!
personal choice isnt it but its a fact covid cases have risen in sheffield after tramlines
Tramlines had people have to do tests/be double jabbed to get in. Saturday will be the biggest gathering in Sheffield with minimal restrictions/changes outside of cashless bars.
Can't help but feel the government are using football fans as an experiment. Funny how there have been guidelines about everything yet when it comes to football it's seemingly a free for all, I agree it's odd there has been no official communication on what the crack is on Saturday

Can't help but feel the government are using football fans as an experiment. Funny how there have been guidelines about everything yet when it comes to football it's seemingly a free for all, I agree it's odd there has been no official communication on what the crack is on Saturday
As stated earlier in thread,was in Tkt office yesterday and,
No guidelines just down to your own discretion
Hope this helps(again)
If anyone thinks it's OK to give people a hard time on Saturday night just because they decide to wear a face covering, then they are c@nts of the highest order.
Hi mate. Don't have a problem with anyone wearing a mask. If they are in the majority though will I get stick for not wearing one?
Hi mate. Don't have a problem with anyone wearing a mask. If they are in the majority though will I get stick for not wearing one?

I would hope not, pal. I will have a mask in my pocket, and I may wear it when I'm on the concourse if a lot of folk have theirs on. I won't wear it when I'm in my seat, but I will be sat with someone who will be wearing one throughout because they feel quite vulnerable and a little anxious.
If anyone thinks it's OK to give people a hard time on Saturday night just because they decide to wear a face covering, then they are c@nts of the highest order.

Very much agree…..everyone has had their own experiences…so people naturally have very different fear and risk thresholds.
I’m been pleasantly surprised to date how there appears to be a respectful, freedom of choice towards mask wearing with no finger pointing either way

however when a group of young lads are pissed up in a match day scenario….you can imagine a few jokey (non malicious) songs about mask wearers
or you might even find a gang of Brummie fans trying to act hard singing songs taking the piss out of mask wearers

but if a near by mask wearer has suffered a recent covid death of a loved one..,they could react….then it kicks off.
I would hope not, pal. I will have a mask in my pocket, and I may wear it when I'm on the concourse if a lot of folk have theirs on. I won't wear it when I'm in my seat, but I will be sat with someone who will be wearing one throughout because they feel quite vulnerable and a little anxious.

That’s what I’ll be doing too.
Personally I hate masks and still can’t get used to them…I associate them with a sad faceless empty society.
but if I can see anyone around me who is uncomfortable or elderly…then of course I’ll put on a mask.
If I know I’m going into enclosed spaces I still always take a mask…just in case it’s required to re-assure anyone genuinely nervous around me.
I think the face mask thing will be a surprise to some who have not been in big crowds yet.

I work in a School and thus have been used to wearing them for 9-10 months but was surprised at attending my first sporting fixtures the last few weeks.

I have been to a few cricket matches and was quite cautious and wore a mask as I was on the concourse/going to the toilet etc, basically moving around. I did not wear it in my seat I must admit but had only my son next to me and a few spare seats around. The Lane will be full-ish of course

I literally barely saw a person wearing a mask both seated and moving around though. I was surprised. They told us to wear one on the move but noone did all day in/out of seats. So I kind of protected others but was not really protected properly myself!

Looking at games recently on TV, you see noone with a mask on and I would expect it to be the similar at the Lane next week with small numbers wearing which might be something some may want to consider.

Suppose you could go in really early and leave early/wait if it concerned fans but the concourses/ stands I expect will be full of mostly non mask wearing fans I'd expect from my experiences so far of going back to Sport.

With no restrictions on entry (vaccjnation status/symptoms and also timings/entrances) and bars open it will be the same hurly burly it used to be I expect. I think for some it will be odd being round thousands of peoole and right next to people (no social distancing) without masks on but don't see how it won't be with no limits on crowds.
How can we perform our part as the 12th Man by muffled singing through a mask ? It rather defeats the purpose which many say contributed to our decline. I have never been able to understand people who attend live football + remain silent - why on earth don't they simply watch from the better vantage point provided by an internet feed (SUTV) ?
How can we perform our part as the 12th Man by muffled singing through a mask ? It rather defeats the purpose which many say contributed to our decline. I have never been able to understand people who attend live football + remain silent - why on earth don't they simply watch from the better vantage point provided by an internet feed (SUTV) ?

So let me get this right,you should only attend Football if you sing? Otherwise stay at home and watch on the Internet? 🤔

I might have an odd sing (away from home more so) bit often at home I might partake in the Greasy Chip Butty but then may not be a 'singer.' That's my choice having paid my money.

People go to football and enjoy it in different ways.

I sit on the South Stand btw. If fans adopted your stance it would be empty!
Hi mate. Don't have a problem with anyone wearing a mask. If they are in the majority though will I get stick for not wearing one?
No chance, and no chance those wearing them will be in a majority.

Fair play to those who will continue to wear them, but.....fuck that!
As far as I'm aware its personal choice in most places whether to wear a mask or not now. After over a year of wearing one I am relishing not wearing one.

I do not think any less of anyone who continues to wear one just as I would expect not to be thought any less of for not wearing one. (although someone needs to have a word with those who feel the need to Fosbury flop over the bog rolls to get away from me in Home Bargains).

I always carry one round with me in case I'm in a place where they still feel it needs to be mandatory and I will respect their choice on that front.
Ive not got any problem with folks wearing masks if they want but I dont understand those who are walking round wearing masks wrongly like just over their mouth and not over their noses. Either they think masks are still nescessary in which case why arnt they wearing it over their noses or they dont think theyre nescessary in which case why are they bothering to wear them atall.
So let me get this right,you should only attend Football if you sing? Otherwise stay at home and watch on the Internet? 🤔

I might have an odd sing (away from home more so) bit often at home I might partake in the Greasy Chip Butty but then may not be a 'singer.' That's my choice having paid my money.

People go to football and enjoy it in different ways.

I sit on the South Stand btw. If fans adopted your stance it would be empty!
Of course I am not saying everyone should sing ! You have put the 2 halves of my views together + made more of their total than was intended.
1) I like to sing & shout , which will get muffled if I wear a mask , so I'm torn between A) wearing a mask (which , unlike some , I am continuing to do in every public indoor space) and B) taking it off to sing or shout encouragement.
2) in my opinion (and it's just an opinion , not a criticism of anyone) , I personally can't understand how anyone can attend a live football match and not open their mouth - not necessarily to sing - but to shout or cheer or moan , even just occasionally , encouragement or criticism either at their own team/players or at the opposition team/players or at the managers or officials - otherwise where is post-Covid going to be any different from Covid empty grounds , if those attending imitate a cardboard cutout ?
So let me get this right,you should only attend Football if you sing? Otherwise stay at home and watch on the Internet? 🤔

I might have an odd sing (away from home more so) bit often at home I might partake in the Greasy Chip Butty but then may not be a 'singer.' That's my choice having paid my money.

People go to football and enjoy it in different ways.

I sit on the South Stand btw. If fans adopted your stance it would be empty!
I prefer using my vocal chords solely to abuse our own players. Fuck the 12th man.

Can't help but feel the government are using football fans as an experiment. Funny how there have been guidelines about everything yet when it comes to football it's seemingly a free for all, I agree it's odd there has been no official communication on what the crack is on Saturday
It’s not an experiment exactly. They’re trying to get as many unvaccinated people to catch Covid now and develop immunity before winter. If anyone is genuinely worried about catching it, my advice would be don’t go. As BB has said, masks aren’t very good at protecting you from Covid, they just reduce the spread from people with it and there will be plenty there not wearing masks, if my recent experiences of Wembley were anything to go by. Of the three other people I went with, two caught it despite being double jabbed, the third had it around Christmas time and appears to still be immune. I’ve tested three times since but all negative. Don’t get that as I often catch colds but there you go.


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