Max Goddard

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Jun 13, 2013
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Right, let's get this straight involving all users of this forum. Before you ask, I am NOT here to slag this young kid off! I'm actually one of a few people that's actually going to stick up for him.

In all honesty, this guy is 15 years old and his ambition is to be a journalist. SO FECKING WHAT??? Whenever Max gets into a disagreement with any of the users, they use the 'aspiring journalist' against him! What has it got to do with you? Seriously!. Ask yourself, why on earth do I pick on a 15 year old kid (if this relates to you). I know he may pester a few fellas on twitter to get rumours off them (but isn't that what journo's do?). Yes of course they do. I bet Rob Staton or Paul Walker started somewhere once upon a time but I bet no1 picked on him 24/7.

Wherever Max gets his information from, he was right about David Edgar signing (funny that no1 harassed him after that tweet). Journolist's can tend to get things wrong but what's harassing and giving him comments such as 'your shit', 'your info is wrong' etc going to solve?? NOTHING!!

In conclusion, ive noticed that Max ignores stupid comments regarding his grammar etc, which is brilliant. As the old saying goes, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger", and Max, do not give up your inspirations just because there's a load of TWATS belittling you in any way, shape or form. As far as im concerned, you carry on Max, you only live once. You may want to improve on your grammar but apart from that you follow your ambition. I'm shocked that no1 else has started a thread like this to show a bit of support or incouragement towards Max rather than slagging him off about his 'aspiring to be a journalist ' bio on Twitter. Keep up your work Max, practice makes perfect and I wish you the very best of luck in the future mate! I really hope you do become a journalist to piss some of these users off on this forum.

And that's my last word. UTB!

Right, let's get this straight involving all users of this forum. Before you ask, I am NOT here to slag this young kid off! I'm actually one of a few people that's actually going to stick up for him.

In all honesty, this guy is 15 years old and his ambition is to be a journalist. SO FECKING WHAT??? Whenever Max gets into a disagreement with any of the users, they use the 'aspiring journalist' against him! What has it got to do with you? Seriously!. Ask yourself, why on earth do I pick on a 15 year old kid (if this relates to you). I know he may pester a few fellas on twitter to get rumours off them (but isn't that what journo's do?). Yes of course they do. I bet Rob Staton or Paul Walker started somewhere once upon a time but I bet no1 picked on him 24/7.

Wherever Max gets his information from, he was right about David Edgar signing (funny that no1 harassed him after that tweet). Journolist's can tend to get things wrong but what's harassing and giving him comments such as 'your shit', 'your info is wrong' etc going to solve?? NOTHING!!

In conclusion, ive noticed that Max ignores stupid comments regarding his grammar etc, which is brilliant. As the old saying goes, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger", and Max, do not give up your inspirations just because there's a load of TWATS belittling you in any way, shape or form. As far as im concerned, you carry on Max, you only live once. You may want to improve on your grammar but apart from that you follow your ambition. I'm shocked that no1 else has started a thread like this to show a bit of support or incouragement towards Max rather than slagging him off about his 'aspiring to be a journalist ' bio on Twitter. Keep up your work Max, practice makes perfect and I wish you the very best of luck in the future mate! I really hope you do become a journalist to piss some of these users off on this forum.

And that's my last word. UTB!
Well said i think some of the comments made against him are done in good fun, but i agree that berating him for trying to do something he obviously has a big interest in doing in the future for is ridiculous, not saying he should not be criticized for posting a rumor without any reference but all in all carry on trying to do what you have a passion for Max if it's what you want and don't let anyone put you off for trying.
Right, let's get this straight involving all users of this forum. Before you ask, I am NOT here to slag this young kid off! I'm actually one of a few people that's actually going to stick up for him.

In all honesty, this guy is 15 years old and his ambition is to be a journalist. SO FECKING WHAT??? Whenever Max gets into a disagreement with any of the users, they use the 'aspiring journalist' against him! What has it got to do with you? Seriously!. Ask yourself, why on earth do I pick on a 15 year old kid (if this relates to you). I know he may pester a few fellas on twitter to get rumours off them (but isn't that what journo's do?). Yes of course they do. I bet Rob Staton or Paul Walker started somewhere once upon a time but I bet no1 picked on him 24/7.

Wherever Max gets his information from, he was right about David Edgar signing (funny that no1 harassed him after that tweet). Journolist's can tend to get things wrong but what's harassing and giving him comments such as 'your shit', 'your info is wrong' etc going to solve?? NOTHING!!

In conclusion, ive noticed that Max ignores stupid comments regarding his grammar etc, which is brilliant. As the old saying goes, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger", and Max, do not give up your inspirations just because there's a load of TWATS belittling you in any way, shape or form. As far as im concerned, you carry on Max, you only live once. You may want to improve on your grammar but apart from that you follow your ambition. I'm shocked that no1 else has started a thread like this to show a bit of support or incouragement towards Max rather than slagging him off about his 'aspiring to be a journalist ' bio on Twitter. Keep up your work Max, practice makes perfect and I wish you the very best of luck in the future mate! I really hope you do become a journalist to piss some of these users off on this forum.

And that's my last word. UTB!
I think a lot of the problem is certain posters on this forum seem to think they are superior beings with superior intelligence as do quite a lot of people who go on to university (educated idiots) and then we have the ITK crowd who are really jealous that a 15 year old has put their ITK status to shame ................... all a bit sad really that they have to try and ridicule a kid who has been spot on so far.
To be fair I thought we'd signed someone called Max Goddard when I saw the thread title.

Not taken too much notice of it all as there are always rumours - and don't those rumours enrich the site? There's only so much grass and fibre you can watch, only so many times you can point out Clough's deficiencies, only so many tips you can get to remove the sponsors logo from the shirt, only so many formations you can handle without getting formation fatigue - so the kid likes to spark a few rumours - aint that one of the things we're all here for?

Don't shoot the messenger
I have a problem with pathological liars, regardless of age and ambitions. In fact, the fact he is trying to become a journalist and already has such poor ethics is worrying. Not only does he add nothing, he actually misleads and wastes people's time.

As I said on another thread, it's great that he's enthusiastic about the Blades, but why does he have such an incessant need for attention seeking lies?
As an aspiring journalist myself, it's pretty impressive to see someone so motivated at that age. The constant dud rumours do wind me up as well sometimes, but the lad's just trying to make a name for himself. I'm sure he'll get better at judging what's worth reporting and what's not with experience.

Also there's plenty of far older, "proper" journalists who work on national papers who have no problem peddling transfer bullshit.

Fair play to him, I say. He has aspirations of achieving something and good on him. I am relatively young in my profession (mid-late 20s) and most don't qualify/make the grade until well into their 30s/40s. I'm not blowing my own trumpet here (ooh err, Missus) but if you have an idea of where you want to end up then keep aiming for that. Since I have started my career path, I've encountered a number of ageist related comments which often make me think "weren't you young and starting out, once?". The comments don't deter me, if anything they make me more determined to prove my worth and so they should for Max.

If you're good enough, you're old enough - don't ever apologise for being young.
Lies total lies
When was the Three Feathers ever at Handsworth unless theyve shifted it

Darnall, then.

It's been a while.

I had a trial for them once, in goal.

Ended up playing for the Cutlers Arms. We were fucking shit

Wasn't he the nobhead who took over from Tim Lovejoy on Soccer AM?

Christ. That fucking programme went down hill when that bellend left.

I still don't think he understood the whole programme was a joke, on him. Without the running joke, it has always been shit.

I used to watch it every Satdi. Now it's James Wossisname on Satdi Kitchen.

I blame Tubes. One joke, stretched way too far. Even he looked embarrassed doing it every week.

I have a problem with pathological liars, regardless of age and ambitions. In fact, the fact he is trying to become a journalist and already has such poor ethics is worrying. Not only does he add nothing, he actually misleads and wastes people's time.

As I said on another thread, it's great that he's enthusiastic about the Blades, but why does he have such an incessant need for attention seeking lies?

If you have such a problem with him, then put him on ignore.

The lad is 16! Don't you think he is going to make mistakes? He's hardly going to be one of Fleet Street's finest at that age.
To be fair I thought we'd signed someone called Max Goddard when I saw the thread title.

Not taken too much notice of it all as there are always rumours - and don't those rumours enrich the site? There's only so much grass and fibre you can watch, only so many times you can point out Clough's deficiencies, only so many tips you can get to remove the sponsors logo from the shirt, only so many formations you can handle without getting formation fatigue - so the kid likes to spark a few rumours - aint that one of the things we're all here for?

Don't shoot the messenger

I find it quite funny when people moan about bull shit rumours appearing on the Rumour Mill section. Surely it's pretty obvious that the section is going to contain more posts about players that don't sign than do. Just don't look on the section and wait for them to be confirmed, it's pretty obvious really.
If you have such a problem with him, then put him on ignore.

The lad is 16! Don't you think he is going to make mistakes? He's hardly going to be one of Fleet Street's finest at that age.
Agree, they're not harmful lies, they're just transfer rumours. There's more shit posted on here by adults who should know better.
I haven't asked him to be one of "Fleet Street's Finest" nor do I expect it, what an odd comment. However, what I do expect is to not be consistently lied to by the same person. I'm not entirely sure how his age or ambition to be a journalist excuses this behaviour.

It's great that he has an ambition, it's great that he's enthusiastic about the Blades. But don't get mixed up, he's channeling it all very poorly.
I think Max is awesome!!
Some blokes on here are smart arses and I've never seen him get upset when he's got stick.
He's going to become a bit of a cult poster, people poke fun because of his age but his enthusiasm is infectious and I think he's a breath of fresh air.

I haven't asked him to be one of "Fleet Street's Finest" nor do I expect it, what an odd comment. However, what I do expect is to not be consistently lied to by the same person. I'm not entirely sure how his age or ambition to be a journalist excuses this behaviour.

It's great that he has an ambition, it's great that he's enthusiastic about the Blades. But don't get mixed up, he's channeling it all very poorly.
Do not just think you're taking it all a bit too seriously? He's a fifteen year old kid on a message board.

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