McBurnie Drink Driving bust

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The point is that we've signed someone who's clearly got a screw loose because our domestic CF options were so limited.

A £20m signing for us should tick more boxes but we had to compromise due to fishing in a very small pond.

Not only basing this on the drink driving either - that for me was just confirmation.

Agreed that a £20m signing should tick more boxes but that is not due to the scouting network.

McBurnie was signed as a Madine/Clarke/Hanson upgrade for the PL. Unfortunately we had to pay £20m as this was the going rate for him. I imagine that we looked at overseas options, however because we don't sign random Germans or Scandinavians who are good on Football Manager some of our fans think that Wilder and his team only sign from a limited pool of players.

Hope we sack the bastard. Never want to see the cunt play for us again.
And before anyone tells me I'm over reacting, I lost my little nephew to such a cunt.
No you're not and I'm sorry for your loss
Maybe if he spent his time honing his finishing skills, instead of in the boozer, he would have those 5 goals
What chances has he had to finish then?

As far as I can see he's had 3 chances, all of which have ended up in the back of the net.
It would because he’d still have been nicked for drink driving.
Do I think he should be kicked out of the club? No, I don’t. He’s made a mistake and he needs both a kick up the arse and some checks to see if he’s just a daft lad or if there is some kind of underlying problem. But it’s not really defendable, whether it was him, Billy, Bash, whoever.
i don't think there would be a post if it was Bill or Bash or jack.. some people have an agenda
I work in a job for minimum wage, yet get bus/tram/taxi if on a night on the piss. £500 season ticket bought this season and this fucking thick arsehole on a minimum of £20k a week can’t get a cab?? What if he’d hit somebody and killed or crippled them? No sympathy whatsoever, to be honest I’d transfer list the prick, some will disagree.
As you're fully aware by now, I'll always put myself up to be shot at :)

Stupid? Yes.
But is it something that most people haven't done in their lives, knowingly or unknowingly? Certainly not

Cant be doing with this whiter than white shit I keep seeing on here and social media in general since the Lawrence and Bennett crap.
let him without sin cast the first stone.

btw ..i'm not a christian but that is one of their better ones
He's just got to glad he didn't kill anyone , don't want to over react but it's so irresponsible these days .
He could have just been slightly over the limit.

Why does everyone assume he was smashed?

Bit of an over reaction as usual.

I couldn’t care less whether he was slightly over or 100 x over. It’s equally bad. I know not everyone will agree with that. But I’ll tell you why I say that:

If you’re going to get behind the wheel of a machine that is capable of erasing life then you need to be bloody well certain that you are not in the slightest bit under the influence of alcohol.

It’s not a case of “oh unlucky - just slightly over” - It’s about endangering life due to disregard for the law.

This is a bloke in a situation where he’d had a drink. We don’t know how much. I think that’s irrelevant. He should have made other plans in terms of transport. Simple as. No excuses. He can bloody well afford it

Then I turn to the football side of things and think...He’s been poor so far and the main impression he’s made is that he’s a moaning gobshite, unintelligent, fashion-conscious, narcissistic, idiot.

I therefore predict that he’ll come good eventually and become a “legend”.

But in the meantime I think he’s the biggest waste of money and space we’ve signed since Chris Guthrie.


Not as OTT as McBurnie’s breathalyser reading obviously!:rolleyes:
Hope we sack the bastard. Never want to see the cunt play for us again.
And before anyone tells me I'm over reacting, I lost my little nephew to such a cunt.
With you on this one. No excuse for drink driving.
Agreed that a £20m signing should tick more boxes but that is not due to the scouting network.

McBurnie was signed as a Madine/Clarke/Hanson upgrade for the PL. Unfortunately we had to pay £20m as this was the going rate for him. I imagine that we looked at overseas options, however because we don't sign random Germans or Scandinavians who are good on Football Manager some of our fans think that Wilder and his team only sign from a limited pool of players.

They do only sign from a limited pool of players. Verrips is the only exception and he's just a cheap 3rd choice GK, so it's a very easy risk.

If they can't access adequate info to tick that important 'character' box with overseas players then they're not viable options for us and we're limited to the UK.

Seeing to what extent a £20m signing can be an absolute gamble should be a real wake up call for us.

The short answer is that it's about percentages. Speeding could affect all drivers (including drunks) whereas drivers over the safe alcohol limit are a tiny proportion of the total

However your numbers are all over the place. Your figure for deaths caused by speed is more than 3 times higher than the total road fatalities.

There were 1,770 total road fatalities in 2018 and exceeding the speed limit was a factor in 12% of fatal accidents and driving too fast for the conditions in 9%
I was quoting US statistics . Should state my sources. Bceginnrrs mistake
I couldn’t care less whether he was slightly over or 100 x over. It’s equally bad. I know not everyone will agree with that. But I’ll tell you why I say that:

If you’re going to get behind the wheel of a machine that is capable of erasing life then you need to be bloody well certain that you are not in the slightest bit under the influence of alcohol.

It’s not a case of “oh unlucky - just slightly over” - It’s about endangering life due to disregard for the law.

This is a bloke in a situation where he’d had a drink. We don’t know how much. I think that’s irrelevant. He should have made other plans in terms of transport. Simple as. No excuses. He can bloody well afford it

Then I turn to the football side of things and think...He’s been poor so far and the main impression he’s made is that he’s a moaning gobshite, unintelligent, fashion-conscious, narcissistic, idiot.

I therefore predict that he’ll come good eventually and become a “legend”.

But in the meantime I think he’s the biggest waste of money and space we’ve signed since Chris Guthrie.


Not as OTT as McBurnie’s breathalyser reading obviously!:rolleyes:

I don't think it's OTT at all. When you compare Moose and McB they're polar opposites. Moose comes across as a nice lad who feels honoured to play for us and will work hard. McB comes across as only having signed for us to be closer to his mates in Leeds and wishes he was still at Swansea
They do only sign from a limited pool of players. Verrips is the only exception and he's just a cheap 3rd choice GK, so it's a very easy risk.

If they can't access adequate info to tick that important 'character' box with overseas players then they're not viable options for us and we're limited to the UK.

Seeing to what extent a £20m signing can be an absolute gamble should be a real wake up call for us.

Do you have some inside information as to how many players were ruled out in the signing of McBurnie? I don't and therefore I assume that we did a bit more than googling 'Championship top scorers 2018/19' and going from there.
Plant pot of the highest order hope wilder gives him a bollocking and leaves him out tonight even though this game would be perfect for him.

However some of the comments are just plain daft get behind the lad as he probably needs the fans behind him more than ever.

Yes he’s been a c u next Tuesday but the majority of young footballers are
All the money he could hope for and won’t stump up for a bloody cab?

Going on the piss a few days before a huge game, shows a lack of professionalism even if he wasn’t stupid enough to drink drive.
I have no sympathy with him but you don't buy a £128.000 car to leave it in the garage. Was he should have done was hire me as a chauffeur - and then when he pulls I'll take the woman to his place and he can get a cab.
I don't think it's OTT at all. When you compare Moose and McB they're polar opposites. Moose comes across as a nice lad who feels honoured to play for us and will work hard. McB comes across as only having signed for us to be closer to his mates in Leeds and wishes he was still at Swansea

Based on what does mcburnie seem like that ? All the videos on social media he seems decent?

Attack him for drink driving but not for wearing a stone island jacket foook me
They do only sign from a limited pool of players. Verrips is the only exception and he's just a cheap 3rd choice GK, so it's a very easy risk.

If they can't access adequate info to tick that important 'character' box with overseas players then they're not viable options for us and we're limited to the UK.

Seeing to what extent a £20m signing can be an absolute gamble should be a real wake up call for us.

ha ha ha this is the biggest load of bollocks i've read today, and there's shitloads on this thread alone.

You havent got a clue how the staff at United go about identifying, analysing and deciding upon the players they sign, let alone the amount of time that goes into it, not a clue. I tried not to bite to a previous post you said about the scouting but you got me to, so fair play. But you're talking shite
Surely in this day and age they could create an engine immobiliser where by you have to blow under the alcohol limit before it will allow you to start the engine?
It would have to be insured driver DNA specific, otherwise a passenger or anyone else could be used to get round it.
Based on what does mcburnie seem like that ? All the videos on social media he seems decent?

Attack him for drink driving but not for wearing a stone island jacket foook me
He seems like he'd rather be a fashion icon first and a footballer second like Pogba does.

Good job really cos he's infinitely better at wearing clothes than playing football
Sobering information.

Until the early 80’s, the general consensus of opinion seemed to be that a good night‘s kip followed by a big breakfast would be enough to see off any amount of booze the following morning, so there must have been plenty driving about over the limit me included back in the day. Since then because I need to drive for my job, I’ve stuck to the rule that if I’m working the next day or have to be on the road AM, I just have one pint and when I am out on the pop, it’s either a nominated driver or a taxi. No exceptions.

What does surprise me is how many do still risk driving the following morning today when there’s much more information around about how long alcohol stays in the bloodstream. In any event, there’s no excuse for any right minded person going out on piss and getting straight into a car.

I grew up in the 80's and still remember my old man regularly driving home after a session, and on some occasions he was properly trollied. Normally up to for work early the next morning, and driving there, often over very long distances. He couldn't be told, my Mum tried, as did I and the rest of the family, but no, he knew he was fine and nobody was going to tell him that he wasn't sober enough to drive. It was a crazy mindset, but one which was shared by many men from that generation. They had all been weaned on hard work and hard drinking when the tools were down.

The thing that made him snap out of it was when the Old Bill followed him home one evening, because he had driven home in the dark without his lights on! Had they breathalysed, or even come within 5 yards of him that night, it would have been obvious he was blindo and he'd have likely been out of work shortly afterwards. Luckily for him, the Police had a more tolerant approach back then so they just parked at the bottom of our drive and rollocked him from afar when he stumbled out of the car. I still remember watching it from my bedroom window!

These days he won't touch a drop if he is driving within 12 hours or so.

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