Jostein Flo - your memories

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I think he also scored two at Southampton. We were 3 -1 down with about 2 minutes to go and played most of the 2nd half with 10 men after Tuttle was sent off for a foul on the half way line. It certainly made the train journey back to Doncaster much more bearable.

How come Wirmola left so quickly? Did he go on to amount to anything? I remember thinking he looked really good.

I was only 15 at the time so really can't remember though I did wonder something similar when I posted this. He went to Malmo who would have been a top club in Sweeden so not sure if he was just a bit homesick or, like with Tebily, the board saw an opportunity to make a quick buck?

I always was suprised he never went on to play consistantly at international level though based on what little I saw of him.

Similar to Scot Marshall, the young centre back we had on loan from Arsenal. He seemed a class apart even at a young age and I have no idea what happened to his promise.
Looking back, my thoughts on Jostein Flo are it was another example where we ended up with the shite brother, Holdsworth was another and also Riisa ........ I bet you Chris Guthrie had a brother playing for fuckin' Barcelona or something! Did we sign any other shite brothers (or have we already had this discussion on another thread, apologies if we have)?

I don't know if Jonathan Hunt had a brother but if he did he was almost certainly better then 'their Jonathan' at football. :)
I think he also scored two at Southampton. We were 3 -1 down with about 2 minutes to go and played most of the 2nd half with 10 men after Tuttle was sent off for a foul on the half way line. It certainly made the train journey back to Doncaster much more bearable.
The ref was Graham Poll! Tuttle's sending off was for a foul near the halfway line and Tony Pritchett said it wasnt even a yellow card offence
Both usually played well for Norway, so I don't think it was something that I disagreed strongly with, although as a Blade it would have been good to see Roger get on too.
Maldini did a brilliant marking job on Flo. He often denied him the space when Flo was making a jump for the ball
Another Flo memory I have is of him scoring a goal for Norway rather than the Blades.

United had hardly had any full internationals play for us while I had been a fan so I remember as a teenager being quite excited when I saw that Flo had scored in a friendly against Wales.

I knew highlights were due to be shown on Sportsnight so I stayed up on a school night to watch a Sheffield United player score a goal in an international football match - how exciting! The goal did not live up to the expectation. It was a mis-hit daisy cutter which somehow trickled its way into the corner of the net. Bergen Blade may be able to verify, but I am sure it was from outside the box too.

A comedy goal from a comedy player.
Truth be told, I can't remember how many hundreds I made, but it was a cracking pay-day that me and my soon-to-be-Mrs managed to spend on all manners of fun in the pubs and nightclubs of Sheffield (and Rotherham if I remember correctly)

A classic Sheffield pop sound if ever I heard one!

Another Flo memory I have is of him scoring a goal for Norway rather than the Blades.

United had hardly had any full internationals play for us while I had been a fan so I remember as a teenager being quite excited when I saw that Flo had scored in a friendly against Wales.

I knew highlights were due to be shown on Sportsnight so I stayed up on a school night to watch a Sheffield United player score a goal in an international football match - how exciting! The goal did not live up to the expectation. It was a mis-hit daisy cutter which somehow trickled its way into the corner of the net. Bergen Blade may be able to verify, but I am sure it was from outside the box too.

A comedy goal from a comedy player.

I did a similar thing a few years earlier - making a point of watching the highlights of Yugoslavia v Northern Ireland because Colin Hill, of all people, had scored the consolation goal in a 4-1 defeat...
There were 2 brothers, Jostein and Torre Andre.

We picked the older and supposedly better brother.
However it was Torre Andre who went on to be the star player at Chelsea.

The obvious memory was the bandage.
It was always a mystery why he played with the bandage on for so long.

Flo must have been the inspiration behind Keith Lemons hand bandage image.

Don't forget their cousin Harvard Flo who played for Wolves
Anyone here go to the England v Norway game at Wembley because the Noregian Blades were playing. I think it ended up 0-0. We had some fans from one of the North London clubs who spent 90 minutes booing for 90 minutes (ie: Arsenal fans booing Anderton).
This has made me have a misty eyed trawl through you tube. Came across this.

I think we played Foran and Blount at the back and they were just terrible. But there is a last minute Flo equaliser and Graham Taylor, does he not like spittle.

This has made me have a misty eyed trawl through you tube. Came across this.

I think we played Foran and Blount at the back and they were just terrible. But there is a last minute Flo equaliser and Graham Taylor, does he not like spittle.

I tell a lie, I do remember this goal for Flo. Was a great game – I recall watching from the South Stand as coach after coach of Wolves fans rolled up John Street before kickoff, visible due to the lack of a stand. I remember being quite impressed by Kingsley Black in that game – decent assist for the dramatic equaliser. Look out for Mark Rankine's assist and David Kelly's goal in the clip. Also recall Radio 5 being dominated by the Graham Taylor incident on the way home, with one fan saying he kept yelling "This is a citizen's arrest!" as he tried to get at the fan.
This has made me have a misty eyed trawl through you tube. Came across this.

I think we played Foran and Blount at the back and they were just terrible. But there is a last minute Flo equaliser and Graham Taylor, does he not like spittle.

If I remember correctly this was the game that finally confirmed we wouldn't make the playoffs that year (arithmetically speaking).

We'd ben awful from Feb that year (having gone to Bolton sitting in second). The next season didn't start any better either...

I tell a lie, I do remember this goal for Flo. Was a great game – I recall watching from the South Stand as coach after coach of Wolves fans rolled up John Street before kickoff, visible due to the lack of a stand. I remember being quite impressed by Kingsley Black in that game – decent assist for the dramatic equaliser. Look out for Mark Rankine's assist and David Kelly's goal in the clip. Also recall Radio 5 being dominated by the Graham Taylor incident on the way home, with one fan saying he kept yelling "This is a citizen's arrest!" as he tried to get at the fan.
Awful that anyone would gob on an opposing team manager. One of ours should have twatted the culprit.

Taylor did a talk at my uni around this time. It was a bit of a Parky style Q&A with questions from the floor at the end. He's a good bloke.
Looking back, my thoughts on Jostein Flo are it was another example where we ended up with the shite brother, Holdsworth was another and also Riisa ........ I bet you Chris Guthrie had a brother playing for fuckin' Barcelona or something! Did we sign any other shite brothers (or have we already had this discussion on another thread, apologies if we have)?

David Holdsworth was most certainly not shit.
Jostein wasn't great, and bumbled and fell down a lot. Missed tons of sitters in both Prem and Championship.
High point, Liverpool away, .My brother saw him throwing his guts up into a urinal in a pub in town one night. My sister saw him walking in town once with Adrian Littlejohn.
Main thing I remember is a lot of hoofing it up the field from Tracey followed by headers flicked on by Flo into the box - must have got a lot of assists that way.
With Littlejohn as strike partner and the likes of Hutchison as midfield backup, I doubt it being too many.
This has made me have a misty eyed trawl through you tube. Came across this.

I think we played Foran and Blount at the back and they were just terrible. But there is a last minute Flo equaliser and Graham Taylor, does he not like spittle.

Agree it is thoroughly disgusting to spit on anyone.
Anyone here go to the England v Norway game at Wembley because the Noregian Blades were playing. I think it ended up 0-0. We had some fans from one of the North London clubs who spent 90 minutes booing for 90 minutes (ie: Arsenal fans booing Anderton).

Yes I went... The most tedious and boring match I ever saw (apart from the 0-0 against the saints at the lane the same year)
Jostein Flo was also our star player in the Merlin Sticker Album for that year. You had to collect two stickers for him. Irrationally this made me like him even more.

I also completed the Upper Deck USA 94 card set and kept any swaps I had of him.

Was it John Reed who went through a phase of wearing his arm strapped up so he looked like a much smaller version of Flo?
Hi guys,

I was just about to post this but it looks like CarlingBlade beat me to it!

I also want to say many thanks for your contributions - really top stuff and, as you can see, your comments form the basis of the article.

Hope you enjoy the read - share it far and wide if so!

I did a similar thing a few years earlier - making a point of watching the highlights of Yugoslavia v Northern Ireland because Colin Hill, of all people, had scored the consolation goal in a 4-1 defeat...

Me too! I remember feeling so proud and feeling like the Blades were finally on the world map!
Bassett dropped Jonas after a terrible 3 0 cup hiding away at Blackpool, league cup.
I went to that. Everyone to a man were quite abject if I remember rightly.
Yes I went... The most tedious and boring match I ever saw (apart from the 0-0 against the saints at the lane the same year)
What about us v Wimbledon in 92-3 season?

Hi guys,

I was just about to post this but it looks like CarlingBlade beat me to it!

I also want to say many thanks for your contributions - really top stuff and, as you can see, your comments form the basis of the article.

Hope you enjoy the read - share it far and wide if so!

Does Keith Lemon wear a bandage on his wrist? I thought it was Avid Merrion and the neck brace.

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