CONFIRMED Berge to Burnley

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I Burnley is the best he can do, then he won't be much of a loss. I would say there is a high chance he will be back in the Championship next season regardless with that move.
At least two players at the top of our list to replace Ndiaye have either gone elsewhere or don't want to come here.

Look at Boro - they're not selling Akpom until they've SIGNED a replacement.
That statement from the club is embarrassing. ‘He and his representatives have opted to move to Burnley’ how about rejecting the fucking off then Bettis? You know, that is also an option.
I see it slightly differently but only if what they've said is true, but this is the bit we don't know. Assuming what Bettis says is true, then they've wanted him to sign a new contract but he wouldn't sign it, and because of that the club have accepted a bid and the statement is to let the fans know that it's because he wanted to leave rather than us just cashing in an asset for assets sake. I can see all sides on this but I don't think the statement is a bad one, maybe I'm alone in this?
Very funny 🙄
Not bad. I was fearing the worst. But not quite the piss take I was worried for!

It's done now. He was a good pro for us. He had some good moments. Didn't quite consistently live up to his billing though he also probably didn't expect us to nosedive so quickly either having joined a team finishing in 9th.

Within limits of not harming stuff, GLTTL.

We move on now with the players who are contracted to us.

No point dwelling. It's always more productive to get to the point of acceptance as quick as possible. Let's see who we can now get!
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Far from happy about this, but £15m on the face of it with 1 year left is not a bad fee.

Or would be if we had some coherent plan...
Not including loans, Berge was far and a way our most talented, in fact, our BEST midfielder.

He was too good for the Championship. We never saw him down tools & he could have done easily done so & handed in a request at any stage, but he didn't.

The statement couldn't throw him under the bus harder if we tried. Also, the grief & slander a lot of you throw his way as well...
His comments are so true about a ‘project’ and ‘ambition’ at Burnley. Some people find it hard to understand why he’d move there but they are a far more upwardly mobile club than we are. They have a plan, we have nothing. No strategy at all.

Even our on field plan revolves around a dated system which hasn’t been as effective for 3-4 years as it once was.
True, but my point is a player who imo has never looked like he wanted to be here has just generated £15m. Question we can ask now is who will club bring in, then we judge!

I seethis as a great opportunity to bring a better fit player in on 4 year contract
Let’s hope we can!

Not sure how you can see he never looked like he wanted to be here? He could have gone in the past 3.5 years and hasn’t. Not sure he’d have stuck around for so long otherwise.
All the best to Sander, he will be missed. I didn't want him to go like anyone else but saying that if we can get Hamer in return then I'll be happy with that, I'd prefer Hamer over Berge myself. Sander's most useful asset is his runs down the right hand side of the wing where he can be unplayable to get the ball of. Apart from that, as good as he generally is in terms of keeping hold of the ball, finding others, and he is good at being at the top of the box to finish off a move (like he did v West Brom) I don't think he's standout but all of what I've just mentioned are good assets, he is a PL player and in the right system with decent players I think he could excel. Not so sure that will be Burnley to be honest. He's moved to a smaller club for sure, and if it's because of Kompany then I'm not so sure that he's as good as some think he is, still very much a rookie manager.
Oh no better not sign for Sheffield United they might put a statement of their website when I leave 😭😭

It about treating people with respect. It goes a long way in football. How many times when a player signs for a club will they say 'I spoke to so and so about the club before I joined'? Happens all the time. We're in danger of getting a reputation for not meeting iur obligations on time (in regards transfer installments and player bonuses) and also tarnishing the reputations for those who play for us when they leave. These are the sort of things which make it more difficult for us to do deals.

I see it slightly differently but only if what they've said is true, but this is the bit we don't know. Assuming what Bettis says is true, then they've wanted him to sign a new contract but he wouldn't sign it, and because of that the club have accepted a bid and the statement is to let the fans know that it's because he wanted to leave rather than us just cashing in an asset for assets sake. I can see all sides on this but I don't think the statement is a bad one, maybe I'm alone in this?
Appreciate the considered reply. to me it reads as though they are trying to make ‘not signing a contract and assessing his options after this season’ is the same as ‘not wanting to be here’. To me, those two things are very different, but the club are trying to spin it that way.

The use of the word reluctantly is just farcical too, IMO. If they wanted to keep him then they could have done.
He's arguably one of our best players, but that says a lot about our squad and the inconsistent performances they give. Berge was good one game, totally invisible the next. He was a luxury that we didn't need and never really fit into our system. I genuinely won't miss him like I'll miss Ndiaye, despite his own inconsistencies. I'll look back on Berge’s United career one day and sum it up as .....meh. The sad and pathetic thing is despite all of this he was still one of our most important players somehow. His sale was inevitable as soon as he entered the last year of his contract. Do I care that we sold him to a "relegation rival"? Not really, Burnley had a chance of staying up with or without Berge. We don't. With or without him we were always going down this season. Let them have him. Hopefully Kompany might actually figure out his best position and role and the world might get to see the player that Europe was fighting over when we got him from Genk.

I have no ill feeling towards Sander. He stayed with us after we were relegated for two seasons and nearly saw out his four and a half year contract. He could've tried to force a move the day we were relegated from the Premier League, but didn't. Good luck to the lad.
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Far from happy about this, but £15m on the face of it with 1 year left is not a bad fee.

Yeah, in a vacuum the fee is fine. I really would be tempted to search the forum for all those people who were saying we wouldn't even get 5 million for him but I can't be arsed until we've got at least one more central midfielder in after Vinicius
did I miss where the prince told the blades way that we had been trying to negotiate with Berge?
Yeah, in a vacuum the fee is fine. I really would be tempted to search the forum for all those people who were saying we wouldn't even get 5 million for him but I can't be arsed until we've got at least one more central midfielder in after Vinicius

Meh, easier than I thought, got one

Appreciate the considered reply. to me it reads as though they are trying to make ‘not signing a contract and assessing his options after this season’ is the same as ‘not wanting to be here’. To me, those two things are very different, but the club are trying to spin it that way.

The use of the word reluctantly is just farcical too, IMO. If they wanted to keep him then they could have done.
Fair point there mate, I can see what you mean. I do think it's a tough one for the club if he doesn't want to sign a new contract then that puts United in a really tricky position. If he was going to join Burnley though I think he could have just stayed with us, but maybe Sander just isn't impressed with current recruitment. Hopefully come the end of the window things look a lot better than now!
He has a good pre season just in time for him to play Friday night, our signings are weeks behind. Burnley signing 8 player's how many have we

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