Delay to the match at the end of game

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2014
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Some are saying that the delay near the end of the game was because Carlton Morris was reporting alleged racist comments from an individual in the crowd. Hopefully if it is the case the individual will be dealt with appropriately.

Some are saying that the delay near the end of the game was because Carlton Morris was reporting alleged racist comments from an individual in the crowd. Hopefully if it is the case the individual will be dealt with appropriately.

It did look like it on TV thats what they were discussing between Ref, 4th Official and both managers.
A few people around me said they heard something and a blokes was doing monkey impressions. It all kicked off at the end with quite a few Luton players coming over, and two blokes giving them some verbals back.

It's all alleged at the moment though. We've never been like that as a club, so I'm quite surprised tbh.
A few people around me said they heard something and a blokes was doing monkey impressions. It all kicked off at the end with quite a few Luton players coming over, and two blokes giving them some verbals back.

It's all alleged at the moment though. We've never been like that as a club, so I'm quite surprised tbh.
I wish they'd got hold of the fat racist cunt and flattened him

Alleged, it's ALLEGED for fucks sake. If it happened it'll get the punishment it deserves and if it didn't? What will you fuckers jump up and down about then? Seriously, some of you love this shit, any excuse to jump up and down before you have a fucking clue what the facts are.

I sit close to where it happened and I didn't see anything. I did see all the aftermath though.
Alleged, it's ALLEGED for fucks sake. If it happened it'll get the punishment it deserves and if it didn't? What will you fuckers jump up and down about then? Seriously, some of you love this shit, any excuse to jump up and down before you have a fucking clue what the facts are.
I'd agree with you on some things aye, absolutely, people overreact summat daft on here.

But you've got members on here telling you they've seen it. Fucking right we should jump up and down about racism pal, yeah.
I'd agree with you on some things aye, absolutely, people overreact summat daft on here.

But you've got members on here telling you they've seen it. Fucking right we should jump up and down about racism pal, yeah.

Seen it??? What did they hear? That's what the complaint's about.
Alleged, it's ALLEGED for fucks sake. If it happened it'll get the punishment it deserves and if it didn't? What will you fuckers jump up and down about then? Seriously, some of you love this shit, any excuse to jump up and down before you have a fucking clue what the facts are.

Some of our so called fans can't wait to jump on the club before they know the facts.
Alleged, it's ALLEGED for fucks sake. If it happened it'll get the punishment it deserves and if it didn't? What will you fuckers jump up and down about then? Seriously, some of you love this shit, any excuse to jump up and down before you have a fucking clue what the facts are.


I sit close to where it happened and I didn't see anything. I did see all the aftermath though.
I sit in F block and didn't hear/see anything. Not saying it did or didn't happen but people making claims when they weren't even there 🙄🤣
If it did happen and the ref rightly intervened it is the only thing that shite ref got right all afternoon

It's funny how people can see two completely different games. Apart from the ridiculous corner decision, which did ultimately lead to their 2nd goal (although I am convinced we would have conceded again today anyway), I thought he had a very decent game.
It's funny how people can see two completely different games. Apart from the ridiculous corner decision, which did ultimately lead to their 2nd goal (although I am convinced we would have conceded again today anyway), I thought he had a very decent game.
Your having a laugh or been on the pop
I watched it on TV, so I can't comment from experience.
However. At the time we had Trusty, Osulu, Slimane, Brewster and Wes on the pitch. It would have to be some seriously crass person to shout a racist comment at a one of several people of colour in Luton shirts. If said word could have been mis-heard, given that particular person of colour Luton player was also quite rotund for a professional sportsman, and said team were fortuitously in a leading position with a mere 2 of 8 extra minutes added on to play, it might be advantageous to mis-hear a certain word in order to kill off any momentum left in our largely exhausted 11 still on the pitch, pressing for a desperate equaliser, would it not?

Some people love to be offended. If not for themselves, then on behalf of others.

If there was a racist incident,then quite rightly the club should (and no doubt will) come down on it like a tonne of bricks as it has no place in football or society (as we all know).

That said, shall we at least wait to hear what the facts are first and what is proved beyond rumours and heresy? As said, a lot of people do seem overly keen to condem before any facts are known. Some on here would be worse than Judge Jeffrey's at the Bloody Assizes.
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