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boo radley

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2009
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As well as the the top table, for the first time we met Walthy SEB and Balham and Greenwich and loads of others who were with them.on Saturday night. Met loads of others who Iv'e been to games with or know as Blades from elsewhere in the Green Man on Sunday.
Twas a good weekend to see so many Blades on the up, smiling enjoying ourselves and being proud to be associated with the best football club in the world.

Strangely enough. I think I might have met and spoke to Swiss Blade on Saturday afternoon in a pub between Holburn and Covent Garden. Well, if you were giving grief to a Blade in a YELLOW (not gold) and BLUE (not black) Ralph Lauren shirt watching the Arsenal Semi, the you met me.

Anything after that, I can;t remember but did go back to the hotel to swap in to my red white and pink outfit for the evening.
Met no body from here on the day - whilst diplaying my grey S24SU Brayford Tee I spotted a couple - the feller had a Section 60 tee on and his Mrs the back version of the Brayford Tee - this was near the Stella 4 booth before the game - didn't speak to them, mind. Must admit - the Brayford Tee looked a lot better on her frame than mine does on me :(

Was at the Green Man pre drinks - heaving as usual.
Was planning to meet up with my cousin (how rode a bike down to Wembley) with Presty but my cousin txt me to say he was in the Holliday Inn and too pissed to make it to the Green Man.

Still Me & Ken Jnr met some mates pre match and then had a cracking football game to watch - then some more beers and a veggy cuzza at the top of the Ealing Road before heading back up to the Midlands.

Terrific showing from the lads - THREE fucking goals at Wembley - we've only scored two there prior to yesterday.

Also like this that was posted by Bedrock Blade as it shows a different perspective on things

Another Blade I've never met before got off at Walthamstow Central.
Driving home from the station I saw a group of Blades walking up a country lane which was bizarre as there's no parking or anything of note up there...unless they lived there that is!
Terrific showing from the lads - THREE fucking goals at Wembley - we've only scored two there prior to yesterday.


If on Saturday night, the good fairy had to come to you and said "United will score three at Wembley tomorrow", you would have been getting your cup final outfit ready.

How many other teams have scored three in a semi final and lost? It's the United way...
If on Saturday night, the good fairy had to come to you and said "United will score three at Wembley tomorrow", you would have been getting your cup final outfit ready.
How many other teams have scored three in a semi final and lost? It's the United way...

Yep, you're spot on Dazzler - can't take it away from us though - the fact is that this is the best cup run in living memory. The only thing that could top it would be to do the business when we are in a higher division and actually winning the bastard. The thing that makes this one stand out so much is the overcoming of adversity along the way and the total togetherness is has engendered between club, players and fans.
We had top notch seats sitting alongside Clarke Carlisle and Sam Mattaface doing the commentary!
Clarke Carlisle seems a top guy !
Adrian Chiles outside the Packhorse and Talbot, Chiswick High Road, Sat dinnertime (we were inside watching QPR) - said he thought it would be hard for us, but he disliked Hull so hoped we won.

I think I was next to Ollesandro in the Euston Tap moaning that he hadn't enjoyed himself.

aye, that was me. I didn't enjoy it at all. I fucking hate that stadium. Plastic shithole in the middle of nowhere. Crap atmosphere and could barely see the pitch from my 40 quid seat. I was nervous as fook when we went ahead and could not relax at all. At half time I started to dream and then the first 10 minutes of the 2nd half was fucking awful. We defended really poorly and I was fucking furious at how soft Hull's goals were. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach when their 3rd went in and I knew we'd blown it. I promised myself before that Ii would not get upset, as I didn't thik we stood much chance of winning. None of the 'we've done brilliant to get this far', 'proud to be a Blade' etc could cheer me up. I was gutted. I was angry that we played pretty well and let them win easily. That we gave away cheap goals. We had a great chance and we ballsed it up. I also thought the atmosphere was flat. The stadium is gash and it is hard to get any momentum going in terms of singing/chanting. I was in a daze when I left the ground and felt proper shit afterwards.
aye, that was me. I didn't enjoy it at all. I fucking hate that stadium. Plastic shithole in the middle of nowhere. Crap atmosphere and could barely see the pitch from my 40 quid seat. I was nervous as fook when we went ahead and could not relax at all. At half time I started to dream and then the first 10 minutes of the 2nd half was fucking awful. We defended really poorly and I was fucking furious at how soft Hull's goals were. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach when their 3rd went in and I knew we'd blown it. I promised myself before that Ii would not get upset, as I didn't thik we stood much chance of winning. None of the 'we've done brilliant to get this far', 'proud to be a Blade' etc could cheer me up. I was gutted. I was angry that we played pretty well and let them win easily. That we gave away cheap goals. We had a great chance and we ballsed it up. I also thought the atmosphere was flat. The stadium is gash and it is hard to get any momentum going in terms of singing/chanting. I was in a daze when I left the ground and felt proper shit afterwards.
Still, at least you got a day out eh?
aye, that was me. I didn't enjoy it at all. I fucking hate that stadium. Plastic shithole in the middle of nowhere. Crap atmosphere and could barely see the pitch from my 40 quid seat. I was nervous as fook when we went ahead and could not relax at all. At half time I started to dream and then the first 10 minutes of the 2nd half was fucking awful. We defended really poorly and I was fucking furious at how soft Hull's goals were. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach when their 3rd went in and I knew we'd blown it. I promised myself before that Ii would not get upset, as I didn't thik we stood much chance of winning. None of the 'we've done brilliant to get this far', 'proud to be a Blade' etc could cheer me up. I was gutted. I was angry that we played pretty well and let them win easily. That we gave away cheap goals. We had a great chance and we ballsed it up. I also thought the atmosphere was flat. The stadium is gash and it is hard to get any momentum going in terms of singing/chanting. I was in a daze when I left the ground and felt proper shit afterwards.

Bloody hell.

What must you have been like after Burnley?
aye, that was me. I didn't enjoy it at all. I fucking hate that stadium. Plastic shithole in the middle of nowhere. Crap atmosphere and could barely see the pitch from my 40 quid seat. I was nervous as fook when we went ahead and could not relax at all. At half time I started to dream and then the first 10 minutes of the 2nd half was fucking awful. We defended really poorly and I was fucking furious at how soft Hull's goals were. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach when their 3rd went in and I knew we'd blown it. I promised myself before that Ii would not get upset, as I didn't thik we stood much chance of winning. None of the 'we've done brilliant to get this far', 'proud to be a Blade' etc could cheer me up. I was gutted. I was angry that we played pretty well and let them win easily. That we gave away cheap goals. We had a great chance and we ballsed it up. I also thought the atmosphere was flat. The stadium is gash and it is hard to get any momentum going in terms of singing/chanting. I was in a daze when I left the ground and felt proper shit afterwards.

:eek: Fookin Hell, almost the polar opposite of mine and the missuses experience.
Was at the Green Man pre drinks - heaving as usual.
Was planning to meet up with my cousin (how rode a bike down to Wembley) with Presty but my cousin txt me to say he was in the Holliday Inn and too pissed to make it to the Green Man.

Never made it up there - we were in Flanagan's a mile or so up Wembley High Street all day - went for a wander about 12 but all the pubs were turning away so we went back.
I enjoyed the beers and the banter pre and post game, but just not the match. It was a pretty entertaining game, but I really despise Wembley and that tainted it.
I was hugging random folk I recognised from the South Stand. It's a beer thing.
I noticed a few t-shirts from on here, was anyone wearing a black Brayford t-shirt and i saw a 125 year one from on here. We went in entrance H, i had my 125 year blades shirt and on top of that had a red 125 year shirt from on here. I noticed a few look at my shirt and knew i went on here.
Never made it up there - we were in Flanagan's a mile or so up Wembley High Street all day - went for a wander about 12 but all the pubs were turning away so we went back.

Ended up at Flanagan's afterwards for a couple before eating at the Chennai Dosa on the corner of the High Street and Ealing Road. Maybe next time Presters UTB
I saw a few forum t-shirts in The Green Man garden - likely I saw a lot of you but didn't realise it was you!
Out at the airport meet 2 Sheffield lasses and Blades who's father is of this parish , 2 smashing girls , owe them a drink as I couldn't stay to chat as my son was being a pain in the arse , and it didn't stop all fucking day , next time in Sheffield he can fuckoff to Meadow-hall and leave me in the pub .:mad:
I met Dave Bassett on the road outside of the St Joesph's club at about half 12.

Also sat a few seats behind Oreyt and also gather shorehamview was in the vicinity somewhere. Saw Foxy and silverfox afterwards walking out of the ground, when everyone was understandly disappointed.

I met Dave Bassett on the road outside of the St Joesph's club at about half 12.

Also sat a few seats behind Oreyt and also gather shorehamview was in the vicinity somewhere. Saw Foxy and silverfox afterwards walking out of the ground, when everyone was understandly disappointed.

I heard you got a bit annoyed with some supporters about people standing brownie????

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