Leeds could be in trouble if they fail to get promotion

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This thread is now it’s started on politics
Living in LS17 my intention was to slate the fuckers but i was distracted by a comment, i’d rather stick to slating leeds as my hatred for them has overtaken my hatred for the pigs (i’ve been in exile for 25 years or more). Up the saints👍
You really ought to stop pigeon holing and instead address issues. Politics has changed from traditional left v right to ones where each issue is addressed on their merits. Calendar!🤷🏻‍♂️
Right, finished my wank. Sir, again, with respect, you pigeon holed yourself. Toodle pip 🤣🤣
The world is your oyster if you can be arsed to go out and find it. Unfortunately, when Labour are in charge you don’t need to….they just hand you things on a plate and waste £billions
I wasn't going to reply to this but just can't let it go unchallenged. In the first six months of the pandemic the Conservatives paid themselves and their mates tens of billions of pounds to acquire dodgy PPE and a totally dysfunctional tracking system (which had to be rescued by a local council based system) and then paid themselves billions more to incinerate the large quantity of PPE they had acquired which turned out to be completely unfit for purpose. I'd agree there has been waste from a number of past governments (defence and IT procurements always seem to tits up whoever is doing it), but the industrial scale corruption practised by the current lot takes some beating.
Andy67 did somebody say pigeon holing? 🤣🤣
I can’t account for what Bl4desutd wants to say, if you want to address his arguments then do that. You are pigeonholing me by now equating my views with his but if it suits your purpose then do that (you are probably screaming gammon Islamophobic, transphobic and anything else you can find as a term of abuse as I text)
I can’t account for what Bl4desutd wants to say, if you want to address his arguments then do that. You are pigeonholing me by now equating my views with his but if it suits your purpose then do that (you are probably screaming gammon Islamophobic, transphobic and anything else you can find as a term of abuse as I text)
You're the one who came in here to support Bl4desutd, and you seem to hate the act of pigeon holing. Therefore call them out for it, or does it only work one way for you? 🤔
You're the one who came in here to support Bl4desutd, and you seem to hate the act of pigeon holing. Therefore call them out for it, or does it only work one way for you? 🤔
I can like a point someone makes without being tied to his body of thought, I don’t ‘hate’ pigeonholing I just think your intention in doing it is dishonourable insofar as you want to put me in a category with the sole purpose of closing down a discussion by using an insult the tactics of cancelling something that i have opposed all my adult life, I disagree with you but i would fight for your right to air your views the sad thing is you wouldn’t do the same and you’ve made that clear.
I can like a point someone makes without being tied to his body of thought, I don’t ‘hate’ pigeonholing I just think your intention in doing it is dishonourable insofar as you want to put me in a category with the sole purpose of closing down a discussion by using an insult the tactics of cancelling something that i have opposed all my adult life, I disagree with you but i would fight for your right to air your views the sad thing is you wouldn’t do the same and you’ve made that clear.
Where did I make that clear? For someone who hates being pigeon holed you sure seem to love putting words into other's mouths. I said freedom of speech is fine, however with that freedom comes personal responsibiility plus the acceptance that people may have a different opinion. I also said that it's pathetic to cry about being 'cancelled' just because others call you out. Say your words, nobody is stopping you, fcks sake man! Some of the biggest snowflakes are the 'fweedum of speach' lot.

The purpose of calling him ‘selfish’ is wrong as he pays tax which in itself is an unselfish act. It’s just he has an opinion how his taxes are spent and in a democracy he is entitled to.
🙂 paying tax isn’t unselfish or a lifestyle choice. It’s not like sending a donation to the RSPCA so then top man can buy a brigadier generals uniform to ponce about in.

You do understand that?
Aww don't worry, Rishi and your mate will help you fight off all those nasty commies on here, it's fckin full.of them 😱
I’m only going to say this once more….Im not a Tory…..I’ve never voted Tory…..and will probably never Vote Tory in the future.
My observations on Labour’s chaotic leadership of this country in the past are unbiased.
I’m only going to say this once more….Im not a Tory…..I’ve never voted Tory…..and will probably never Vote Tory in the future.
My observations on Labour’s chaotic leadership of this country in the past are unbiased.

I guess you're one of the secret tories that vote them in.
I’m only going to say this once more….Im not a Tory…..I’ve never voted Tory…..and will probably never Vote Tory in the future.
My observations on Labour’s chaotic leadership of this country in the past are unbiased.
Errm, you said Rishi would turn things around, not me!

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