Blades fans Fighting each other......

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Nom, Nom, Nom
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
Gibraltar / Spain
Surprised no one has started a thread on this yet.....

Did anyone else witness the absolute moronic fuck wits who decided that the last 15 minutes of the match would be better spent kicking the crap out of each other rather than enjoying what turned out to be one of the greatest games of football SUFC had been involved in for a long long time.

We were sat in block 534 and without about 15 to go heard a bit of commotion to our left and turned around to see a mass brawl going on between blades fans, stewards just stood around watching it going on, understand they probably do not want to get bashed themselves but surely there is police in Wembley they could have called to come and get it sorted out considering how long it went on for? 2 of our traveling party were actually sat 3 rows in front of the trouble and had to catch a young woman who had been thrown down 10 flights of chairs. Loads of chairs getting snapped, fights starting and stopping then all starting again, people being kicked in the face etc.

There were loads of parents around the trouble with kids who ended up leaving the ground 10/15 minutes early just to get away from the utter utter morons - horrendous to watch and made me feel ashamed to be associated with them through a common love. I hope they spotted and banned from every football match ever. Scumbags.

Anyway, Rant over!


Idiots, utter absolute idiots. With a performance like that on the pitch there was simply nothing to fight about whatsoever (not that a poor performance would justify it).
Totally agree name shame and ban them. We were in 532 and as soon as he saw it my 7 yr old wanted to go. Managed to calm him down to stay to the end. Ruined a good day
We were in block 141 and there was a 20 minute brawl to the right of us. people had to take their kids out of there. You buy £60 to stay away from idiots like that on days like yesterday
I would hesitate before I call any of these shit bags 'fans'. I was a few blocks down and didn't see what caused it but saw a bloke who seemed to be getting his head area stamped on / kicked, along with a few others repeatedly swinging punches and climbing across seats to attack one another. This went on for ages without stewards intervention. To be fair to them, I doubt they anticipate 'fans' of the same team attacking one another, I can't imagine it happens very often at wembley.

This for me is one of the reasons that I don't like these big occasions, supposed fans just want to go for a day out, get as arseholed as possible as to hell with the consequences. I like a drink myself but the main event and the reason I spend so much money is to watch a football match. Probably the same wankers who thought it clever to start shouting at the start of the minutes silence.

I know that these games attract huge numbers of casual attenders, I count myself as one nowadays due to family / finances, but why the fuck do they bother? Stay away you wankers, watch the match (if you are really interested, although I doubt it) on TV with the rest of your knuckle dragging scrotey associates.

Would have loved to have been able to afford to take my kids, but i'm glad I didn't have to explain to them why some people felt the need to smash lumps out of one another for some (probably) trivial reason. Cunts. (Those fighting, Not my kids!)
One word, Alchohol!

Too many pissed updrunken wankers near me who had little interset in the game at all, just wanted to "show off" (when they were not having to go and empty their bladder). Spoiled a fantastic game/day but, hey, there'll be great tales to tell of how magnificently pissed they were at Wembley........ twats!
Apparently what started it was some of the fans were not singing and getting behind the team, so bigger blade mentality...... idiots.
There was a pissed bloke near us who was falling over seats etc He was in his fifties for gods sake not a young lad who doesn't know better
I was in block 501, right next to the hull fans.

There was a lad in front of me and WalthamstowBlade, must have been about 14, there for the day out with his granddad.

Both of them were shouting obscenities at the hull fans for the vast majority of the 90 minutes.

Kind of depressing really that this behaviour gets passed on through the generations.
There were some at it in 129 as well about 15 mins from the end. Absolute morons they were kids all around them, when the stewards arrived they stood by for a couple of mins. Then decided to chuck them out. One went ok the other resisted so more trouble ensued. Absolute morons. We had a great day saw OUR team give the best performance we have ever done at Wembley, but they had to spoil for others .

The moron on our row who when asked to sit down by the people behind him went mad. Screaming abuse at the people behind him, and excused his standing up because he was a Blade who went home and away and he always stood up When asked to sit down again he screamed "I've paid fifty fucking quid for this seat you cunts!" and took more offence when the bloke he was directing his ire at replied with "Well, sit down in it then, we've not paid fifty quid to see the back of your head."

At one point there were several people near us who, looking rather the worse for beer, refused to sit down when asked to by either the people behind them or the stewards. One pissed looking feisty individual was escorted out by the stewards.

Now, there are those who like to stand, but it's 2014 and Wembley is an all seater stadium. And there may be those who standing all match isn't an option any more, for many reasons. Not everyone behind you is a 20-something young chap, full of liquid anaesthetic. Sit the fuck down.
The moron on our row who when asked to sit down by the people behind him went mad. Screaming abuse at the people behind him, and excused his standing up because he was a Blade who went home and away and he always stood up When asked to sit down again he screamed "I've paid fifty fucking quid for this seat you cunts!" and took more offence when the bloke he was directing his ire at replied with "Well, sit down in it then, we've not paid fifty quid to see the back of your head."

At one point there were several people near us who, looking rather the worse for beer, refused to sit down when asked to by either the people behind them or the stewards. One pissed looking feisty individual was escorted out by the stewards.

Now, there are those who like to stand, but it's 2014 and Wembley is an all seater stadium. And there may be those who standing all match isn't an option any more, for many reasons. Not everyone behind you is a 20-something young chap, full of liquid anaesthetic. Sit the fuck down.

You should have rapped him on the head with your walking stick. :)
I was in block 501, right next to the hull fans.

There was a lad in front of me and WalthamstowBlade, must have been about 14, there for the day out with his granddad.

Both of them were shouting obscenities at the hull fans for the vast majority of the 90 minutes.

Kind of depressing really that this behaviour gets passed on through the generations.

Are you sure it wasn't Dazzler and his lad who'd spotted Walthy?
The moron on our row who when asked to sit down by the people behind him went mad. Screaming abuse at the people behind him, and excused his standing up because he was a Blade who went home and away and he always stood up When asked to sit down again he screamed "I've paid fifty fucking quid for this seat you cunts!" and took more offence when the bloke he was directing his ire at replied with "Well, sit down in it then, we've not paid fifty quid to see the back of your head."

At one point there were several people near us who, looking rather the worse for beer, refused to sit down when asked to by either the people behind them or the stewards. One pissed looking feisty individual was escorted out by the stewards.

Now, there are those who like to stand, but it's 2014 and Wembley is an all seater stadium. And there may be those who standing all match isn't an option any more, for many reasons. Not everyone behind you is a 20-something young chap, full of liquid anaesthetic. Sit the fuck down.

I was sat one row behind you and 2 seats towards the standers. At half time the one with glasses pushed over one of the ones who asked him to sit down.
Are you sure it wasn't Dazzler and his lad who'd spotted Walthy?

Sadly, for various reasons I didn't get tickets, so we watched it at a pub in Rochester where Charles Dickens used to stay, don't you know.

We had to beg the barman to not just show the Chelsea game. At half time I was gibbering along the lines of "oh my God, 45 mins from a cup final" and wondering if I could take the tension of the second half, whilst my son smiled indulgently (he ain't that bothered).

Half a hour later, all tension had gone until it started again in the 90th min....
Total disgrace were that lot fighting.i got down at 10am and me and the wife went a bought a few beers and sat on the wall near the shopping the day went on I just had a feeling that with the amount of pissed up people that this would happen.
Alcohol and I think in some cases drugs were to blame yesterday,and to see young blades crying is a scandal when they have gone to see there team at wembley.
Thing is every big occasion I have been at involving the blades iv seen some sort of conflict between the fans.
Society seems to have changed to me I'm only 35 and believe me iv seen life and been no angel but never have I carried on like that lot yesterday.
Hang your heads in shame you ruined a lot of people's day out..
What gets me is the Wembley Rules we were asked to read clearly state if you are considered to have drunk to much you will not be allowed in. According to everyone I have spoken to there were people barely capable of standing in most blocks. Not a kill joy we went to the Green Man pre match, had a few drinks, sang a few chants, got in the mood and went to watch one of the most entertaining games every played at New Wembley. The guy in front of me missed 5 goals on pee breaks and leaving 5 minutes early!
Too much fighting going on yesterday.

So much so some of us did not see their 4th goal.

Most of our fans were great yesterday but a minority ruined a good day for me.
For a bit of light relief on the fighting front...

People probably don't know the Medway towns, but it is very old fashioned white working class (think Sheffield but with Tory/UKIP voters). My son wanted some food in the pub and when we went in there were about 20 middle aged shaven headed blokes with beer guts watching the Liverpool game round the bar.

"What do you want I said?"

"A veggie burger", he said.

It was one of those "sudden silence" moments as I said "you aren't in north London now".

He got it though.
My mate went for beers at half time. Hull equalised when he was in the queue and someone smashed into him. My mate was then headbutted for good measure.

If this was you, would you please allow him to bring the drinks back to us first. He's tight so was never going to get another round in
My mate went for beers at half time. Hull equalised when he was in the queue and someone smashed into him. My mate was then headbutted for good measure.

If this was you, would you please allow him to bring the drinks back to us first. He's tight so was never going to get another round in

Are you sure that wasn't just what he told you as an excuse for not buying any drinks :)

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