Look at this cretin..

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Social media can occaisionally be a positive thing.
Imo it is largely a load of utter fucking shit used in the main by retards posting pictures of the burger they had for lunch or the log they`ve just curled up.
The cunt who`s had a go at Billy is a wonderful example of the type of walking abortion that patronises social media.
I wouldn`t miss a beat if I read he`d had a fucking good kicking as he deserves one.
I tend to subscribe to the view that if you wouldn`t say something to someones face you shouldn`t say it hidden by an internet username.
If you do and you get caught out then you deserve all you get.
No it isn't .

And ill say again .

You are wrong .

And youve picked the wrong thread to hijack .

Just because Highbury suggested that this bloke shouldn't necessarily lose his job doesn't mean he's "hi-jacked the thread". He's expressing an opinion, just like other people are.

I agree with him. This bloke sounds like a twat of the highest order, and his tweet was in appalling taste but should he really lose his job over it? What else? Should be be banned from Valley Parade for life? Arrested and charged with a hate crime? It's no excuse I know, but he might have sent the tweet after nine pints of lager. I'd say give him a chance to apologise before demanding a pound of his flesh
Because twitter makes shit like this acceptable. People think they can post what they want. You can call people all the names in the world so long as you keep it under 140 characters.

My names for him would be a hell of a lot more than 140 characters.
On what basis would his employer sack him?

He's done something really despicable on social media, which no right thinking person would ever do and he may be an unpleasant person, but those aren't sacking offences are they?
On what basis would his employer sack him?

He's done something really despicable on social media, which no right thinking person would ever do and he may be an unpleasant person, but those aren't sacking offences are they?
I have not seen his profile but if he has named his employer on it it could be seen that his view represents the company view. On top of this if the company has a social media policy ( as many do now) and this post has deemed to have broken it he could be in for a hard time from his employes and they may have grounds to sack him for gross misconduct

I'm reality, if his employers find out and his name is linked to them I suspect he will given a major bollocking about his conduct and given a warning......unless they are looking for a reason to get rid of him as he is not that good at his job
On what basis would his employer sack him?

He's done something really despicable on social media, which no right thinking person would ever do and he may be an unpleasant person, but those aren't sacking offences are they?

Bringing the company into disrepute which is gross misconduct and a sackable offence.

Most modern contracts of employment will have this and/or a social media clause which will give the company the right to act in circumstances such as these.

It's a brave new world out there...
I dont condone violence. If that cowardly cunt had said that in a pub as some sort of "joke." He would have needed a whole toilet roll, to stop his nose bleeding.
Can you imagine the reaction if one of our brain dead ketchup throwers made some comments about the loss of life at the Valley Parade fire. Billy Sharp may be a professional footballer, but that makes no difference when it comes to what all of us feel when loved ones are taken from us, especially in tragic circumstances.

Sadly with bullies, trolls and cretins talking in a language in a way they understand is what works. I doubt reasoned explanation and understanding of impact would work with Connor Hey. Equally ignoring what is so wrong in life rarely makes it go away or stops it being repeated. To many of his ilk silence by others is like tacit agreement.

Making the cretin learn in creative ways will make him think. As someone once said to me a long time ago. Actions bring consequences and here is the consequence of your action...
The guy is a complete twat but why on earth should his employers give a shit what he says on Twitter? Absolutely ridiculous that people are contacting them & his girlfriend.

City fan in peace

Firstly this guys a complete tool the reaction from our own fans are a reflection of your own

He had a social media profile that he named his employer but making comments that incite anger and disgust to a wide audience isn't great publicity so I'm sure they will be taking this matter seriously.

In addition I would expect our club to ban him , we have been on the receiving end of twisted comments and sick chants in the past regarding the Fire our club will act.

Anyway don't want this nob to detract away from a good game and a good atmosphere

Good luck for the rest of the season

Sorry Highbury Blade, but yes I do believe that he deserves sacking from his job, and also being banned from attending football matches.

Can you imagine the devastation that Mr and Mrs Sharp went through when they lost their little boy, after she had just carried him full-term for 9 months, and then lost him after holding their baby for just 48 hours?

I really don't think that you can, and nor can I or anyone else for that matter, unless you have gone through the same experience.

Although only a few moronic words on Twitter, I can guarantee you that the Sharp family will have been crying tonight, and that this very emotional and personal episode in their life has today been ripped wide open again.

The cretin that has caused this damage to an innocent family man, needs making an example of, and severely so.

What kind of bellend would copy the Sharp family in on this? Nearly just as bad as the original tweet IMO.
I have not seen his profile but if he has named his employer on it it could be seen that his view represents the company view. On top of this if the company has a social media policy ( as many do now) and this post has deemed to have broken it he could be in for a hard time from his employes and they may have grounds to sack him for gross misconduct

I'm reality, if his employers find out and his name is linked to them I suspect he will given a major bollocking about his conduct and given a warning......unless they are looking for a reason to get rid of him as he is not that good at his job
There's no link to his employer whatsoever, it's people being internet detectives. The guy's a first class whopper, but trying to get him sacked just seems really sad and petty.
City fan in peace

Firstly this guys a complete tool the reaction from our own fans are a reflection of your own

He had a social media profile that he named his employer but making comments that incite anger and disgust to a wide audience isn't great publicity so I'm sure they will be taking this matter seriously.

In addition I would expect our club to ban him , we have been on the receiving end of twisted comments and sick chants in the past regarding the Fire our club will act.

Anyway don't want this nob to detract away from a good game and a good atmosphere

Good luck for the rest of the season

Thanks, I'm certain this idiot is an isolated specimen and unrepresentative of Bradford supporters. If you read the comments on here you'll notice that no one blames Bradford so no bad feelings between the two clubs.

Thanks for your comments,

There's no link to his employer whatsoever, it's people being internet detectives. The guy's a first class whopper, but trying to get him sacked just seems really sad and petty.
If there is no link to his employer he will probably have his HR department giving him 'don't be so stupid ' lecture
As someone in works in HR if a member of the public brought this to our attention we'd have to investigate, and depending on the reaction of the employee, it could well cost him his job.

If he works in the service industry where he comes into contact with clients/customers, the employer has to consider the reaction if one of their clients was made aware of this individuals conduct.

For example if he installed Sky/repaired fridges - would you be happy having this chap in your home? That is what the employer will be considering.
He's a cunt - a grade A cunt. Anyone who thinks that is either big or clever is a fucking cunt. I've stoped with Twatter and facebook because it gives dickheads like this airtime - he'd never say it to someone's face. Both my mum and sister have had miscarriages- devasting. Billy -- we love you and all who you are RIP Luey Jacob Sharp
City fan in peace

Firstly this guys a complete tool the reaction from our own fans are a reflection of your own

He had a social media profile that he named his employer but making comments that incite anger and disgust to a wide audience isn't great publicity so I'm sure they will be taking this matter seriously.

In addition I would expect our club to ban him , we have been on the receiving end of twisted comments and sick chants in the past regarding the Fire our club will act.

Anyway don't want this nob to detract away from a good game and a good atmosphere

Good luck for the rest of the season

Welcome to the forum!

One idiot doesn't reflect a club's support, we all have these idiots at our clubs, but we really could do without them. I'm guessing this lad is just a thoughtless tool with no real concept of intelligence, rather than being a vindictive, horrible twat. Either way, its no surprise in the way people have reacted to his terrible tweet.

Whilst you're on here, i'll give a positive, one thing i noticed in the 'View from' threads on this forum, both pre and post match (a gathering of opposition views of the upcoming match and reactions) was a sense of respect from Bradford City fans for Sheffield United. Roygbiv kindly puts these together for each game and has done so for the last couple of seasons.

I think there is a sense that whilst we're Yorkshire rivals, both clubs are at the right end of the wrong league, both United and City fans appreciate that yesterday was a big game and played out in the right spirit by two sides wanting to win the game.

I'm also glad to hear that Bantems fans picked up on the comments from Wilder post match. He really summed up the spirit of the game and its a credit to both McCall and Wilder to the way that they set their teams up.

Good luck for the rest of the season, obviously with your lot finishing just behind us to achieve automatic promotion out of this god forsaken league!
Bradford fan has tweeted. this... Disgrace..

What pondlife.
From having first hand experience of what Billy has been through, this scum needs a dose of what me and the wife have had to endure.
Not nice,you utter life scab.
City fan in peace

Firstly this guys a complete tool the reaction from our own fans are a reflection of your own

He had a social media profile that he named his employer but making comments that incite anger and disgust to a wide audience isn't great publicity so I'm sure they will be taking this matter seriously.

In addition I would expect our club to ban him , we have been on the receiving end of twisted comments and sick chants in the past regarding the Fire our club will act.

Anyway don't want this nob to detract away from a good game and a good atmosphere

Good luck for the rest of the season

City Gent - we know he isn't representative of your fine club - thanks for the kind words. Good luck for the rest of the season. Fancy second ; )
City fan in peace

Firstly this guys a complete tool the reaction from our own fans are a reflection of your own

He had a social media profile that he named his employer but making comments that incite anger and disgust to a wide audience isn't great publicity so I'm sure they will be taking this matter seriously.

In addition I would expect our club to ban him , we have been on the receiving end of twisted comments and sick chants in the past regarding the Fire our club will act.

Anyway don't want this nob to detract away from a good game and a good atmosphere

Good luck for the rest of the season

Well said Sir and quite right, let's not allow one idiot to remotely sour a fantastic exhibition of football and a cracking day out to boot. Always had a lot of time for your lot, like us you are a club with amazing suport that should be higher in the league. I work with a couple of Bantams and they are solid lads who also happen to detest the dirties as much as I do.

Good luck as well. Can't wait for the return fixture.
Not wishing to pick a fight.

But why give this pond life the oxygen he craves ?Why draw attention ? It's unworthy of the hard disk space on this forum !

What kind of bellend would copy the Sharp family in on this? Nearly just as bad as the original tweet IMO.

I would really hope the 'Sharp family' weren't copied in on that tweet.

No only would it cause unnecessary upset to Billy Sharp but I don't believe the poor child was Mrs Sharp's so I can't imagine she would want reminding or including.

All in all a despicable thing to say, probably in the heat of the moment, but still no excuse, that's what Twitter allows sadly, and he'll probably end up paying for it with his job.

A poor day for him all round.
Bradford fans will be horrified at that.Someone will grass him up.Hopefully get a beating as well.Scum

wow thats pretty grim...

Im hoping eh will come to regret what hes said & publicly apologise to Billy & make a donation to Billys charity.

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