Paedo Chant

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Dec 16, 2013
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I know nothing about slander / libel law, so does anybody know the legality of thousands of people repeatedly accusing somebody on live television of an illegal activity? Not to mention on social media.

Deano takes it well on the outside - but it’s not something you want to start to be associated with your name - and I would think his parents get quite upset by it.

I know nothing about slander / libel law, so does anybody know the legality of thousands of people repeatedly accusing somebody on live television of an illegal activity? Not to mention on social media.

Deano takes it well on the outside - but it’s not something you want to start to be associated with your name - and I would think his parents get quite upset by it.
He revels in it ,its spurs him on ,7 clean sheets is the proof. As long as we give him our full support he will be OK.
We were singing deano they just changed it peado for no other reason than it fits and it's an insult.
Dont Male Swimmers and Male Boxers popstars etc take their shirts off , they had better leave Curtis Woodhouse alone then .
Racist or homophobic chants can have serious implications for the club involved,the paedo chant is equally disgusting
Sanctions against clubs involved will soon sort it
It’s not banter,it’s not funny,not great for his family
Did you see the fake “I’m upset” reaction from the Leeds fans when Deano celebrated the win after the final whistle..
I know nothing about slander / libel law, so does anybody know the legality of thousands of people repeatedly accusing somebody on live television of an illegal activity? Not to mention on social media.

Deano takes it well on the outside - but it’s not something you want to start to be associated with your name - and I would think his parents get quite upset by it.

IANAL but I'm fairly sure that attempting to sue a group of fans for chanting at a game won't end well for you.
He revels in it ,its spurs him on ,7 clean sheets is the proof. As long as we give him our full support he will be OK.

You may be right sitters, but the OP's point has relevance,

Generally, football banter and how crowds behave is what you might call evenhanded, but there have always been factions, no matter how small, who relish the chance to use the most appalling words and ideas as a way of inflaming a situation or causing hurt to an individual. Often it's done to provoke, and as we've seen far too often, some people are bereft of what might be called a conscience, so they imagine that anyone, and anything, is fair game. It's an awful state of affairs, and I hope that this isn't swept under the carpet, otherwise it gives licence to those idiots who imagine that it's an acceptable form of behaviour.
Racist or homophobic chants can have serious implications for the club involved,the paedo chant is equally disgusting
Sanctions against clubs involved will soon sort it
It’s not banter,it’s not funny,not great for his family
Did you see the fake “I’m upset” reaction from the Leeds fans when Deano celebrated the win after the final whistle..

Some of the pro Ched chants were equally warped. Self policing is probably the only solution.

Stalker ?
I genuinely don’t know if that’s serious, given some people don’t understand social media.

If it is, no it’s like ‘subscribing’ so you get to see what he posts. As far as I’m aware, anyone can ‘follow’ someone (unless you specifically block them).

If it’s not :)
Leeds do seem to have an obsession with paedophilia and Saville.
I’m pretty sure I saw the post online. He posted it to his Story feature on Snapchat. As his account is public, any material he posts to his Story feature is viewable to all of his followers (subscribers). He posted a video of himself with his top off, pouting at the camera.

To me, and probably most of you, this probably seems a bit odd. However, for the younger generations who’ve grown up with Social Media this stuff is apparently quite normal. He’s a young lad, confident in his looks and was posing a bit for his followers.

Anyway, allegedly some young school girl has shown the post to her old man and he’s then gone spouting off that Dean Henderson has been sending his daughter topless pictures of himself. The internet provided the platform this bollocks to quickly spread and so the “paedo” chants were born.

You’d think people would know better.
Did you see the fake “I’m upset” reaction from the Leeds fans when Deano celebrated the win after the final whistle..
And the Leeds players having a go at Deano for celebrating - ignoring the paedo chants he had endured.

The chant does cross a line for me and something should be done about it - but it won’t be.
I am sure Roger Hunt suffered plenty of verbal abuse in his day.
I remember back in the we played away at Barnsley.

They had a fairly decent forward called David Curry. Lond dark hair, Ester Ranson teeth and a porn star moustach......

We sang for 90 minutes about how he was a gypsy and that he lost his caravan etc etc...... So let’s not take the moral high growd about how terrible any set of fans are about shouting racist or homophobic drivel,,,,,,,,,as we have done exactly the same.

I really don’t think Hendo is the type to let it bother him one bit.

To be honest there is no story here......
Henderson explained this on Twitter. If anyone has evidence to the contrary they should go to the police, otherwise shut up and return to football banter. I think United should make clear that other clubs should stop this being chanted otherwise they will support Henderson and sue for slander.
I am not saying United fans would be any better if he played for Wednesday or Leeds. Sadly there are fans who will sink to any depths to 'support their club'. It's disgusting.
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Henderson explained this on Twitter. If anyone has evidence to the contrary they should go to the police, otherwise shut up and return to football banter. I think United should make clear that other clubs should stop this being chanted otherwise they will support Henderson and sue for slander.
I am not saying United fans would be any better if he played for Wednesday or Leeds. Sadly there are fans who will sink to any depths to 'support their club'. It's disgusting. View attachment 50984
You seriously think SUFC should go to the other clubs in the league and demand their support calling Hendo names ?

Are you serious........ that is ridiculous.

As you have pointed out, our fans are/ would be no better.

You seriously think SUFC should go to the other clubs in the league and demand their support calling Hendo names ?

Are you serious........ that is ridiculous.

As you have pointed out, our fans are/ would be no better.
Wjy not, this isn't part of regular football banter, calling someone a paedo can destroy careers. Leeds United are responsible for what takes place in their stadium, if I said it on television I could rightly be sued. Too much unacceptable behaviour is excused as 'part of football banter'. A few years ago some Blades fans sang a racist song about Bradford when playing Bradford City, United were clear in condemning it and that if there were any further chants fans would be identified. The next game against Bradford City I heard no such chants thankfully.

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