KM on TS

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How do you know he has not got the wealth to take it on?

Was it McCabe or the girl from the star that publicised it.
Sometimes people only believe what they are told or what they want to believe.
Because he's already borrowed money from the bin laden family to fund his part of the original deal with McCabe.

There is a difference between funding a short term cash flow problem and capital assets.

His personal wealth and access to additional finance is not to my knowledge a matter of public record and has on,y been “guessed” at by the reporter from the star and McCabe.
There is a difference between funding a short term cash flow problem and capital assets.

His personal wealth and access to additional finance is not to my knowledge a matter of public record and has on,y been “guessed” at by the reporter from the star and McCabe.
In the court notes in 2013 it was $230m-$250m but his paper business has lost value since.
My take is that he thought the Prince couldn’t afford to buy the stadium (etc) so would decline the opportunity to counter offer. He wasn’t aware that the Prince had already circumvented the requirement to buy the stadium and was free to make the counter offer without being forced to buy it.

That’s why he made the offer of £5m, not the £10m he was going to offer originally. He thought ‘well he can’t afford the stadium, therefore can’t make a counter offer so I can offer £5m, he’ll have to accept it and I’ve saved myself £5m’.
This sounds about right to me. So he's only out of pocket by 5 million, and that is entirely of his own doing.
No, just KM speaking in an interview that was done earlier, then Simon Jordan saying ‘KM did the deal, it’s been upheld by the court. He’d already done a deal to sell so this isn’t about being a custodian of the Blades, it’s about money.’
Got to say this is how it looks to me.

He wanted £5m and to sell the ground and that's what he's got.

The prince on the other hand is a lucky fucker. Let's hope his luck holds
How do you know he has not got the wealth to take it on?

Was it McCabe or the girl from the star that publicised it.
Sometimes people only believe what they are told or what they want to believe.

If it's on 'tinternet it's true.
It's all very sad to see really. I know he's ploughed alot of his money into the club over the years and clearly has an emotional attachment to the club but I think Kev should take a step back and go on holiday for a few days to clear his head. Then come back and weigh up his options.

Surely his advisors should be telling him to wind it in abit?

I think appearing on loads of Radio / TV channels clearly damages the club and takes focus from CW and his plans for Saturday.

Does Kev have any get out of not selling the ground and other assetts if HRH comes up with the funds?
Kev wants out of the property. That was the whole reason for the court case. Ultimately, he's got exactly what he asked for. He's been unlucky in that the club value has soared since he set this in motion
If it's on 'tinternet it's true.

If my memory serves I remember during the trial KMCs QC asked HRH what his value was worth. He refused to say publicly but wrote a note and passed it to the judge instead I think?

The truth is no one knows except for HRH and his family and Judge Fancourt
Well you're entitled to your opinion and I suppose it's a bit like brexit in no one really knows what will happen, I'm a bit wary of the prince as we're now in the hands of someone who doesn't have the wealth to take it on without the help of others which is a worry for me.

To be fair that was the position McCabe was in to hence the Prince's arrival! I get your point though and hopefully even without big bucks, we'll be able to compete in this league and as long as we've got Wilder then I think we all know we'll be just fine; more than fine.
Give me permission and I will publish. That will sort it once and for all.

For the record I have never appealed for anyone to be banned but I have reported you and a couple of others for unacceptable posts.

Your rhetoric is Trump- like on its manipulation and craft. What do facts matter?

Its you who has vendettas Sean, Ive just the one with you, my "troll turned victim' all of a sudden.

Ask me to publish.
It feels like the support for Mcabe is slowly starting to fade, I hope not, I want to remember him for all the good things he has done for the club which far outway the disappointing, I hope the day,and in the near future he comes out onto the pitch to let us all stand and applaud him as a gesture of our appreciation to him and his family, it's the least he deserves.

One and a bit seasons in the top flight, 6 seasons in the third tier, and a dozen in the Championship in his tenure as Chairman ... yes, thanks Kevin, fantastic work in establishing SUFC as a second rate club, it's great to support a club that consistently punches well below it's weight.

I heard it reported that McCabe was heartbroken with the court's decision ... good, now he know's how the proper fans (not the club apologists I hasten to add) have felt every time he has sold our best players over the years, especially the ones who came through the ranks, and usually for well under market value.
Kev wants out of the property. That was the whole reason for the court case. Ultimately, he's got exactly what he asked for. He's been unlucky in that the club value has soared since he set this in motion

Serious question. Why do the property values increase because we are on the P.L.?

He's getting £5m for the club he has invested over £100m in and has two properties to show for it. £50m for those properties sounds really topside to me, even if other clubs have been inflating values for accounting purposes just to avoid FFP fines.

To be fair that was the position McCabe was in to hence the Prince's arrival! I get your point though and hopefully even without big bucks, we'll be able to compete in this league and as long as we've got Wilder then I think we all know we'll be just fine; more than fine.

Absolutely, KM had locked away his cheque book until the prince arrived.
I believe that the owners of the club have the right to refuse admission to whom ever it deems. Anyone can be excluded with or without good reason. Also, the tenant of the property has to be allowed peaceable possession in as much as they should not have an undue amount of ‘ inspection visits’ but left to enjoy the property they pay rent for EVEN IF they get into arrears. Correspondence needs to take place prior to any visits. I really like McCabe for what he has done for the Blades but he has brought this on himself. For what it is worth, I firmly believe that if we were still in LG 1 he would be delighted at the ruling. It’s all about the money and what United’s true worth is now, not when the option was exercised.

Seriously, he will not be able to go anywhere near Bramall Lane in future, he's a human being with feelings of being shafted. The law may be the law but how unfair this will all seem to him. It does to me.£5m for all he has done!!
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Hey Blades, We're going remote for 4 days, no internet. I know, WTF, WWF? But I dont want anyone , especially Sean, to think I am not responding🤔
Seriously, he will not be able to go anywhere near Bramall Lane in future, he's a human being with feelings of being shafted. The law may be the law but how unfair this will all seem to him. It does to me.£5m for all he has done!!
It's entirely - absolutely entirely - of his own doing. His hubris and arrogance have led to him being hoist by his own petard and I find it very difficult to have any sympathy for him. The fact that his humiliation is so public will further his dismay.
It's entirely - absolutely entirely - of his own doing. His hubris and arrogance have led to him being hoist by his own petard and I find it very difficult to have any sympathy for him. The fact that his humiliation is so public will further his dismay.

We are all human beings with our own equilibrium. You think what you say above and whether KM does or not, it will not help him get over this major life event. He'll either blame himself or everybody else. Whoever he blames will not help him. One of his prime obsessions/loves has betrayed him and fan apathy will rub it in more. He wanted to be a SUFC legend and look now.

( Daughter's a Clinical Psychologist!!).
My take is that he thought the Prince couldn’t afford to buy the stadium (etc) so would decline the opportunity to counter offer. He wasn’t aware that the Prince had already circumvented the requirement to buy the stadium and was free to make the counter offer without being forced to buy it.

That’s why he made the offer of £5m, not the £10m he was going to offer originally. He thought ‘well he can’t afford the stadium, therefore can’t make a counter offer so I can offer £5m, he’ll have to accept it and I’ve saved myself £5m’.
Hurrah, someone who actually understands it all. 👍
Can you list the good things that outweigh the bad?

On the face of it, he made poor decision after poor decision throughout the majority of his tenure.
He oversaw 6 years in the third tier playing some awful football, arguably THE WORST period in our history.
He failed to back Warnock when in the Prem, then after relegation put the club at risk by giving Robson a warchest never seen before.

Pretty much my thoughts on the matter too. It was no doubt the longest sustained period of shit in the clubs history. 6 successive seasons outside the top 2 divisions had never been done before. But McCabe blamed bad luck. And I know that because I was there when he said it. Bad manager after bad manager, shit player after shit player replacing good players sold on the cheap to the first bidder. If he wants to use bad luck as his reasons, he has to accept he got lucky with Wilder and its not a stroke of genius.

I've not liked McCabe, or at the very least trusted him, since he lied about James Beattie's transfer. He didn't have the flu you liar. You just couldn't be man enough about it. The Judge has sussed him to a tee. And now we have him on radio doing his best to stir the pot. Some Blade...

Hes turned into a bitter old man overnight. His house of cards has come down and he's looking to blame everyone but himself. For too long he's swaggered around running the show with nobody to answer to. McCabe questions the suitability of a man HE BROUGHT In to run the club. If McCabe is fetching in men he doesn't find suitable, I'd argue it is him that isn't suitable.

Swallow the pill McCabe. You've had your time. As said elsewhere, we've outgrown your ambition. You want us to be a nice tight-nit club with a community driven ethos which is fine, but football has moved on. Its a global industry, not a local village.

Dooley quit because he couldn't keep up with the modern game and fast it was changing. McCabe is the same.
Only problem is how is the prince gonna afford ground and training ground? Surely looking at new investment or is he gonna bank on us staying up and use rest of this seasons prem money for january?

Was it McCabe who said he was skint? Has the judge mentioned anywhere about wealth? I genuinely don't know.
Pretty much my thoughts on the matter too. It was no doubt the longest sustained period of shit in the clubs history. 6 successive seasons outside the top 2 divisions had never been done before. But McCabe blamed bad luck. And I know that because I was there when he said it. Bad manager after bad manager, shit player after shit player replacing good players sold on the cheap to the first bidder. If he wants to use bad luck as his reasons, he has to accept he got lucky with Wilder and its not a stroke of genius.

I've not liked McCabe, or at the very least trusted him, since he lied about James Beattie's transfer. He didn't have the flu you liar. You just couldn't be man enough about it. The Judge has sussed him to a tee. And now we have him on radio doing his best to stir the pot. Some Blade...

Hes turned into a bitter old man overnight. His house of cards has come down and he's looking to blame everyone but himself. For too long he's swaggered around running the show with nobody to answer to. McCabe questions the suitability of a man HE BROUGHT In to run the club. If McCabe is fetching in men he doesn't find suitable, I'd argue it is him that isn't suitable.

Swallow the pill McCabe. You've had your time. As said elsewhere, we've outgrown your ambition. You want us to be a nice tight-nit club with a community driven ethos which is fine, but football has moved on. Its a global industry, not a local village.

Dooley quit because he couldn't keep up with the modern game and fast it was changing. McCabe is the same.
Great Post mate. Nail on head. 👍
Seriously, he will not be able to go anywhere near Bramall Lane in future, he's a human being with feelings of being shafted. The law may be the law but how unfair this will all seem to him. It does to me.£5m for all he has done!!
It is sad but it is also a deal that McCabe brokered in the first place. Sad but his own fault.
All this speculation, TC in tears, 'Will Wilder Leave?' stuff could be straight out of PorkTalk. McCabe - although he's done a great job for us - has now had his day. The times of t'local lad made good running t'local club isn't relevant any more. His constant talk of 'trying to find a buyer' is de-stabilising and reminds me of listening to Theresa May. 'I want to...but...' He will have been asking an unrealistic price and Wednesday never seem to have problems finding new owners.

His loss is all down to him. It's too late to be questioning the Prince's motives etc. when he obviously applied the same criteria to 'fit and proper persons' as the EFL when he chose him as his business partner. Sour grapes.

Re. TC, I'm sure a lot of us have worked for firms that had a lot of 'drifters' working for them who get scared at the prospect of a 'new broom' coming in. Having a 'meeter and greeter' when we've had over a thousand seats going begging at each home game this season is getting our priorities wrong.

In case no one has posted link to interview.....

Well having listened to the interview it sounds to me like sore loser with a capital “L”.

He brought him in, he tried to manipulate him out and he got out manoeuvred.

All he’s doing now is throwing FUD at HRH, undermining CW by suggesting they’ve spoken, his position is at risk, ST holders should be worried etc. These are all destabilising factors.

All a bit embarrassing for him but it’s of his own doing. If he truly wants what’s best for the club he should manage a smooth transition to the new owners and try to regain a little dignity.
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