National anthem?

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My example shows it doesn't work though. Your answer is, good I didn't want it to work in that situation.

Think this has run its course. All the best for the future
You and the 29% think it has run it’s course!

I've clearly explained why. It's privilege through birth that we have to pay for without any say. I may or may not like my bosses at work but I can at least respect they've been through a process to get to that position. The chief executive of the company I work for should have been sacked for partying at downing street through lockdown. A period where your beloved queen had to mourn alone the death of her husband. Surely you remember that?

How much have you personally paid for with regard The Royal Family? Exact figure.

Second question - any alternative you have up your sleeve regarding constitutional heads of state ... do you have any figures as to what real-terms benefits that would bring to the UK in the way of national kudos or international identity? I mean, proper benefits, not scratching the itch that says, 'I don't like rich people'

How much have you personally paid for with regard The Royal Family? Exact figure.

Second question - any alternative you have up your sleeve regarding constitutional heads of state ... do you have any figures as to what real-terms benefits that would bring to the UK in the way of national kudos or international identity? I mean, proper benefits, not scratching the itch that says, 'I don't like rich people'

In all honesty I've no idea how much I've paid over the years but whatever amount it is its too much. Which bit of me paying any amount to any family, through birth right, without any say, I find objectionable do you find hard to grasp? I'm not asking you to agree with me it's my opinion in the same way yours is yours. As has been clearly explained by other posters there's not actually any need for a head of state or straight replacement for the monarchy. On a final note why do you think I hate rich people? How do you know I'm not one? Bit judgemental, no? FWIW I have the utmost respect for anyone that through hard work has earned a decent crust for themselves and their family and not just someone who's had it handed to them on a plate. Something surely we should all aspire to.
Do you think most rich people actually pay inheritance tax?

It's what accountants and tax advisors are for, my boy!

They need to be covered by the thing called Law that all the other commoners live by.
Again, not rocket science or revolutionary.
In all honesty I've no idea how much I've paid over the years but whatever amount it is its too much. Which bit of me paying any amount to any family, through birth right, without any say, I find objectionable do you find hard to grasp? I'm not asking you to agree with me it's my opinion in the same way yours is yours. As has been clearly explained by other posters there's not actually any need for a head of state or straight replacement for the monarchy. On a final note why do you think I hate rich people? How do you know I'm not one? Bit judgemental, no? FWIW I have the utmost respect for anyone that through hard work has earned a decent crust for themselves and their family and not just someone who's had it handed to them on a plate. Something surely we should all aspire to.
Most long standing companies in the land have at sometime been passed down from parents to siblings!
Do you think most rich people actually pay inheritance tax?

It's what accountants and tax advisors are for, my boy!

Yeah but they don't hinge their whole existence on "serving" the country like this select bunch of chancers

In all honesty I've no idea how much I've paid over the years but whatever amount it is its too much. Which bit of me paying any amount to any family, through birth right, without any say, I find objectionable do you find hard to grasp? I'm not asking you to agree with me it's my opinion in the same way yours is yours. As has been clearly explained by other posters there's not actually any need for a head of state or straight replacement for the monarchy. On a final note why do you think I hate rich people? How do you know I'm not one? Bit judgemental, no? FWIW I have the utmost respect for anyone that through hard work has earned a decent crust for themselves and their family and not just someone who's had it handed to them on a plate. Something surely we should all aspire to.

Do you think the Royal Family's work is sitting about eating swans?

All of the senior Royals are patrons of institutions and charities and their letters to businesses and investors releases millions of pounds of funding. I doubt a begging letter from say, Liz Truss (as nominal HoS/President/PM) would garner such input. They also visit countless events - many not of their own pleasure and several per day - to bolster public awareness and recognition of organisations who otherwise would go unspoken, yet are on the evening news all of a sudden. They also, and in particular the monarch, provide a totemic beacon in times of crisis. My father's generation were for example, very welcoming of the king and queen visiting wrecked cities during WWII, in the same vein HMQs addressing of the nation was particularly well received in the teeth of the pandemic. Who would do that in her place? Who has that gravitas? Who has a face and a voice so recognisable to centre a pissed off population, pissed off with being locked up, jabbed, lied to and denied basic contact with loved ones?

That crown is fucking heavy, you need to acknowledge that.

Do you think the Royal Family's work is sitting about eating swans?

All of the senior Royals are patrons of institutions and charities and their letters to businesses and investors releases millions of pounds of funding. I doubt a begging letter from say, Liz Truss (as nominal HoS/President/PM) would garner such input. They also visit countless events - many not of their own pleasure and several per day - to bolster public awareness and recognition of organisations who otherwise would go unspoken, yet are on the evening news all of a sudden. They also, and in particular the monarch, provide a totemic beacon in times of crisis. My father's generation were for example, very welcoming of the king and queen visiting wrecked cities during WWII, in the same vein HMQs addressing of the nation was particularly well received in the teeth of the pandemic. Who would do that in her place? Who has that gravitas? Who has a face and a voice so recognisable to centre a pissed off population, pissed off with being locked up, jabbed, lied to and denied basic contact with loved ones?

That crown is fucking heavy, you need to acknowledge that.

Tried telling them that on another thread pomp’s but they are either to daft to see what they do … or don’t want to see what they do
What, exactly, would make you feel better? Would it functionally improve your life? If so, then how?

Or is it just a gut feeling 'Errrugh, I don't like rich, privileged people like them living the life they do' then say so.

How do you feel about your boss? Or the Chief Executive of the company you work for?

Injustice is more difficult to accept for some people. Monarchy and democracy as ideals are mutually exclusive.
Tried telling them that on another thread pomp’s but they are either to daft to see what they do … or don’t want to see what they do
No we see what they do. Have a life of unimaginable privilege they have done absolutely nothing to earn. They know their children and grandchildren and beyond are secure for life. How many others have that peace of mind? No possible danger of any financial difficulties ever. They get millions a year from tax payers. Live in palaces and castles. Make rules so they avoid paying taxes that we pay. And in exchange for that they endorse some charities and show their face at some events....some of which they dont really want to be at.

Wow what fucking heroes they are. I can't imagine that virtually every single person in the country would also make that sacrifice in exchange for untold riches for them and their family.

Oh and if you end up in a sticky situation like accidentally having sex with a minor who was trafficked, someone will just pay millions to make them to go away

Tbf you're winning me over. They truly are humble servants of the realm.
While I object to the idea of monarchy in principle, having a purely symbolic head of state (whether that's a president, monarch or emperor) is clearly the best form of government that currently exists. In the top 10 most democratic countries in the world, 50% are constitutional monarchies (Norway, New Zealand, Sweden, Denmark, and Australia) and the majority of the others have an effective ceremonial/symbolic head of state with no powers (Finland, Iceland, and Ireland). Only Taiwan has a semi-presidential system (but the president cannot veto laws) and Switzerland has whatever the fuck they have (a seven-member head of state). In the top 20, another five are constitutional monarchies (Netherlands, Canada, Luxembourg, Japan and UK), Mauritius has a ceremonial president, Germany and South Korea have a semi-presidential system (where the presidents powers are limited) and only two (Uruguay and Costa Rica) have a fully presidential system (like in the US).

As long as the alternative is a symbolic head of state with no powers over laws, then I don't care if the monarchy is replaced. But if the Royal Family brings in more money than a ceremonial president (who would be a net drain), then I'm not sure what the point is if it's going to upset a lot of people. And who knows, Charles III might even solve climate change!

What does need to change is the House of Lords, because they do have actual power and are not elected. I'd keep the Royal Family if as a compromise we got rid of the Lords and replaced it with a proportional system to balance out the first past the post system in the Commons.

Also, I'd give Khadra a start against Preston and give Ndiaye a rest.
The trouble with the Scotch and Welsh is they only want to be part of the UK when it suits them. I'd be happy enough if they both fucked off then England wouldn't have to subsidise the twats. A bit of independence would do them good they'd soon come running back for their free prescriptions and other benefits. There is a reason there are less people living in Scotland or Wales than Yorkshire any of them that want to make owt of their sad lives move to England.
Nicola Surgeon wants 30bn if Scotland get thier independence...

To ease them into going it alone..

Isn't she a magnificent independant trailblazer!
I don't mind admitting, I'm enjoying this thread. Lose the insults and it'd be perfect. Listening to others has changed my opinion a bit. I'd be broadly happy with a Constitutional Monarchy if it was all less absurd. They've all got mad titles & dozens of them. They all wear military uniforms with ludicrous hats and two rows of medals. There's a frightening number of horses involved at every stage. If you die, you get carted around the country for people to wave at your coffin. You have to sign thousands of bits of paper, with no idea what they're about. You own every swan - fucking classic that one. You can have a barbecue, but only if no one else is watching. You get your P45 if you marry an American. Totally absurd.

If we lost all the surrounding shit & just had a King and a Queen. Call all the others Mr & Mrs and let them continue to open Leisure Centres. And FOR FUCK SAKE just have one normal hat. I could broadly go for that.
I don't even own a single hat. I've no fuckin chance of getting in there have I? But my Mum used to have a swan. Although it was ceramic. Still probably contravened some law or other though.
It's the hats that get to me. Big fucking metal ones with jewels stolen off Indians. Pirate ones with big fuck off feather displays. Ones that need three bears to be killed to get one hat. Brims, peaks, pointy bits. Jaunty angles. Ones that mean you can't basically see. Ermine (no, me either). They've just gone fucking mad with hats. Does even the most bowy Royalist really feel we need so many ludicrous hats. What do the hats add?

Seriously, fewer hats and that made up 71% stat could easily rise to 74%.

They've even got one of her hats on the coffin. In which world does a coffin need a hat?

Not all true, it wasn't done to insult the Welsh it was done because his son was born in Wales and the Prince usually resided in Wales until they became king.
But like when my dad made me sleep in the conservatory from the age of 16 until I lost my Virginity which wasn’t 29

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