Old Photos For No Reason Whatsoever

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Is that down by Endcliffe Park? Are they still there?

Yes, that's Hunters Bar roundabout.

Yes and there was a gate between them in my youth. Don’t think there’s owt there now, will have a look as I’ll be driving past tomorrow.

The Gate is still there but is not really visible due to trees etc. Council will soon get rid of them.

Now you mention it I can see it clearly in my mind, but I’d completely forgotten about it.

My aunty who sadly died in January lived the dream down Lightwood Lane for almost seventy years. As a kid I would go with my mum to visit at "The Farm". We had to get off the bus at Graves Park and walk the rest of the way. The cottage back then had no services whatsoever, the water being pumped by hand from a well or from rainwater collected in a large stone trough. An orchard at the back and a large garden at the side provided fruit and veg for months and her gooseberrys regularly got first prize at the Norton Show. Her husband died in about 1974 and she lived alone there until last year when she became to frail to look after herself.

As she got older and more frail she would say what a wonderful life she had , was not worried about dying and up until her last day had a razor sharp mind despite reading the Star from the front page to the back.
My aunty who sadly died in January lived the dream down Lightwood Lane for almost seventy years. As a kid I would go with my mum to visit at "The Farm". We had to get off the bus at Graves Park and walk the rest of the way. The cottage back then had no services whatsoever, the water being pumped by hand from a well or from rainwater collected in a large stone trough. An orchard at the back and a large garden at the side provided fruit and veg for months and her gooseberrys regularly got first prize at the Norton Show. Her husband died in about 1974 and she lived alone there until last year when she became to frail to look after herself.

As she got older and more frail she would say what a wonderful life she had , was not worried about dying and up until her last day had a razor sharp mind despite reading the Star from the front page to the back.
Great story. Had to give in a like, despite the gratuitous insulting of the Star, and the fact that it has nothing to do with United.

Saw one at Waddington airshow must have been nearly 20 years ago, and it was awesome, and a few years ago I was on holiday in Cornwall and I'd just come out of the Eden project and heard a distant rumble, turned round, looked up and a Vulcan roared past belching it's black smoke, it was better than the Eden Project. Shame they're not flying anymore.
Saw one at Waddington airshow must have been nearly 20 years ago, and it was awesome, and a few years ago I was on holiday in Cornwall and I'd just come out of the Eden project and heard a distant rumble, turned round, looked up and a Vulcan roared past belching it's black smoke, it was better than the Eden Project. Shame they're not flying anymore.
Yeah, remember seeing one as a kid. And one of these
I was born at Gleadless Town End but moved when I was 7.

I remember playing out on the rec and there always seemed to be a dumped old mini in the woods. I remember the fairs up at the water tower too. Straw underfoot and the smell of candyfloss, hot dogs and diesel.

This is becoming a real nostalgia fest for old farts......

Miss it though? I know I do. Where do the years go?

Your production method was clearly ahead of it's time ;)
Our lass has just bought me an air fix spitfire model I was totally shit as a youngun used to by them from Redgates never finished one I’m determined to finish this one
Our lass has just bought me an air fix spitfire model I was totally shit as a youngun used to by them from Redgates never finished one I’m determined to finish this one
Same here, that's why I had dinky, Corgi and hotwheels ,couldn't get on with Airfix ,Meccano or anything like that. Ive taken it into adulthood ,rubbish at mending anything or putting stuff together ,our lass does it. Ive looked in the model shops on Meersbrook and Attercliffe and toyed with the idea of getting an airfix kit and batting my demons ,let me know how you go on ;)
Same here, that's why I had dinky, Corgi and hotwheels ,couldn't get on with Airfix ,Meccano or anything like that. Ive taken it into adulthood ,rubbish at mending anything or putting stuff together ,our lass does it. Ive looked in the model shops on Meersbrook and Attercliffe and toyed with the idea of getting an airfix kit and batting my demons ,let me know how you go on ;)
That’s what wife’s are for. Mine thought I might put a shelf on the wall for her when we got married 22 years ago. It’s still not up.
Ha ha, it’s an age thing.
Same here, that's why I had dinky, Corgi and hotwheels ,couldn't get on with Airfix ,Meccano or anything like that. Ive taken it into adulthood ,rubbish at mending anything or putting stuff together ,our lass does it. Ive looked in the model shops on Meersbrook and Attercliffe and toyed with the idea of getting an airfix kit and batting my demons ,let me know how you go on ;)
Will do it’s a long winters night thing though.
That’s what wife’s are for. Mine thought I might put a shelf on the wall for her when we got married 22 years ago. It’s still not up.

If there's one thing my Dad has taught me it's "if you never show yourself to be competent at DIY, no-one will ask you to do DIY".

He is actually shit at DIY though tbf.

He also tries to fix everything with string and random bits of wood, electronics, appliances, bicycles etc
Has to be 1960s l would have thought as it took some time to clear and work on the Parkway started in the 70's. A fire would break out on those heaps every now and again.

Thinking that photo may have been taken outside the Cricket Inn.

I look and that photo and it looks like Broad Street that leads onto Cricket Inn Road. The student flats that are there now would be on the left?

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Have you seen Rowlinson recently? Now St James Retail Park. I have to,pass this fucking monstrosity on my way home from work every night..

I had the misfortune to visit it last weekend. The missus said, "we need to go to M&S Food - let's go and try that new one up at Meadowhead". We did. And do you know what? It's just the same as the other one on Eccy Road. :tumbleweed:

I'm afraid that these horrible little out of town retail parks are popping up everywhere. They always have the same cheap tack, crappy shops. Load a shite! And somehow we can find the money to build these out of town, whilst the city centre itself is a decaying corpse, infected with nail-bars and charity shops.

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