CONFIRMED Iliman Ndiaye to Marseille

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Hopefully Iliman returns to play for us in ten years, or something. Unlikely, but I'll always love him... Unless he starts slagging us off now (unlikely)!

Gutted he's gone, incredible player.

I ordered an Ndiaye 13 Senegal world cup shirt a couple of weeks ago with the intention to wear it even if he's departed. I'll still wear it, as things stand.
Got to try and take the positives I suppose... We'll sign one or two extra bodies now. Hopefully some good players arrive.

Maybe can afford Doyle, for example (but maybe he won't be bothered if Ili has gone).
We all knew he wanted to go and play for OM, but it doesn't make this any easier.

What a player he was for us.
Bit of a side note but is it possible for this forum to stop constantly referencing Brewster’s injuries as the source of our problems, and a stick to beat him with.

He has no control over his injuries, and he’s not the only one who’s struggled because of them.

If we’re going down that road you could also blame JOC, but we don’t, because that would be stupid (as is blaming / singling out Brewster).
Just to add as well.

When Brewster got that injury, he was in the middle of a really good run of form - and he was looking very very good under PH.
This "we filmed a video" stuff just makes me more annoyed at the club. If he had verbally agreed to extend, then stick the paperwork in front of him as soon as possible. Making videos and briefing the media that he's signing a new contract, before you've got him to sign the thing, seems like amateur hour to me.
This "we filmed a video" stuff just makes me more annoyed at the club. If he had verbally agreed to extend, then stick the paperwork in front of him as soon as possible. Making videos and briefing the media that he's signing a new contract, before you've got him to sign the thing, seems like amateur hour to me.

100% this.

Sign the contract and then we’ll arrange the media and announcements.

All that’s been gained now is a significant amount of time wasted by employees of the club.

This "we filmed a video" stuff just makes me more annoyed at the club. If he had verbally agreed to extend, then stick the paperwork in front of him as soon as possible. Making videos and briefing the media that he's signing a new contract, before you've got him to sign the thing, seems like amateur hour to me.
They might have been trying to do exactly that for all we know. This does have more than a whiff of an agent interfering, coming up with bullshit excuses etc as to innocently delay any signing and then feverishly calling up Marseille at every given opportunity. Or maybe it was us getting the verbal agreement, thinking that was good enough and then continuing to play hardball over some trivial details just for the sake of saving a few quid. Who knows. At this point, there's so much smoke and mirrors and desperate face saving, I don't know what to believe. I'm still in that "everyone can just fuck off" stage.
maybe it was us getting the verbal agreement, thinking that was good enough and then continuing to play hardball over some trivial details just for the sake of saving a few quid

This certainly sounds like The Blades Way, unfortunately.
We need football people in at the top. That should be the priority. It’s all well and good taking a back seat, but at least have people who know the game running the club in the background.

I’m sick of this club, this sorry shitshow is the culmination of 3 years of stupidity. All of them, starting from Wilder pushing for Brewster and Berge to the sorry state we’re in now have to take some fucking responsibility.

Hecky is bulletproof in all of this, he hasn’t said or done anything wrong.
What video? Edit: Ah just seen. Absolutely fuck him. Spineless git, genuinely hope he breaks his legs.
Flip this around...

You grew up and lived in Sheffield. Big United fan. Could never get a break in pro-football, despite being VERY good at it.
Your family move to France and you end up playing semi-pro football with a team... eventually you're picked up by FC Metz in the top flight of France. You don't break into the team, but they get relegated into Ligue 2.
You then play fantastic and help them clinch promotion back to Ligue 1.


Sheffield United have pulled off a miracle and finished in the Champions League and are interested in signing you.
FC Metz want you for their return to the top flight and offer you a great contract. You owe them a lot because they gave you a pro-contract and developed you into the player you are today... but it's SHEFFIELD UNITED in the bloody CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!

Genuine question - do you stay at FC Metz?
Flip this around...

You grew up and lived in Sheffield. Big United fan. Could never get a break in pro-football, despite being VERY good at it.
Your family move to France and you end up playing semi-pro football with a team... eventually you're picked up by FC Metz in the top flight of France. You don't break into the team, but they get relegated into Ligue 2.
You then play fantastic and help them clinch promotion back to Ligue 1.


Sheffield United have pulled off a miracle and finished in the Champions League and are interested in signing you.
FC Metz want you for their return to the top flight and offer you a great contract. You owe them a lot because they gave you a pro-contract and developed you into the player you are today... but it's SHEFFIELD UNITED in the bloody CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!

Genuine question - do you stay at FC Metz?

Straight to Sheff United but that's the thing, I would have made that known clearly and immediately.

Certainly wouldn't have been starring in any FC Metz videos in the meantime.
Part of me thinks Illy always saw us as a stepping stone. Looking back, to when he first started appearing on the fringes, even then he was kinda making waves with his negotiations. Didn't he almost freeze himself out and there was a lengthy delay around the initial professional contract? To him, we were never his forever home. He just took the opportunities that came his way to climb the ladder towards his promised land.
Flip this around...

You grew up and lived in Sheffield. Big United fan. Could never get a break in pro-football, despite being VERY good at it.
Your family move to France and you end up playing semi-pro football with a team... eventually you're picked up by FC Metz in the top flight of France. You don't break into the team, but they get relegated into Ligue 2.
You then play fantastic and help them clinch promotion back to Ligue 1.


Sheffield United have pulled off a miracle and finished in the Champions League and are interested in signing you.
FC Metz want you for their return to the top flight and offer you a great contract. You owe them a lot because they gave you a pro-contract and developed you into the player you are today... but it's SHEFFIELD UNITED in the bloody CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!

Genuine question - do you stay at FC Metz?

All good points. I would argue that OM getting into the champions league is not quite as amazingly outlandish as us making it but I see your point and yes, I would say his decision is entirely understandable. I had been resigned to losing him partway through last season so it's probably the false hope from ITKs over the last few weeks that have made this feel so much crapper.

The nature of his departure is what's bothering me right now. If any of what has been released about negotiations (and its a big IF because we're clearly being subjected to damage control PR here) the dicking around and flip flopping has done us no favours. Letting things get this far and then changing his mind at the eleventh hour again is equally crappy and left us in the lurch when it could have been avoided quite easily. I suppose he will get around to doing the obligatory "so long and thanks for all the fish" statement once he's done his medical and actually signed but its absence right now doesn't help and the scenes last night equally unpalatable.

It's all understandable just very shit way to treat a fanbase and teammates.

Edit: adding extra bitterness because I'm not okay 🤣
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Genuine question though, how often do we see potential signings singing songs with their new fans waving scarves before any announcement while still getting paid by the old club? If he fails his medical this will be extremely awkward for everyone involved. Doesn't sit right and is pretty disrespectful. Any one of our other players who we are less fond of doing this and there would be uproar!
It's his club though tbf. If I were at Marseille and about to sign for the blades, in a pub in Sheffield, would I sing the GCB? Obviously.
Flip this around...

You grew up and lived in Sheffield. Big United fan. Could never get a break in pro-football, despite being VERY good at it.
Your family move to France and you end up playing semi-pro football with a team... eventually you're picked up by FC Metz in the top flight of France. You don't break into the team, but they get relegated into Ligue 2.
You then play fantastic and help them clinch promotion back to Ligue 1.


Sheffield United have pulled off a miracle and finished in the Champions League and are interested in signing you.
FC Metz want you for their return to the top flight and offer you a great contract. You owe them a lot because they gave you a pro-contract and developed you into the player you are today... but it's SHEFFIELD UNITED in the bloody CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!

Genuine question - do you stay at FC Metz?
I’d say I wanted to stay, tell my team mates I’m staying, shoot a promo video of me signing a new contract then stab everyone one in the back and carry a red flare through the arrivals lounge at East Midlands airport.
Flip this around...

You grew up and lived in Sheffield. Big United fan. Could never get a break in pro-football, despite being VERY good at it.
Your family move to France and you end up playing semi-pro football with a team... eventually you're picked up by FC Metz in the top flight of France. You don't break into the team, but they get relegated into Ligue 2.
You then play fantastic and help them clinch promotion back to Ligue 1.


Sheffield United have pulled off a miracle and finished in the Champions League and are interested in signing you.
FC Metz want you for their return to the top flight and offer you a great contract. You owe them a lot because they gave you a pro-contract and developed you into the player you are today... but it's SHEFFIELD UNITED in the bloody CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!

Genuine question - do you stay at FC Metz?
Great post. I was thinking about posting something similar late last night, I even googled who'd just been promoted to the French PL and was going to use Metz as the example.

Sadly I was too pissed to form a coherent post about it 😂
You guys do what you want but I'm not crying until it's official.
You're at the stage where you've found a wardrobe full of nothing but empty hangers and found a handwritten envelope on the side with your name on. But she may have just decided to take everything to the dry cleaners and maybe has just put a bit more effort into the shopping list.

Flip this around...

You grew up and lived in Sheffield. Big United fan. Could never get a break in pro-football, despite being VERY good at it.
Your family move to France and you end up playing semi-pro football with a team... eventually you're picked up by FC Metz in the top flight of France. You don't break into the team, but they get relegated into Ligue 2.
You then play fantastic and help them clinch promotion back to Ligue 1.


Sheffield United have pulled off a miracle and finished in the Champions League and are interested in signing you.
FC Metz want you for their return to the top flight and offer you a great contract. You owe them a lot because they gave you a pro-contract and developed you into the player you are today... but it's SHEFFIELD UNITED in the bloody CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!

Genuine question - do you stay at FC Metz?
I got asked this question by my son last night when we were crying into our hot chocolates.
We as fans are all stuck with Sheff U. But as a player I honestly feel that the dressing room and your status at the current club would be a bigger pull than the boyhood club. Those boys are like a family in our dressing room and Hecky is a great manager. I'm surprised he's turned his back on that and I'd like to think I wouldn't. Then there's the fact he's (was) absolutely loved by all here (imagine that feeling even if you're playing for Metz) And then to be awarded the #10 by a club legend in a passing of the guard new contract!! I'd sign the deal with Metz, how could you not?

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