Roy's View From... Pre-Match View From Chelsea

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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"Sheff United can you be even more incompetent?” Yes. :oops:
Cheers roy, that made me really confident we will win easy, never seen as many negative comments they make us look positive
They sound as negative and pessimistic as most of us. But this time I think they're right. A win for us but a clean-sheet? They have to be joking. UTB
Was wondering where the tourists were after the first half of comments...but sure enough there they are.
“With the pattern we’ve seen, we’ll get 3 points against United and draw 2-2 to Sheffield, you just know

Funny they call them United and us Sheffield. Why not the other way round, Them Manchester and us United? 🤔
The definition of entitled fans:

"After Sheffield and WEMBLEY, I'm finished with them this season, unless Poch is gone".

Thanks Roy.

Looks like we might do them another favour and keep their Manager in position a bit longer by giving them 3 freaky goals and it finished 1-3.
Thanks Roy.

I get that they are not exactly ripping it up just now, but bloody hell what a set of Debbie Downers they are.
Come on sheffield! Let's have a boring first half and then try in the second
Thanks Roy. Chelsea fans not as whiny as Liverpool at least. If we nick a result I actually think we'll see Pochettino standing at the bottom of the Parkway trying to cadge a lift back to London.

Cheers Panchero!
Most of these bellends have never heard of Kerry Dixon and David Speedie
Imagine if we were facing Man U, and they’d come from 3-2 down to win 4-3 with Palmer in their side - or Man City/Arse….

Would be awash with “goal difference, cricket score, 6 by half time & score when we want” arrogance

At least these seem to be a bit self aware of their current situation, and from Landaners anawll

Hope they’re right, result is almost irrelevant now, but the 30000 that turn up at BDTBL deserve to go home happy
It’s not United then Sheffield it should be Manchester then refer to us as United….we are the original

Thanks Roy

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