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Ive heard with regard to the alleged glassing incident that the victim is someone Baxter knows from his days at either Everton or Oldham and was allegedly taking the piss out of Baxter for his drug incident
Allegedly plays for Accrington Stanley

Are you an actual club spokesman? Seriously, what is this?

1. Every single player has played below their ability this season (K Wallace aside).

2. There have been numerous reports of some of our players being drunk on a night out.

If you train or play and then get drink (let alone getting shitfaced), it will slow your recovery. Oxygen gets to the muscles slower and it takes longer to get back to peak fitness. We have a squad with a dreadful injury record. You're also more likely to get injured if you're not recovering properly.

Now, I'm not prude. I have no issue with a hard working team having the odd piss up at a quiet time. Look at Bassett's Christmas parties. But those were lower league players consistently playing way above their abilities. They deserved to get a jolly. They were on low wages and never failed to try. Now, our lot are on high wages and have consistently not put the effort in. Why they get a paid holiday is beyond me and then allowed to get publicly drunk? Club approved. Mindblowing really.

I understand your sentiment Robbie but be fair it's not very rational. It could be summarised as,

'If you don't earn much but try hard you can be rewarded with alcohol. But if you earn a bit and don't try as hard (as I would like ) you should not be allowed alcohol?'

Rather an odd approach given your paragraph on the detrimental effects of alcohol?

It could be condensed even more to,

'I'm fed up we aren't doing very well so you should be punished by not being allowed a night out.'

And what's this about a paid holiday?

Sitwell said much the same :confused: and saw the flaw in your argument.

When a shit team go out for a drink its a disgrace and they shouldn't be out. When a good team go out its team bonding. Just become a good team you dickheads and you can drink as much as you want.

Oh and just for clarification, I am not in anyway condoning or excusing behavior that may be referred to as an 'incident' and lead to a club statement!
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I understand your sentiment Robbie but be fair it's not very rational. It could be summarised as,

'If you don't earn much but try hard you can be rewarded with alcohol. But if you earn a bit and don't try as hard (as I would like ) you should not be allowed alcohol?'

Rather an odd approach given your paragraph on the detrimental effects of alcohol?

It could be condensed even more to,

'I'm fed up we aren't doing very well so you should be punished by not being allowed a night out.'

And what's this about a paid holiday?

Sitwell said much the same :confused: and saw the flaw in your argument.

Oh and just for clarification, I am not in anyway condoning or excusing behavior that may be referred to as an 'incident' and lead to a club statement!

In a perfect world professional athletes would not drink during their competition season. I would like the club to ban it in public and anyone in bother or hungover would get fined 2 weeks wages and dropped.

Footballers are idiots, our club is a huge idiot, and this will never be the case because the players will complain and the club would pander to them.

Still, a paid reward for good performance is much more acceptable than a piss up for failures.

"well done lads, top of the league by 6 points. To reward you we're throwing you a party. Free bar, but don't be daft. Have fun, you've earned it."


"You've underperformed all season, put in the minimum effort and I'm aware of several issues off the pitch, several involving alcohol. To recognise this we're giving you an all expenses paid trip to Ireland where you're encouraged to get shitfaced and be penises."

Footballers are idiots
, our club is a huge idiot, and this will never be the case because the players will complain and the club would pander to them.

"You've underperformed all season, put in the minimum effort and I'm aware of several issues off the pitch, several involving alcohol. To recognise this we're giving you an all expenses paid trip to Ireland where you're ."

Why the player hating? Do you mean some or all?

All expenses paid trip? How do you know this or does it just suit your argument?

'encouraged to get shitfaced and be penises'. So they all were then? Isn't it just the one who has been disciplined or again does it just suit your assertion that they are all a set of tossers?
Why the player hating? Do you mean some or all?

All expenses paid trip? How do you know this or does it just suit your argument?

'encouraged to get shitfaced and be penises'. So they all were then? Isn't it just the one who has been disciplined or again does it just suit your assertion that they are all a set of tossers?

1. fair play, *most of our footballers are idiots or many footballers are idiots

2. No, the club decided the team was going to Ireland and then made players pay their flight, accommodation and food/drink. What an idiotic thing to say. Of course the club paid for it.

3. Yes, because no other Sheffield United footballer has done anything stupid, or put themselves in a stupid position, whilst drunk, in the last 5 years. None have raped someone. None have punched a woman in the face. None have worn a jumper over their shoulder. None have turned up for training pissed. None have taken drugs.
1. fair play, *most of our footballers are idiots or many footballers are idiots

2. No, the club decided the team was going to Ireland and then made players pay their flight, accommodation and food/drink. What an idiotic thing to say. Of course the club paid for it.

3. Yes, because no other Sheffield United footballer has done anything stupid, or put themselves in a stupid position, whilst drunk, in the last 5 years. None have raped someone. None have punched a woman in the face. None have worn a jumper over their shoulder. None have turned up for training pissed. None have taken drugs.

Yeh, you're probably right Robbie..... :)
3. Yes, because no other Sheffield United footballer has done anything stupid, or put themselves in a stupid position, whilst drunk, in the last 5 years. None have raped someone. None have punched a woman in the face. None have worn a jumper over their shoulder. None have turned up for training pissed. None have taken drugs.
I didn't know the Blades had changed their name to Harchester United :)

Self-serving club-hating nonsense.

Plenty of the players have shown desire and commitment. At times they've shown more desire and commitment than some of the fans.

It's most obvious in

Freeman - who runs himself to a standstill occasionally

Not an exhaustive list, and others show it in other ways.


Shame the league table doesn't show it.
I think the lack of a statement by United or Adkins about what happened points to the fact that the police are involved and charges maybe brought.

Yes, i thought the same. Its either all done and dusted, internal matter and no action

Or they're not saying anything because its a legal/ criminal issue now...
I think the lack of a statement by United or Adkins about what happened points to the fact that the police are involved and charges maybe brought.
He should be safe though because no fucker knows who Accrington are apparently :)
None have worn a jumper over their shoulder.QUOTE]


I think the lack of a statement by United or Adkins about what happened points to the fact that the police are involved and charges maybe brought.
Still not heard from my friend regarding confirmation from her son about the incident. Accrington must have told the players not to comment

Self-serving club-hating nonsense.

Plenty of the players have shown desire and commitment. At times they've shown more desire and commitment than some of the fans.

It's most obvious in

Freeman - who runs himself to a standstill occasionally

Not an exhaustive list, and others show it in other ways.


Sorry mate, can't agree with you here ....

At least the fans have "turned up" for every game, which is more than can be said for the team at many games this season ..... not just Shrewsbury which was the "straw that broke the camels back" for many fans, even the ones who didn't boo the laggards off !!

Why the assumption running through this thread that a drink equates to everyone having 14 pints of Guinness and a bottle of whisky.

The players are professional athletes whose physical performances are analysed in minute detail.

If their behaviour was adversely affecting their strength, speed, or stamina it would be immediately evident.

For those of us enduring watching the team this season, its been glaringly obvious that "something" is affecting everything about their game because they haven't really put in one single totally convincing performance or dominated one single game in the third tier of English football ........ that says a lot about the quality of our squad ......

The video is of Brayford, WTF are they doing in Dublin middle of the season pissed as farts?
Because we are no longer a professional football club. A reward for ongoing ineptitude is,a piss up in Dublin, where Baxter fucks it up yet again? A new depth has been plumbed here.
A mid table League 1 club on the pitch yet those in the board room and on the pitch act like we are a PL club with stuff like this.

Fucking ridiculous if it's true they've been on a Christmas jolly to Ireland. I'm not one who thinks the players shouldn't enjoy themselves off the pitch, but for the whole squad to go away for a weekend away on the piss whilst we are playing as badly this just laughs in the face of fans IMO.
Utter fucking disgrace. Shame on the board and Adkins for letting this happen.
It appears regardless of what he may have done off the field it is just being excused as him having a bit of drive and passion?

Where was his drive and passion for the club last season when he was suspended for a positive drug test at a time we needed him?

Also reading between the lines there is a lot more to this than just a bit of laddish exuberance. I wonder how far Blades fans patience will stretch?

He's an excellent player if he would fully apply himself to being a professional footballer ( a professional athlete! ).

I am sure NA will be fuming, he needs to stamp his authority and sort it out for the good of the club regardless of short term on field consequences.

I fear there is more to come on this one, at a time when its the last thing the club needed.
I have to agree. I've heard trusted stories from a trusted source (there was a familial connection to one of the involved players at the time) that similar sorts of thing were happening (I wouldn't go so far as to say started) during the Robson Era. Stories of all the players going round to one of the other players houses and getting trollied with a load of other people. Horrific and bizarre "cocktails" being invented and handed out freely. Christ only knows what else.

My gut feeling is that was the beginning of the end for the club culture. As I've posted before, I can't see Warnock allowing that kind of thing. He might have allowed the players a single small beer every couple of days or something like that - treated them like adults and professionals - but you know if any of them had have turned up at training even vaguely hungover that Warnock would have totally hairdryered them, made them run around the Lake District in the cold and rain while the rest of the squad chucked things at them, and then sold them for buttons. The squad would have been in no doubt as to what did and did not constitute acceptable professional behaviour - the kind of behaviour the vast majority of people both here on the site and elsewhere out in the world have to comply with to be able to keep their jobs.

We all know the stories about Robson. I have no evidence to back it up, but i'd be amazed if he didn't take a much more lenient view of such things than perhaps other football managers might. Having the likes of Lee Hendrie in the squad at the time probably didn't help either.
Warnock in his,autobiography said it was brilliant when Devlin headbutted Bent in the dressing room.
Not sure I would be an advocate of,Colin's ethos for player conduct. That said he fucked Suffo and Santos off after the shame brought on the club.
For those of us enduring watching the team this season, its been glaringly obvious that "something" is affecting everything about their game because they haven't really put in one single totally convincing performance or dominated one single game in the third tier of English football ........ that says a lot about the quality of our squad ......

Ten mins in v Worcester my brother who was also there texted me saying " they're better than us"..@nd in terms of being able to pass a ball and retain it, it was true.
So if you're not 100% on your game at work does your boss tell you that you can't take any weekend break with your family/ friends?

If they have days off, then they should be free to do what they want.

Its a football club, yes everyone is allowed holidays but these are footballers getting paid a lot of money, i can not imagine many other clubs allowing this when the players get paid what they do.
Its a football club, yes everyone is allowed holidays but these are footballers getting paid a lot of money, i can not imagine many other clubs allowing this when the players get paid what they do.
Not read about Chelsea's Christmas do on Wednesday night then?
Its a football club, yes everyone is allowed holidays but these are footballers getting paid a lot of money, i can not imagine many other clubs allowing this when the players get paid what they do.

I'd reckon that the majority of football league clubs will host or allow their players some sort of piss up for Christmas, when fixtures allow.

They're football clubs, they're not under shariah law... ;)
Its a football club, yes everyone is allowed holidays but these are footballers getting paid a lot of money, i can not imagine many other clubs allowing this when the players get paid what they do.

What amount of money do they have to be on before the club bans the Christmas do? Players up to £500 a week 'Christmas do allowed'. Players £500 and over 'Christmas do banned'?

Oh and although you can't imagine any other club doing it, the 'incident' allegedly involved an Accrington player who was on a team Christmas do in the same pub, what are the chances of that? I bet you couldn't shift in Dublin for teams on their Christmas do!

I think you are a little naive if you think pro teams don't go on Christmas do's. Obviously not to say I am in any way condoning what went off just pointing out that it's not just the Blades.
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