Leeds could be in trouble if they fail to get promotion

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Before i start i am not a conservative but if a minimum wage is regarded as a good for the workers then i disagree. As a teacher both higher and secondary education started to be underfunded and nhs waiting lists were manipulated to give shorter waiting times. I am not a conservative or a supporter of labour but was a socialist who became disillusioned with the direction of labour and it’s identity politics that effectively divorced the Labour movement from the people it used to represent and put it in the hands of a north london clique.

Can you define “ identity politics “ as it just sounds a culture war dog whistle like shouting “woke” for everything that has come along since the 1970s

Are those the councils that had their funding slashed over the last 14 years to the point that they can barely provide statutory services? Even Tory councils have been kicking off about it.

You sound a bit selfish. Not bothered about the wellbeing of those less fortunate?
The purpose of calling him ‘selfish’ is wrong as he pays tax which in itself is an unselfish act. It’s just he has an opinion how his taxes are spent and in a democracy he is entitled to.
The purpose of calling him ‘selfish’ is wrong as he pays tax which in itself is an unselfish act. It’s just he has an opinion how his taxes are spent and in a democracy he is entitled to.
Given paying tax isn't a choice (unless you are super rich) then I would say it cannot be defined as an unselfish act. It could only be defined as such if it was paid by choice.
Can you define “ identity politics “ as it just sounds a culture war dog whistle like shouting “woke” for everything that has come along since the 1970s
It is a ‘culture war’ but not dictated by me. It is dictated by those in the media in schools and academia where politics has been controlled by people and any view that opposes it is depicted as ‘far right’ or ‘daily express’ driven. The expression/concern over immigration is expressed by many people bur it is closed down as being racist. In a democracy we should have freedom of expression and it is increasingly under threat and identity politics is at the forefront of this.
It is a ‘culture war’ but not dictated by me. It is dictated by those in the media in schools and academia where politics has been controlled by people and any view that opposes it is depicted as ‘far right’ or ‘daily express’ driven. The expression/concern over immigration is expressed by many people bur it is closed down as being racist. In a democracy we should have freedom of expression and it is increasingly under threat and identity politics is at the forefront of this.
Works both ways, given that the right like to punch down, blaming the poor, sick, disabled etc for the nation's ills. Calling out rancid divisive bollox like that is what decent people do. Crying about being 'cancelled' because their divisive bollox is being called out for what it is, is what the right do to try to silence critique.
Given paying tax isn't a choice (unless you are super rich) then I would say it cannot be defined as an unselfish act. It could only be defined as such if it was paid by choice.
‘Selfish’ or ‘unselfish’ i think he probably is of the opinion that he doesn’t mind paying tax as long as it is for what he wants it to go to.
Financial issues seem to be happening to a lot of clubs, particularly in these last few years (unless you're one of the big 6 who seem immune to the punishments), Everton, Forest, Leeds, Leicester and Reading just to name a few.

The fact that the financial rules are constantly changing suggest to me that the people running it (FA, EPL or whoever) really haven't got a clue what they are doing anymore (if they ever did), and are just changing the rules until they find something that works.

Sound like my Uncle (Wednesday fan) who constantly talks about Labour in the 1970s as why he won't vote Labour. Only half a century ago FFS.

I do find one thing amusing about politics that some people support parties like football teams. The Conservative party could shoot 10 million people tomorrow and some would say "well Labour would have shot more"
Yes…..recovering from the last time Labour were in charge……wasting my hard earned tax on hand outs to people who couldn’t be arsed to get off their arses🙈
You mean like Baroness Bra strap, Raab's next door neighbour, Dido Harding, all that fraudulently claimed furlough cash, subsidies paid to foreign state railways to not run out trains, allowing public services to take out loans>profit to pay shareholder dividends... 🫣
Privatising profit whilst socialising the risk associated with that profit is the Tory way
Works both ways, given that the right like to punch down, blaming the poor, sick, disabled etc for the nation's ills. Calling out rancid divisive bollox like that is what decent people do. Crying about being 'cancelled' because their divisive bollox is being called out for what it is, is what the right do to try to silence critique.
The reverse is the truth. In a democracy why should a Woman be cancelled and forced into hiding because she says that there are two sexes ( even if her books are shit). The list goes on not just dismissing biological facts, but taking the knee, divisive race politics, call me old school but i not only express but live my life not by seeing the colour of skin but content of character. I’m former left but find current trends are pernicious and border on orwellian.
The reverse is the truth. In a democracy why should a Woman be cancelled and forced into hiding because she says that there are two sexes ( even if her books are shit). The list goes on not just dismissing biological facts, but taking the knee, divisive race politics, call me old school but i not only express but live my life not by seeing the colour of skin but content of character. I’m former left but find current trends are pernicious and border on orwellian.
Read my post brainstrust, where I say it works both ways. Democracy and free speech means you can say what you want but it comes with a responsibility. If you are happy to say something that you know will piss people off then you have to be happy to accept the fall out. Crying foul about being 'cancelled' just shows how weak a person is and would suggest, to me, that they should think about the potential consequences before they open their gobs. That isnt about being cancelled its about someone taking responsibility for their own actions. As for you belittling people calling out racism...wow.
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Read my post brainstrust, where I say it works both ways. Your last two sentences sound like the last cries of a middle aged Daily Mail reader. Where to start, belittling calling out racism, shall we start there? Actually I can't even be arsed to start a reply, given you're so far down the swivel eyed goon path, you'll need a fucking good map to find your way out. Now you sit there grinding your teeth about some bollox which has zero impact on your life, cos I really don't give a toss!
And there we go, you’ve called called me ‘racist’ even though I quoted MLK you called me a middle aged Daily Mail reader (I don’t quite get why you would want to just say that and think you’ve made a strong case for your argument but if it suits your stereotype then you do that even though I don’t) No I don’t grind my teeth at your argument but it does have an impact on all our lives as we either accept it or can find ourselves in front of Human Resources for not accepting that their are two sexes, or other diktats. I thankfully live in a multi racial society which is democratic and find a death of a man on the other side of Atlantic sad but i find it stranger that thousands of miles away we are forced to accept virtue signalling by going down on one knee otherwise you become a daily mail reader and by default a racist whereas in the middle east in some countries that don’t have a democracy they regularly stone women to death and homosexuals in the name of their faith but virtue signallers don’t condemn it as it doesn’t sit with a critique of islamism (i’m an atheist). For the record I’ve not bought the mail because it doesn’t say anything nasty about Leeds going out of business if it did it would be my paper of choice.
And there we go, you’ve called called me ‘racist’ even though I quoted MLK you called me a middle aged Daily Mail reader (I don’t quite get why you would want to just say that and think you’ve made a strong case for your argument but if it suits your stereotype then you do that even though I don’t) No I don’t grind my teeth at your argument but it does have an impact on all our lives as we either accept it or can find ourselves in front of Human Resources for not accepting that their are two sexes, or other diktats. I thankfully live in a multi racial society which is democratic and find a death of a man on the other side of Atlantic sad but i find it stranger that thousands of miles away we are forced to accept virtue signalling by going down on one knee otherwise you become a daily mail reader and by default a racist whereas in the middle east in some countries that don’t have a democracy they regularly stone women to death and homosexuals in the name of their faith but virtue signallers don’t condemn it as it doesn’t sit with a critique of islamism (i’m an atheist). For the record I’ve not bought the mail because it doesn’t say anything nasty about Leeds going out of business if it did it would be my paper of choice.
Bullshit! Found you out! And you apparently were a teacher. Jesus christ! Also you will note I edited my original post, as an example of what I mentioned regarding taking responsibility for what you state in public. My original post was deliberately inflammatory and got an equally inflammatory reply from you. Now, I amended it to be less inflammatory which I would hope would not have received such an inflammatory response from you.
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And there we go, you’ve called called me ‘racist’ even though I quoted MLK you called me a middle aged Daily Mail reader (I don’t quite get why you would want to just say that and think you’ve made a strong case for your argument but if it suits your stereotype then you do that even though I don’t) No I don’t grind my teeth at your argument but it does have an impact on all our lives as we either accept it or can find ourselves in front of Human Resources for not accepting that their are two sexes, or other diktats. I thankfully live in a multi racial society which is democratic and find a death of a man on the other side of Atlantic sad but i find it stranger that thousands of miles away we are forced to accept virtue signalling by going down on one knee otherwise you become a daily mail reader and by default a racist whereas in the middle east in some countries that don’t have a democracy they regularly stone women to death and homosexuals in the name of their faith but virtue signallers don’t condemn it as it doesn’t sit with a critique of islamism (i’m an atheist). For the record I’ve not bought the mail because it doesn’t say anything nasty about Leeds going out of business if it did it would be my paper of choice.
By the way, are you Richard Tice in disguise?
Bullshit! Found you out! And you apparently were a teacher. Jesus christ! Also you will note I edited my original post, as an example of what I mentioned regarding taking responsibility for what you state in public. My original post was deliberately inflammatory and got an equally inflammatory reply from you. Now, I amended it to be less inflammatory which I would hope would not have received such an inflammatory response from you.
No inflammatory response from me as others will testify to as they’ve been on the end of it for which I’ve apologised subsequently.
They could afford to keep them in real terms given the strong financial position of their owners but they will need to sell to stay on the right side of financial rules and regulations. Plus those players are going to want out they might well want out regardless of if they get promoted or not. Summerville for example if the Liverpool and Chelsea interest is legit he’ll be gone even if they do go up.
If it suits you to pigeon hole me then yes however in reality no and I don’t support Farage either before you tell me i do
With all due respect you did that yourself with your mail-esque reform uk style viewpoints! Right, I'm off for a wank over my Shami Chakrobati calendar, like any reasonable woke leftie commie should do on a Saturday afternoon.
With all due respect you did that yourself with your mail-esque reform uk style viewpoints! Right, I'm off for a wank over my Shami Chakrobati calendar, like any reasonable woke leftie commie should do on a Saturday afternoon.
You really ought to stop pigeon holing and instead address issues. Politics has changed from traditional left v right to ones where each issue is addressed on their merits. Calendar!🤷🏻‍♂️

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