Video on sky sports football app - our owner talking about Wilder's departure

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He said we don’t get involved with Transfers.... then said he wanted players from Germany. It’s unbelievable
Is it completely unacceptable that a the club's management team at least look at and suggest alternatives? I'd say the fact they didn't recruit a player from Germany says that they didn't get involved.

He could be telling 100% the truth, but still my estimations of this bloke has plummeted. The professional thing to do is to pay tribute to the manager that brought millions upon millions into the football club through performance alone. There is absolutely no reason to come out and throw allegations when it’s abundantly clear Wilder can’t respond at risk of breaching any agreement. It’s the slimy thing to do. Couldn’t care less whether it’s true or not, both parties have left us in the mud. I have absolutely zero confidence we’ll be pushing for promotion next season.
It's understandable that it could be interpreted as a one way cheap shot but I think this might be done for reasons more than what's happened with Wilder etc, hence going to a big media stage rather than Biggs' little red settee.

The Prince probably thinks he's building a global brand with United World or whatever it's called and he'll need partners and potential investors to see him as an open, trustworthy, straight talking bloke. They might look at this and think, yeah, good man. Alternatively they might see him as a reptile for doing it. Dunno.
No didn't say he should be given everything he wanted. You're entitled to your opinion. Dont really care, most responding now are actually just trolls. Just obvious to me we're gonna be wank for ages now and there was a good chance we wouldn't be if wilder stayed. Gutted he's gone and pissed off at some of the awful comments about him. That's about it

You did say he should be given everything he wanted.
Agree about the trolling, but not everyone who isn't seeing this from your somewhat biased view point falls into that camp.
I just hope next season if we are struggling (and I personally don't think we will be), you won't be on here doing exactly what you're taking exception to, and celebrating that you were right while the club flounders.
Cant see why the prince would lie myself, would leave himself open to litigation lying on national tv wouldn’t he ?
If wilder was the bloke I THOUGHT he was a few months ago and the prince was lying I would expect him to forgo the NDA cash and tell his side , I would think that some of the things the prince said may make other club owners think twice about employing wilder and if not true you would think wilder would want the record put straight !
I'm not impressed with either the interview or the way it's been done. If the Prince/board wanted to set a few things straight they could have released well worded statements through their own outlet. This seems to be a reply to social media, it could be a rant from Facebook Karen.

I don't know whether there is just enough truth in it to be believable, or a lot of truth in it just from a certain perspective, but it will obviously be lapped up by those who already support the Prince in this.
A lot of it simply doesn't ring true though. First of all, let's be clear, this is a seasoned and wealthy businessman who's been in the game a long time - and successful with it. There's nothing naive coming from him and I'd be cautious about believing he's being honest and open. I always keep in mind the ownership wrangle and the court case. He was devious and manipulative and was judged to have been wrong in the trial - where a lot of dodgy carry on was exposed. He was fortunate in that McCabe was more stupid than he was devious and that won him the club, but let's not imagine he's some straight-talking up front guy.

The £4 has been eagerly jumped on. Firstly, it appears it was Wilder's agent who started that one rolling and was probably only an opening position. I didn't know he had one and detest their presence in the game, but at the end of the day it's their job to try for these things. Then the Prince says he wasn't going to pay him it if he resigns, yet we are all still of the opinion that he's been paid off - and with a NDA. So if he did pay him off, how does that sit with the Prince saying you don't get a pay off if you resign? Did he not resign - well then how does that sit with the Prince saying he did?

He is contradictory about the board's involvolvement in recruitment. There is no DoF, no plans for a DoF, but the board are doing essentially what a DoF are doing, except Wilder wouldn't agree to take the players. They were all great players with reasonable costs who are now doing well, but Wilder wasn't interested. Yeah, that plays into certain accusations on social media but doesn't sound right to me. Wilder was in sole charge, yet Wilder himself says Brewster was agreed by everyone and the Prince thinks he's a foundation player for the future. So just all the others then, Brewster's signing followed a different pattern?

Now it appears there is no wage structure, never was. Wages isn't a problem and we pay high wages. And Wilder had a huge amount of money available to him and was in sole charge of who he brought in. So in fact there is practically no reason we couldn't get whoever Wilder wanted to get. (Unless it was in January, of course). Again, this doesn't ring true. All the players we missed out on were because of completely different reasons? Which we didn't hear about and somehow kept hearing that it was financial? Does anyone really believe that?

And as a general, overall picture, Wilder wasn't leaving because he was unhappy with anything apart from his own performances. Right, because that's the general noises Wilder has been making for the last few months. What do people have to say who've been accusing Wilder of never shouldering blame? If this is really true, I would have expected Wilder to have made completely different comments in the lead up to his departure, including a "I'd like to thank the board" moment. But no, nothing, even though he had everything his own way, money to spend aplenty and wasn't unhappy with any of the things currently going around social media.

In fact it was the board who were unhappy with him. They said so in the video conference that was supposed to keep him at the club, which "went well" and then they couldn't understand why Wilder didn't want another conference. Yeah, that all adds up.

That's all just my first impressions on a first listen off the top of my head. As I've said before, I don't think Wilder is completely blameless in his own departure and could have stayed if he'd really wanted to, but to take this video interview at face value and believe everything is itself naive. I don't necessarily think the Prince is deliberately lying, but at best it is a very one sided way of looking at things and at worst it's manipulative and full of half-truths.
I honestly don't think it's got anything in the interview that anyone would argue with tho.

Regarding payment whether it's from Wilders agent or from Wilder himself doesn't really matter. Agents are representative of the person.

Regarding Brewster being cornerstone for the future, yes but he also said was worried with Wilders targets as needed players for now rather than just the future.

They also go into talking about the possibility of loaning Brewster if Wilder hadn't hyped him up in the press before a deal was done (which we know obviously he did)

I'm just not inclined to disagree with much that PA said based on what we've been told in bits and pieces, unless you had an agenda against the Prince i don't think u would deny there's anything the prince said that he wouldn't be able to prove as accurate.
I believe everything the Prince has said here. Not once does he slag Wilder off. Barely discredits him at all. Just constructively points out that recruitment needed to be better. That’s called an appraisal by your gaffer. Even football managers have those and are answerable for their decisions.

Yes, Wilder will be entitled to his view at some point but I don’t see what there is to argue with. It seems pretty straight forward to me and based on what the Prince tells us.....

  • Wilder wanted to resign since December
  • He has held on hoping to negotiate the payoff he wants
  • The owner didn’t want him to resign or to sack him
  • He’s left and they came to a settlement
  • Prince still had faith in him but wanted to review recruitment with Chris and come to a better working arrangement as £120m hadn’t been spent well

In a nutshell I think the manager was given full control of the job and painted himself into a corner. Has resigned to preserve his reputation. It’s understandable, at the point we reached I don’t blame him but I’m happy that the Prince has come out and defended both himself and the reputation of club, which was frankly being tarnished for the sake of preserving the reputation of one man.
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You did say he should be given everything he wanted.
Agree about the trolling, but not everyone who isn't seeing this from your somewhat biased view point falls into that camp.
I just hope next season if we are struggling (and I personally don't think we will be), you won't be on here doing exactly what you're taking exception to, and celebrating that you were right while the club flounders.
Ah thought you meant in this thread. Obviously technically shouldn't give him everything he wants but I cant imagine anything he wants not being in the best interests of the club so that's why I said it.

Not really sure what you mean by biased. I'm basing this on this being the manager who's given us the best season we'll ever see.

I won't be celebrating I'll be piseed off and be reminding everyone who's mocked and slated wilder about how much shitter we are without him.
hes taken untold abuse for the last week or so. He had to at least give his side of the story

I’m sure the truth is somewhere in the middle but how you can expect him not to give any sort of statement is beyond me. Fans are/were furious with him and needed to understand some of the background.

And to be honest the difference between sacking and wilder resigning is huge in terms of how this is viewed.

My view is the crap results just got too much to take for Wilder - he looked unwell and thin in the last few weeks. That combined with the friction and some potential broken promises on recruitment meant he wanted out. You could understand when we can’t score and are going to lose 30 or so games in a 38 game season
It really hasn’t been as one sided as you make out. So many ‘fans’ on here have been quick to jump at Wilder’s throat as soon as results take a turn, and the ridicule he’s had on here the last couple of weeks is embarrassing. The actual statement released from the club tells you all you need to know about the stance PA was taking, some just crave the drama I guess.
And after having to defend Chris Wilder from all manner of mouth-breathing fucktards this week, I'm now going to extend the same courtesy to Prince Abdullah.

Had Abdullah not said a word about the situation, he'd be getting pelters for not communicating with the fans and getting accusations that he doesn't give a fuck and he's a bent bastard. Rumours would be flying about his motives and intentions and people would be saying his silence speaks volumes.

I suspect that many of those same people are now slagging him off for providing his argument and attempting to clarify the situation as he sees it.

Whether Abdullah speaks or doesn't, he's damned, because, as I've slightly hinted in previous posts, he's dealing with a lot of fucking numpties who both demand answers and yet don't want to hear them.

Schrodingers Twats so to speak.
You're the only one embarrassing yourself soft lad.

Mr 'New Member - Joined March 13th 2021'.

What a coincidence eh? Fucking Grunter 🐷 what what we go now to be called TRUE BLADE? Be members of a forum to certify your true worth?
You're pathetic and clearly have an unhealthy obsession with Wilder.
Grow up haha. You've just said Chris wilder deserves to be forgotten
Of course he does, as he's the past.
You keep getting aroused at the sight of the promotion party pictures if you want, but the rest of us realise it's doing us no good and need to plan for the future - Without Saint Chris.
Complete bollocks.

When I left my job with a bank having put them in a prominent place in my local market place and having made them a lot of money in the process not only did I not ask for a payoff but I had to sell up and down size my property to fund living expenses for myself and my family.

I'm not complaining about any of the above, they were all part of the choice that I made having fallen out of love with the business and having some real issues with my senior line management.

I can just picture the look on my manager's face if I'd asked for a good pay off to fund my decision.

If you decide to walk then you have to be willing to pay the price. Why on earth should anyone else subsidise you, least of all the employer you are walking away from?

It was complete sarcasm, everyone is so tilted on this site at the moment.
Ah thought you meant in this thread. Obviously technically shouldn't give him everything he wants but I cant imagine anything he wants not being in the best interests of the club so that's why I said it.

Not really sure what you mean by biased. I'm basing this on this being the manager who's given us the best season we'll ever see.

I won't be celebrating I'll be piseed off and be reminding everyone who's mocked and slated wilder about how much shitter we are without him.
By biased, I think at this moment in time you are unable to see things from the opposite point of view and you probably need to step back from the raw edge.
The Wilder years were amazing, and I believe he would have given us the best chance of an immediate return due to the foundations we had in place.
Now he's gone I don't think everything have been destroyed, but they need to get the appointment and the summer transfer business right.

If only we’d signed some of these eh. We wouldn’t be in this position


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Chris was given free reign over signings. Please ignore the fans forum when the transfer structure was revealed and we know he had to get committee members to change their votes and allow CW to sign Bogle. By the way, we recommended him lots of players that he refused to buy, but he had free reign, honestly. The age profile has nothing to do with the board and committee, honest guv. We wanted players for this season; If he wanted 20 million for a thirty year old striker he was free to do so ( does anybody believe that?).
The wage bill is an easy one to settle, but he refused to do so: what is the wage bill of the SUFC squad (not individuals)? Where do we stand in relation to the other 19 clubs?
Next manager has a different transfer structure, but we don't know what it is. It seems to be a DOF system with no DOF.

On training ground and infrastructure: please ignore CW's many interviews on this subject; it was never an issue. Yet no spades in the ground on any infrastructure projects. He should've been pushed more on this, and completion dates for already announced projects. asked for. Some explanation re icing training ground building ( expected to be lifted in this Jan) would've been nice. Also update re kop lands still owned by McCabe, that are key to the club's development.

It'll be interesting to see if the NDA is removed so CW can have his say...
So he should allow the club to be attacked from all sides and not set the record straight?
Absolute nonsense. The leaking of rumours to the press before, during and after this mess has to be address to stem the damage it's doing to the club.

All in all the interview is very fair and balanced from the Boards view of the world, which is totally different approach from what some of the press have been writing.
This epitomises the total naivety (or complete bias towards the owner) of so many fans.

How do you know this is “setting the record straight”, or that it’s a “very fair and balanced” view on the matter.

My point is that Wilder will obviously be unable to respond to these quite personal accusations. I’m not condoning those crying on Twitter making ‘Blades against PA’ accounts, or any genuine abuse chucked in his direction. You have to be seriously biased against Wilder or naive to take PA’s words as gospel.
Of course he does, as he's the past.
You keep getting aroused at the sight of the promotion party pictures if you want, but the rest of us realise it's doing us no good and need to plan for the future - Without Saint Chris.
You've only ever posted about Chris wilder leaving ever on this forum. If anyone has a weird, possibly sexual thing going on over wilder it's you. Full on troll which as I said is pathetic.
This epitomises the total naivety (or complete bias towards the owner) of so many fans.

How do you know this is “setting the record straight”, or that it’s a “very fair and balanced” view on the matter.

My point is that Wilder will obviously be unable to respond to these quite personal accusations. I’m not condoning those crying on Twitter making ‘Blades against PA’ accounts, or any genuine abuse chucked in his direction. You have to be seriously biased against Wilder or naive to take PA’s words as gospel.
If it’s not true surely someone as well off as wilder would forgo the nda money to put the record straight... wouldn’t they ?
There’s also some interesting little tit bits about the approach going forward in the rammers and Brewster are viewed as cornerstones of the side over the coming years and we’ll probably be more continental in our recruitment approach going forward. Personally I think this is encouraging and again speaks to actually having a plan which is good to see. If the board go out and appoint a progressive forward thinking manager now I’ll be quietly confident about things going forward.
no wonder we are bottom we had a manager that was not committed to the cause but being payed shit loads to blame anyone he could

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