Blades fans Fighting each other......

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From what I saw from block 533, a blonde girl was mouthing off at a young lad and smacked him. The lad didn't react.

The stewards then arrived and a big lad from the row behind Was complaining about something.

Someone then attacked him and I'm sure he grabbed their forearm and started biting it Suarez style.
Then bodies went flying downstairs and the hero of the hour in the blue jacket and baseball cap started stamping on someone.

All in all disgraceful behaviour from all cretins involved.

Bloke next to me in the toilet at half time just pulled a bag of white powder out of his pocket like he was chewing gum. He then stared at me dying for me to say something about it. I confused him by saying "good game int it?" He looked so disappointed he couldn't justify attacking me and stumbled off.

Also for the third consecutive wembley trip some of our fans decided to have a go at the winning fans by saying "cheer up you won ffs"

As if they're going to celebrate wildly in front of us. They are either scared of a kicking or showing respect and we still have a pop at them.

Anyway great night out in Reading Friday and a great trip to Wembley Sunday despite the wanker brigade.

I was sat in 126 and for the whole game there was no trouble whatsoever. However as we were leaving, this drunken idiot started having a right go at a man who was accompanied by his two sons and his wife. Luckily me, my dad and a few other proper fans pulled the idiot away towards a couple of stewards. I was absolutely disgusted by this mans behaviour, thank God it didn't lead to anything nasty.
From what I saw from block 533, a blonde girl was mouthing off at a young lad and smacked him. The lad didn't react.

The stewards then arrived and a big lad from the row behind Was complaining about something.

Someone then attacked him and I'm sure he grabbed their forearm and started biting it Suarez style.
Then bodies went flying downstairs and the hero of the hour in the blue jacket and baseball cap started stamping on someone.

All in all disgraceful behaviour from all cretins involved.

Bloke next to me in the toilet at half time just pulled a bag of white powder out of his pocket like he was chewing gum. He then stared at me dying for me to say something about it. I confused him by saying "good game int it?" He looked so disappointed he couldn't justify attacking me and stumbled off.

Also for the third consecutive wembley trip some of our fans decided to have a go at the winning fans by saying "cheer up you won ffs"

As if they're going to celebrate wildly in front of us. They are either scared of a kicking or showing respect and we still have a pop at them.

Anyway great night out in Reading Friday and a great trip to Wembley Sunday despite the wanker brigade.

:eek::) I would have done the same, where the hell do these people crawl out from?? They always think people give a crap what they're doing too. I'm not ya mum, kill yourself with a razor if you like. Just don't get blood on me shoes.
The trouble with these games is everybody is all over the shop. No natural segregation like at normal football matches. They should have blocks specifically designated for people who like to stand up every few seconds, drunks and morons.

If everyone stood up to this kind of behaviour, reported it and insisted it was properly investigated, then there would be proper segregation, the decent supporters inside the ground and the wankers outside!
i was in block 142 so away from the dickheads. But turned around and saw people flying down the seats. Utter disgrace. CCTV should pick these people out and photos should name and shame them and ban them from BDTBL.

Agree with Jehovah, the cheer up comments on wembley way we uncalled for and they were quite nervous to even reply to some of the genuine blade fans congratulating them and commenting on an exciting game.

Coppers holding us back until the road to Wembley Park seriously wasnt helping, i must have had all the dickheads in one place, seemed to have to wait for ages, and you could just feel the tension rising. If it had kicked off there were what 10 coppers in view thats it. Would have been carnage under that road.

I never understand Wembley and Wembley way, massive game and then just get all put together along Wembley Way just asks for trouble,
Spot on Pommpey. I was in Block 140 when it all kicked off in the last 10 minutes - I'm pretty sure the bald fella in the midst of it all had two kids with him. People were asking who the kids belonged to as he was being thrown out. The look on those kids' faces tells me they won't be asking to go back in a hurry - contrast that to Deadbat's son in his report. People just took it upon themselves to join in even when it had absolutely nothing to do with them.

It didn't spoil it for me - nothing could, the players were fantastic and we definitely 'showed up' for once. But I can imagine a number of people in my block not wanting to rush back to watch us again in a hurry.

Contrast that behavior to the spontaneous chanting/applause after the fifth goal went in before the final whistle. Certainly the best 'big day/game' of my lifetime and for once the journey home wasn't dejection.

Lots of pluses to build on for next season, without any doubt.

The guy with the bald head was sat directly behind BornOnShoreham who was sat with me. This guy was asleep through the minute's silence and most of the game. His kid kept saying 'did you see that dad ?' to which his dad still had his eyes closed. Felt really sorry for him.At 4-2 someone went past him, nudged him and said,' you know we are at a semi final don't you?' He woke and started throwing punches. People grabbed hold of him but he lashed out at everyone. Plenty of blood splatters on the steps. He didn't give a shit for the safety of his son or what would happen to him.

Partly spoiled the day but in the ,main so proud to be a Blade yesterday

What I am am gutted about is that they seems to have been plenty of people from this site in or around block 140 and we didn't get chance to introduce ourselves
I'm certainly not wallowing in outrage but am (sadly) bemused at others 'oh let's just forget about it in case it makes the club look bad' opinion / attitude. As long as it didn't happen to me or mine, let's pretend if didn't happen. Different standards, but life would be boring if we were all the same eh?
I don't think everyone should forget about it. Those directly affected by it should take the action they deem necessary.

Those away from it can "have a bitter taste" if they see fit. I prefer to have an unblemished memory of the day and leave it to those with knowledge of what went on, without calling for fellow fans to be banned with little or no knowledge of the facts. It's clear my moral fibre is in question by a few for that. Hey Ho


Hope no-one out there thinks it's inappropriate form me to say that I didn't see any of the 'trouble' you have all referred to and totally enjoyed the day with my son. I think the Blades fans were a credit to the club. UTB

Not at all mate - and glad you enjoyed the day. If that's your lad in the picture, I reckon I was about his age when I went to Wembley for the '93 semi-final and I was still talking about that day out prior to this weekend. Hope he's hooked!

Bartman - next time. Wembley isn't the easiest for meetups etc. (all just gets a bit too manic/busy). Hope you and BoSS enjoyed the day. You must have been just behind me.

I don't think I'd have had the energy for scrapping after all that yesterday! Seriously though, why would you find reason to fight after such a great afternoon? Absolute dickheads and I hope they get found and punished with a lifetime ban.
Hope no-one out there thinks it's inappropriate form me to say that I didn't see any of the 'trouble' you have all referred to and totally enjoyed the day with my son. I think the Blades fans were a credit to the club. UTB
Me and my lads saw the trouble from another block but felt exactly the same. I'm questioning our moral fibre now.

I commented earlier in the thread about a few idiots near us. But it certainly did not spoil my day and I hope - and expect - that very few had their day spoilt by a mindless minority. The vast majority of Blades fans were brilliant - inside and outside the ground. I honestly don't think you can find more passionate support anywhere.

My abiding memories of the day will be the carnival atmosphere outside the ground before kick off, a great effort from the team, some brief moments of thinking it could be our day - and the fantastic backing provided by our fans - even when we went 5-3 down and knew the dream was over.

Not that it's important in the context of them being absolute fuckwits but it was in 130. We were about 15yds away in Block 131. The stewards took about 5 mins to get there, in fact one of them mates had time to run back from the exit steps to try and split it up / join in well before any stewards were anywhere to be seen.
You right it was 130, me and my Grandson were in 130 just thought were they were was in 129.
Had a bit of trouble with some drunken tosspot who threatened to knock my old man out for having the audacity to ask him and his bunch of Danny Dyer wannabes to sit down. A brief confrontation ensued with stewards being called. The stewards asked them to be seated a few times, doing nothing else despite being warned of their drunken aggressive behaviour to others, (a young lass and a dad with wife and kids were also subjected to some abuse for asking them to get down.)

As expected, Danny & Co. were all talk and refrained to looking around smugly as if to prove a point whenever we celebrated a goal or stood up for a song. The complete jebend then resorted to standing and screaming at United fans behind him to "fucking come on, you twats" whenever nobody joined in with his slurred chants. Capping off an impressive performance by screaming more insults at the Blades crowd behind when Hull scored their fourth, as though it was all their doing.

Day was far from ruined. It even gave us something to chat about in the pub after. But it could have turned nasty and my younger brother was visibly shaken seeing 10 or so chavs asking his dad outside, whilst I tried to restore some peace. Block 133, in case anyone else witnessed the shenanigans.

Majority of Blades were, as always, exemplary and a credit to this wonderful football club. Can we not petition for 'chav/yoof sections'? - where these imbeciles can drink their Foster's and sing about rape victims in peace.
Spoiled my day i was in the top tier with mi son and at about 86 mins in the coked up dicks that had been spending most of the game shouting abuse at everybody decided that wasnt a big enough buzz so decided to start on the lads behind rhem, the women were the worst. I moved my lad away and it just escalated to the extent i was worried for his safety, thus we left before our third goal. I have emailed sufc and i want those shits identified and banned, not heard back yet
Not at all mate - and glad you enjoyed the day. If that's your lad in the picture, I reckon I was about his age when I went to Wembley for the '93 semi-final and I was still talking about that day out prior to this weekend. Hope he's hooked!

Bartman - next time. Wembley isn't the easiest for meetups etc. (all just gets a bit too manic/busy). Hope you and BoSS enjoyed the day. You must have been just behind me.

Cheers mate. The picture was taken at Wembley in 2009 when he was 8 years old. He is 13 now and enjoyed it 100% more yesterday than the Burnley game. A good performance from the lads, especially in the 1st half.
I also went to the old stadium in 1993 for the Steel City semi final - 20 years of hurt an all that!
About a month ago I wrote on here that our stewards were far too heavy handed in the away end at the Lane. Having witnessed the useless, ineffective stewarding at Wembley yesterday I've changed my mind. I was there with my Grandson aged 9 and we really enjoyed the whole day despite a couple of idiots a few rows below trying to knock the hell out of an older guy sat in front of them, The mans wife had to lay hands on one of these morons (early 20s) to support her husband. Others in the immediate area tried to calm these two fuckwits down but they weren't having any. It took two handy looking lads to effectively stand up and threaten them before they calmed down. When it appeared obvious they were just itching for trouble a middle aged bloke went looking for steward security. After 20 minutes some puny looking lad turned up but did sweet FA, didn't seem capable really.

The whole staffing including security staff were not much more than kids, they were to a person very polite, but I very much got the impression they weren't streetwise at all to some of the drunken fuckwits you get at football. I don't know which pillocks recruit these kids but they don't half expect them to deal with a lot. Their inability to deal with aggressive drunks could have had serious consequences for someone in the crowd. I also got the impression they weren't tuned in to football culture. I asked one smiley pleasant lad for a pie and it took about 5 attempts to convince him I wasn't asking for a pint.

When I go to the Lane on my own I stand at the back of the kop. Contrary to one comment I've read I've never felt threatened or intimidated the atmosphere is good. As fans at the back are of a like mind no one gets upset. If I got a seat further down the kop I wouldn't dream of standing and blocking someone's view.
This whole compulsory seating business was introduced after Hillsborough and Heysel. About 5 years ago I called into a radio station to support a representative from the FSA who was arguing for reintroduction of standing areas, his opponent was one of the Liverpool mothers whose son was killed at the semi-final, she clearly had moral authority on her side but I argued that she was wrong. Situations like Wembley yesterday could be improved if all the drunken fuckwits could stand together and decent fans could move away and leave them to it, with seating you're trapped
Sad to hear such stories....I love a drink but can never understand all this fighting lark.

I'm a fairly big guy but I never want to fight.

Funny that they never try it with guys like me!
Really shocked and disappointed by all this. We were in 137 and saw no problems other than a few blokes who became argumentative about being asked to sit down and stop blocking a little lad's view. Horrible to think that fans had their days spoiled and some were attacked, and anyone calling innocent Hull supporters cunts ought to look in the mirror before dishing out abuse in future.

I stopped following Chesterfield because of drunken morons looking for trouble at every away match and being abusive and boorish at home. Final straw was a racist in the crowd who kicked me in the back of the head because I asked him to stop abusing his own side's black players and then asked the stewards to throw him out when he persisted. They gave him a telling off but let him stay. Meanwhile everyone else in the stand pretended to have heard and seen nothing because they were too cowardly to get involved.

Coming to the Lane has been, in contrast, great fun. Last thing I (or any of us) need now is the same macho crap from United followers.

Incidentally, did anyone else smell the unmistakable whiff of dope in the air outside the Man in the Moon in Stanmore three hours before kick off?
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I was sat in 126 and for the whole game there was no trouble whatsoever. However as we were leaving, this drunken idiot started having a right go at a man who was accompanied by his two sons and his wife. Luckily me, my dad and a few other proper fans pulled the idiot away towards a couple of stewards. I was absolutely disgusted by this mans behavior, thank God it didn't lead to anything nasty.
Despite this me and my dad had a fantastic day. I hope the idiots that were seen fighting yesterday are named and shamed to the powers that be and are banned from buying tickets. I think that us football fans get a fair bit of unfair treatment, however when I witness such moronic behavior I can understand why these precautions are put in place.
About a month ago I wrote on here that our stewards were far too heavy handed in the away end at the Lane. Having witnessed the useless, ineffective stewarding at Wembley yesterday I've changed my mind. I was there with my Grandson aged 9 and we really enjoyed the whole day despite a couple of idiots a few rows below trying to knock the hell out of an older guy sat in front of them, The mans wife had to lay hands on one of these morons (early 20s) to support her husband. Others in the immediate area tried to calm these two fuckwits down but they weren't having any. It took two handy looking lads to effectively stand up and threaten them before they calmed down. When it appeared obvious they were just itching for trouble a middle aged bloke went looking for steward security. After 20 minutes some puny looking lad turned up but did sweet FA, didn't seem capable really.

The whole staffing including security staff were not much more than kids, they were to a person very polite, but I very much got the impression they weren't streetwise at all to some of the drunken fuckwits you get at football. I don't know which pillocks recruit these kids but they don't half expect them to deal with a lot. Their inability to deal with aggressive drunks could have had serious consequences for someone in the crowd. I also got the impression they weren't tuned in to football culture. I asked one smiley pleasant lad for a pie and it took about 5 attempts to convince him I wasn't asking for a pint.

When I go to the Lane on my own I stand at the back of the kop. Contrary to one comment I've read I've never felt threatened or intimidated the atmosphere is good. As fans at the back are of a like mind no one gets upset. If I got a seat further down the kop I wouldn't dream of standing and blocking someone's view.
This whole compulsory seating business was introduced after Hillsborough and Heysel. About 5 years ago I called into a radio station to support a representative from the FSA who was arguing for reintroduction of standing areas, his opponent was one of the Liverpool mothers whose son was killed at the semi-final, she clearly had moral authority on her side but I argued that she was wrong. Situations like Wembley yesterday could be improved if all the drunken fuckwits could stand together and decent fans could move away and leave them to it, with seating you're trapped

It's doing things on the cheap. The clubs and grounds won't pay for properly trained people (i.e. police officers) and contract "security" out to private companies who get people on minimum wage. Pay peanuts etc etc

Perhaps less money should go to players and more on making a better experience for supporters. However, as with everything in football, because supporters will keep turning up no matter how they are treated, they won't.
It really is about time that drinking on coaches was completely stopped. Usually drive but ended up on a coach, what an experience that was. Some were totally bladders by the time we got there. 1 drunk a full bottle of brandy but didn't seem too bad, when we got back after game he had hardly any clothes on and didn't know who had scored for us. Thankfully he slept all the way home. Another idiot got arrested for hitting a hull fan. Last time I go by coach unless with supporters club no matter how quiet they are
fans in front of me were friends, as they celebrated the goals together in the first half. But when Quinn came on one clapped the other boo'd, and then that started debate between them, which ended with one actually pushing his friend to the floor and walking off when he scored.

I clapped him on, I was pleased for him for scoring. I hated it was against us.
Mark Labett from "The Chase" was sat about 10 rows in front of me and the person sitting behind the 6 foot 6 inches man mountain was a young lad about a foot shorter!
You must have been very close to me then cause he was say about 10 rows in front of me too!

'Leave it and move on, tends to suggest otherwise.
I was referring to the masses who weren't involved, and a number who werent affected but are still wanting to feel aggrieved, in the process drawing further attention to something that in no way reflected the day or our fans as a whole.

Believe it or not :), even I would support people who were directly affected by fighting taking further action. It really goes without saying.


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