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I had an anonymous name on blades mad because I was new to this forum lark back then..

When I moved to the grown ups forum after they banned me from posting on the *pigs mad forum for abusing them, I used my nickname and added 1889 ..

* can't fucking take it can they..crybabies.
I live in Stannington. Or do I?

There is a long running tedious debate usually perpetuated by snobs about the boundary of Stannington which has lead to the use of such terms as Stannington Village and Lower Stannington.

To take the piss out of the snobs my wife jokes that next someone will start referring to themselves as living in Saint Annington.

She must have first cracked the joke round about the time I was joining the forum so I just went with it.
Rule 1. The golden rule is that there are no golden rules

Rule 2. Obey all the rules
Favourite film as a kid was 'The Magnificent Seven' and as I'm totally bald these days, Yul Brynner seemed a better option than Charles Bronson, Steve McQueen et al.

I was PragueBlade on the old mailing list that Dougal (?) ran.
By the time I joined forums such as SUISA, I had moved to Barcelona (I don't really have any affiliation to Barca the team other than many friends who support them because they are from Barcelona/Catalunya).
I then moved back to Prague, but figured it wasn't worth changing name again.
Coincidentally, I'm typing this from Barcelona.
I live in Stannington. Or do I?

There is a long running tedious debate usually perpetuated by snobs about the boundary of Stannington which has lead to the use of such terms as Stannington Village and Lower Stannington.

To take the piss out of the snobs my wife jokes that next someone will start referring to themselves as living in Saint Annington.

She must have first cracked the joke round about the time I was joining the forum so I just went with it.
The stump cross at the junction of Stannington Rd & Oldfield Rd marks the start of Stannington proper. But in my day the snobs lived at the top end of Oldfield Rd & anything below the park was unworthy!
Couldn’t think of anything and everything I had was taken so spelt Bladez with a z and it was taken.

Added another Z’s and hey presto. The most exciting member of the forum was created.
I chose mine because I always wanted to work in a pickled onion factory but never got the chance.
To be honest, even if someone did offer me a job there now, I'd probably refuse it as I've become quite fond of my user name.
If the money was really good, and there wasn't not too much weekend work, I suppose I might consider it.
Then I think I'd change my user name to 'The Orange Stapler' or something like that.
Borrowed it from my great great grandfather.

But do you still pronounce it ‘bath’ or are you now ‘Barth Blade’?
I’ve only been down here 15 years, so it’s still pronounced as god intended it. Maybe when I’ve been living here 100 years, I may add the rogue ‘r’ into the pronunciation.

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