Young dickheads after the match.

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Pink Sambuca drinking World Champion.
Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
Sunny Woodseats.
After the match my mate and I were walking up John Street and there were a dozen or so teenage lads, probably around the ages of 14 to 16 but certainly no older, and all clad in the usual Stone Island and Burberry uniform taking the piss out of a young lad accompanied by an older chap who was clapping his hands and singing “United” over and over. The young lad had Downs Syndrome, and the Stone Island scrotes were making fun of him because of this.

In what world do little shits like this think it’s acceptable? We both commented loudly about their behaviour, but I suspect they were oblivious to any outside influences and certainly wouldn’t have been bothered if they had heard us. I despair sometimes about some people and the behaviour they think is acceptable. A young lad who’d enjoyed his team winning was mocked because he was different to these fucking halfwits. I would imagine it’s highly likely that they’ll carry on behaving like this as they grow into adults.

After the match my mate and I were walking up John Street and there were a dozen or so teenage lads, probably around the ages of 14 to 16 but certainly no older, and all clad in the usual Stone Island and Burberry uniform taking the piss out of a young lad accompanied by an older chap who was clapping his hands and singing “United” over and over. The young lad had Downs Syndrome, and the Stone Island scrotes were making fun of him because of this.

In what world do little shits like this think it’s acceptable? We both commented loudly about their behaviour, but I suspect they were oblivious to any outside influences and certainly wouldn’t have been bothered if they had heard us. I despair sometimes about some people and the behaviour they think is acceptable. A young lad who’d enjoyed his team winning was mocked because he was different to these fucking halfwits. I would imagine it’s highly likely that they’ll carry on behaving like this as they grow into adults.
As adults we all condone this behaviour, but we've all been teenagers and in a group where peer pressure and expectation leads to us laughing along, taking the piss, being egged on etc.

They're teenagers, and are acting as such.
As adults we all condone this behaviour, but we've all been teenagers and in a group where peer pressure and expectation leads to us laughing along, taking the piss, being egged on etc.

They're teenagers, and are acting as such.
Firstly, as an adult I would never condone this behaviour and secondly, when I was an over confident teenager, I would never have resorted to taking the piss out of a Downs Syndrome kid and neither would any of my mates. If any of us had acted in such a way, we'd pretty quickly be shut down and be on the receiving end of a quiet word.
As adults we all condone this behaviour, but we've all been teenagers and in a group where peer pressure and expectation leads to us laughing along, taking the piss, being egged on etc.

They're teenagers, and are acting as such.
Nah, I’ve never done something like this. That’s not just me being ‘holier than thou’ either. Kid, teenager, adult, there’s no reason to do this.
As adults we all condone this behaviour, but we've all been teenagers and in a group where peer pressure and expectation leads to us laughing along, taking the piss, being egged on etc.

They're teenagers, and are acting as such.
I’m embarrassed to say this is spot on. I did and said stupid, ignorant things as a teenager to try and fit in and be popular that make me blush with embarrassment now in my 40s just thinking about it. It takes a secure, strong kid in that situation to walk away and call it out. I regret that I was certainly not that person at that age. All you hope is that some of the lads get home, reflect on it and know deep down it was wrong. It’s why friendship groups are so important at that age.
As adults we all condone this behaviour, but we've all been teenagers and in a group where peer pressure and expectation leads to us laughing along, taking the piss, being egged on etc.

They're teenagers, and are acting as such.
I assume that one of your ‘teenage behaviours’ was to ‘wag’ English lessons ?

Or did you mean “condemn” ? 🤔
As adults we all condone this behaviour, but we've all been teenagers and in a group where peer pressure and expectation leads to us laughing along, taking the piss, being egged on etc.

They're teenagers, and are acting as such.
Yes I was a teenager once but I had enough sense to work out if some young lad had some disability and I had the correct up bringing to establish it’s not correct taking the piss out of them .
“They’re teenagers and acting as such “- never heard so much crap in my life ffs !
Firstly, as an adult I would never condone this behaviour and secondly, when I was an over confident teenager, I would never have resorted to taking the piss out of a Downs Syndrome kid and neither would any of my mates. If any of us had acted in such a way, we'd pretty quickly be shut down and be on the receiving end of a quiet word.
"Don't condone"

What a mistake that is. 🤣

Just for the record, I'd never condone this behaviour
Firstly, as an adult I would never condone this behaviour and secondly, when I was an over confident teenager, I would never have resorted to taking the piss out of a Downs Syndrome kid and neither would any of my mates. If any of us had acted in such a way, we'd pretty quickly be shut down and be on the receiving end of a quiet word.

I was usually the one dishing out a slap, if any of my mates had acted like that.
What a shame nobody witnessing this had the confidence to get hold of one or two and have a word.
Public ridicule and some peer influence from those might just have educated these morons.
Sadly, it’s a rising problem with every football club regarding youth element and their actions. From experience, when someone gets in their face and gives it back they generally run a mile!
You can bet these will be the spawn of some unsuspecting parent who’s never managed to instil some hard discipline into their children and instead think they look good parents by supplying their kids with overpriced, extremely low quality and tasteless designer gear.

I yearn for the day that folk feel they can again wade in and challenge this when they see it rather than complaining to the olive or media about it.
What a shame nobody witnessing this had the confidence to get hold of one or two and have a word.
Public ridicule and some peer influence from those might just have educated these morons.
Sadly, it’s a rising problem with every football club regarding youth element and their actions. From experience, when someone gets in their face and gives it back they generally run a mile!
You can bet these will be the spawn of some unsuspecting parent who’s never managed to instil some hard discipline into their children and instead think they look good parents by supplying their kids with overpriced, extremely low quality and tasteless designer gear.

I yearn for the day that folk feel they can again wade in and challenge this when they see it rather than complaining to the olive or media about it.
Plenty of typos this morning.
Good points.. Are olives the new police? 😅

As adults we all condone this behaviour, but we've all been teenagers and in a group where peer pressure and expectation leads to us laughing along, taking the piss, being egged on etc.

They're teenagers, and are acting as such.
Surely whatever background we were in when we were brought up most would have not treated disadvantaged people like this. Idiots we might have been and done things we now regret, yes, but not this type of abject bullying.
After the match my mate and I were walking up John Street and there were a dozen or so teenage lads, probably around the ages of 14 to 16 but certainly no older, and all clad in the usual Stone Island and Burberry uniform taking the piss out of a young lad accompanied by an older chap who was clapping his hands and singing “United” over and over. The young lad had Downs Syndrome, and the Stone Island scrotes were making fun of him because of this.

In what world do little shits like this think it’s acceptable? We both commented loudly about their behaviour, but I suspect they were oblivious to any outside influences and certainly wouldn’t have been bothered if they had heard us. I despair sometimes about some people and the behaviour they think is acceptable. A young lad who’d enjoyed his team winning was mocked because he was different to these fucking halfwits. I would imagine it’s highly likely that they’ll carry on behaving like this as they grow into adults.
Hate stuff like this. People need to have a word with them.
Every club has them. They’re like a clone. They’re also about as threatening as [insert something non-threatening]
Lovely. I said on another post last week, it's like they're released from a zoo once a week as part of an experiment. Scrotes. At least that lad will have some love and support around him, unlike the knuckle draggers that 'raised' these morons.
I'd like to bet the parents aren't all knuckle draggers.
As adults we all condone this behaviour, but we've all been teenagers and in a group where peer pressure and expectation leads to us laughing along, taking the piss, being egged on etc.

They're teenagers, and are acting as such.
I didn’t ended up scraping when off the school bus with a close mate who was taking the piss out of a lad with autism who went to our school and lived on the same road
I was 14 it was 1970 it’s wrong trying to justify this behaviour in todays age as just youthful behaviour when it’s not
Assuming many people on this thread are of a certain age, it's funny to hear everyone suggest how they'd stand up to injustice as a teen, when racist chanting was a regular thing and sexism and homophobia were rampant.
What a shame nobody witnessing this had the confidence to get hold of one or two and have a word.
Public ridicule and some peer influence from those might just have educated these morons.
Sadly, it’s a rising problem with every football club regarding youth element and their actions. From experience, when someone gets in their face and gives it back they generally run a mile!
You can bet these will be the spawn of some unsuspecting parent who’s never managed to instil some hard discipline into their children and instead think they look good parents by supplying their kids with overpriced, extremely low quality and tasteless designer gear.

I yearn for the day that folk feel they can again wade in and challenge this when they see it rather than complaining to the olive or media about it.
Tempting as it was to say something directly to them gangs of lads like this often have that pack mentality where if one is confronted they all turn on that person to “protect” their friend.

And as convenient as blaming the parents is, that’s not always the case. One of my friends has three sons. Two are good kids, at university and aiming for great careers. The third is a weed-dealing, stealing little shit. They were all brought up the same, so it’s definitely not down to the parenting in his case.
I saw this lot - not the incident with the lad, but the group of them stood outside the Kop exit on John Street. Couldn’t help but laugh. It looked like fifteen 12 year olds who’d passed a copy of some 80s hoolie memoirs round school and got dressed up for World Book Day.

I assume that one of your ‘teenage behaviours’ was to ‘wag’ English lessons ?

Or did you mean “condemn” ? 🤔

Is this not just akin to the behaviours of the teenagers in the opening post?

There appears to be a good bit of mocking on here in terms of spelling and grammar which saddens me. Without knowing one and other, what is to say that other members don't suffer from such impairments as dyslexia? To openly mock them on a forum board for me is akin to teenagers publicly mocking a fan with disabilities. The only difference being that these teenagers are at a stage in life where they are still 'impressionable' as such or perhaps don't know the consequences of tbeir own behaviour, where as full grown adults should know otherwise??

I know my spelling and grammar is far from perfect. I was diagnosed with dyslexia from an early age, however it hasn't stopped me from going out and achieving 11 GCSEs, 3 A Levels and a degree. Nor has it held me back in my ability to go on and serve the public as a clinician for the Ambulance Service.

Sorry to rant, but just a bug bear really. I hate to see people mocked on here and I guess this thread has provided the perfect opportunity to bring it up, as it fits very much in line with the subject.

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