National anthem?

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The head of the elected government is the head of state in many countries (France USA, Germany etc.) The may be called President, PM, Chancellor, Fuckface or 'owt they like, but they represent the country. Why the fuck do we need someone different to arse about in a load of daft ceremonial tosh?
Exactly this. The main argument for keeping this grotesque family seems to be, well what do you replace them with?

Nothing. We have everything set up now to restrain power in theory. There is no need for them at all other than to flag waving idiots.
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Exactly this. The main argument for keeping this grotesque family seems to be, well what do you replace them with?

Nothing. We have everything set up now to restrain power in theory. There is no need for them at all other than to flag waving idiots.
Thats a few million people then.???
Thats a few million people then.???
Maybe. And not a reasonable argument between them imo. Just weird automatic deference.

But I don't think everyone turning out mourning the queen passionately supports the Monarchy. They just liked the Queen and are sad she's died.
Then presumably the revenue generated by this estate should suffice when it comes to bankrolling the royals? No need to dip into already stretched public funds, uh?
Not only does it suffice but the treasury gets three times as much as the Royal Family.

Maybe the question should be why does the Government waste so much of the Roayal Families money?
They pay £300m in and get £100m back out. So the public funds are +200m
To get £100m back they have to pay in £400m.

They're on a 25% cut.

If you take the view that it should be all public money then the equivalent cost to each taxpayer is £1.29 p.a.

I doubt that there are many tax payers who's lives would change if they got that saving passed back.
Absolutely agree. The head of the elected government is the head of state in many countries (France USA, Germany etc.) The may be called President, PM, Chancellor, Fuckface or 'owt they like, but they represent the country. Why the fuck do we need someone different to arse about in a load of daft ceremonial tosh? Waving at people from a posh car or watching some local tribesmen dance about with a couple of leaves hiding their cock may be fodder for Hello magazine, but I don't know how anyone can say it's important.
To be fair, the Queen is one of the more benign Royals, but there is (and has been for many years) a whole raft of underlings below her who lots of people seem to be in awe of.
I think dysfunctional would ideally describe the whole family. Now, there are many dysfunctional families in Britain, but not a lot of them have 4+ palaces/castles and a Government stipend to fall back on.......
Some countries have both - France, for example, have a President and a Prime Minister
Some countries have both - France, for example, have a President and a Prime Minister
Sure, but the French President is elected to govern, then appoints the PM to perform certain day to day governmental tasks. In effect, a level of government. Most people couldn't name the French PM (I've just had to look it up), but will know that Macron is the effective French leader.
Imagine if King Charles had said - I am grieving for my Mum, and I know many, many people in the country are as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. However, The Royal Family do not want the Queen's passing to interfere & disrupt your lives & enjoyment. This will be a joyous time, a time to celebrate life. Don't wear black. Wear your best blue hat and go to the races, that's what my Mum would want. Sure, on the actual day of the funeral, things will be different. A time for thanks & reflection. But, until then, please don't cancel events, keep the theatres open, keep the football grounds open, keep everything going. The Royal Family are here to make things happen, not to stop them.

My King that...
That would require someone with some awareness of the public mood/opinion. Any kind of monarch will unfortunately never have this.

I'm neither for or against them, they don't really impact me and I don't impact them. I'd have liked to have gone to watch us play Rotherham in a full stadium last weekend but it didn't happen and I'm still alive.

Overall my view is very 'Meh'.
I see what you mean but Welsh people take it as offensive even if it wasnt intended, and despite being born in Wales they were very much still an English monarchy, and I highly doubt they could speak the language and were a part of the culture and community.

Only about 30 per cent of Welsh people speak Welsh so it seems a bit of a silly stick to beat them with.

As fir Prince William becoming Prince of Wales - not sure it really matters does it?

GLTTL I say. Or 'pob lwc i'r hogyn'
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Exactly this. The main argument for keeping this grotesque family seems to be, well what do you replace them with?

Nothing. We have everything set up now to restrain power in theory. There is no need for them at all other than to flag waving idiots.
71% of the uk population that are in favour of having a monarchy!

As always the disgruntled non flag waving idiots in the minority are the loudest!
Exactly this. The main argument for keeping this grotesque family seems to be, well what do you replace them with?

Nothing. We have everything set up now to restrain power in theory. There is no need for them at all other than to flag waving idiots.

That's not how "nothing" works dear. I've already educated you on this point 👍🏼
Very true.

Republicans also can't seem to grasp that the importance of Monarchy lies not in the exercise of power, but in the limitation it places on absolute power from any partisan faction.

Just as the American system of checks and balances divides powers between the House, Senate, Executive and Judiciary, Constitutional Monarchy safeguards against totalitarian twattishness.
So are you saying that the the Americans who got rid of the monarchy have worked out a system that works like many other republics have?
My view of the Welsh is that they don’t like anyone!
Once stayed in a b&b above a pub in Blackwood near Cardiff and I was first down after a change and shower into the bar and everyone was talking in English, the rest of our party came down and when it became obvious we wasn’t local like flicking a switch they started talking in Welsh and the atmosphere wasn’t great at all.

It’s them that’s the problem , they don’t want to mix or know anyone else!
Yeah it still happens I've found North Wales worse for this
So are you saying that the the Americans who got rid of the monarchy have worked out a system that works like many other republics have?

Yep, they built it from the ground up. Much easier than retro-fitting it to replace an existing constitution at great effort and expense when a clear majority of people don't want it changed in the first place.

That's not how "nothing" works dear. I've already educated you on this point 👍🏼
OK what do you think would happen if we had parliament with no monarchy? All you've "explained" is that at the moment we have both. And act as though that means it can never ever change....because....that's what we have now.
71% of the uk population that are in favour of having a monarchy!

As always the disgruntled non flag waving idiots in the minority are the loudest!
The loudest? Have you seen the news lately? People are getting arrested for writing not my king on pieces of paper. Its mandatory to fawn over them or your're basically a traitor. But ye it's the people who find this nonsense ridiculous who are the loudest right now for sure 🙄
The loudest? Have you seen the news lately? People are getting arrested for writing not my king on pieces of paper. Its mandatory to fawn over them or your're basically a traitor. But ye it's the people who find this nonsense ridiculous who are the loudest right now for sure 🙄
On platforms like this and divvy Twitter I mean.
OK what do you think would happen if we had parliament with no monarchy? All you've "explained" is that at the moment we have both. And act as though that means it can never ever change....because....that's what we have now.

What would happen? No limiting principle on power.

Not without restructuring the entire political system. Which seems like a bit of a long way to go just to please a small minority of activists and malcontents.
What difference would it make to your everyday life if there was no monarchy?

What difference does it make to everyday life having a monarchy? Apart from this current period, I can't say I'm overly effected by them in any particular way.
What would happen? No limiting principle on power.

Not without restructuring the entire political system. Which seems like a bit of a long way to go just to please a small minority of activists and malcontents.
There's no limit now. The monarch doesn't act with the authority of an elected president.
If some Hitler figure became PM the monarch wouldn't be a limiting factor on them.
What difference would it make to your everyday life if there was no monarchy?
I like the monarchy , I am very interested in the lives and history of the royal family and I like all the pomp and ceremony that comes with it , now can you answer my question?
What difference does it make to everyday life having a monarchy? Apart from this current period, I can't say I'm overly effected by them in any particular way.
Agreed. So what is the point in having them? Because we've always had them?
I like the monarchy , I am very interested in the lives and history of the royal family and I like all the pomp and ceremony that comes with it , now can you answer my question?
Certainly. It would make me happy. You can have the history, castles, palaces, etc without the monarchy, ya know, a bit like France, then your tourist argument is spent.
Certainly. It would make me happy. You can have the history, castles, palaces, etc without the monarchy, ya know, a bit like France, then your tourist argument is spent.
It would make you happy?
So are you an unhappy person because we have a royal family?
Come on mate they have no impact on your life whatsoever so how can them being there or not have any effect on your mood?
I like the monarchy , I am very interested in the lives and history of the royal family and I like all the pomp and ceremony that comes with it , now can you answer my question?
I like football and all the excitement around it. It doesn't mean some footballer should be head of state.

There's no limit now. The monarch doesn't act with the authority of an elected president.
If some Hitler figure became PM the monarch wouldn't be a limiting factor on them.

There was no Kaiser when the actual Hitler came to power. He was able to seize the reins after the piss poor leadership of Germany which resulted from this vacuum.

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