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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
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This week I have been in and out of hospital, and my wife has had a miscarriage.

Certainly puts some stupid play offs of football into where it belongs for me, insignificant.

Still hope tonight Sheffield United can put a smile on my face after what has been the most difficult week of my life.

Fucking hell Les........

Hope Nicola is ok, take care of you both.
Not a great week by the sounds of it!

Hope you and yours are ok and United can at least cheer you up!
Sorry to hear your bad news, we've had similar in the past. Best wishes to you and your wife.
This week I have been in and out of hospital, and my wife has had a miscarriage.

Certainly puts some stupid play offs of football into where it belongs for me, insignificant.

Still hope tonight Sheffield United can put a smile on my face after what has been the most difficult week of my life.
I'm sure the play off retards will have you chuckling again in their own inimitable style
I've probably known Lesmondo and Mrs Lesmondo for longer than anyone else on here, and i'm close friends with both of them, and i could have cried when i got the text message last night. I've had my fair share of problems over the last couple of years with a marriage break up, and all the other problems, yet the one person i've always been able to turn to, and talk about my problems to is Les, and him and his wife are two of the nicest people i know.

Sorry to hear that mate.
It sure puts things into perspective. :(
That is shit. End of. Nothing else matters.

Best wishes to you and yours. I am told it does get better.
Sorry to hear the news and can only repeat what has already been said on here. All the best!

This week I have been in and out of hospital, and my wife has had a miscarriage.

Certainly puts some stupid play offs of football into where it belongs for me, insignificant.

Still hope tonight Sheffield United can put a smile on my face after what has been the most difficult week of my life.

Hope things are okay with you and yours, fella.

Sympathies for your situation. Let's hope this next few days makes things slightly better for you.

Very sorry to hear that.

The mother of my kids had a miscarriage at 3 months and she was pretty devastated too. However, we subsequently had two lovely kids (now very healthy 17 and 20 year olds!), and I'm sure you and your other half will get there too.
Les, i'm so sorry to hear about this! I cannot begin to imagine how you are feeling but can only say that, from knowing you as we all do, i'm sure you'll be a tower of strength for your wife and want you to know that all our thoughts are with both you and Nicola at this difficult time! Certainly puts all other things into real perspective.

All the best buddy,

Beighton (aka Boothy)
We went through this a few years ago and I really feel for you knowing how hard it is to deal with for so many reasons, thoughts are with you and yours.
Really sorry to hear this. Let's hope the blades can give you something to smile about in the next few weeks

Hope she's ok
As you will have seen in comments already, this is more common than you would think. I know that I didn't really believe it when it happened to us. It felt like it was just us on our own and it was the end of the world, but now we have a fabulous son and beautiful daughter.

Be there for each other and talk to people, it helps. Fingers crossed that soon you will have happier news to report on here. Sending positive thoughts.
Sorry to hear this Les, all the best to you and Nicky.
Can only echo what everyone else has said. All the best mate.

Hope the Blades can put even the slightest flicker of a smile on your face by the end of the month.
Indeed, it is very common. Happened, indirectly, to me once. Apparently, half of all pregnancies result in a miscarriage before actual implantation (thus remaining to all intents and purposes undetected) and even after that, there's still a one in four chance of a failure.

This week I have been in and out of hospital, and my wife has had a miscarriage.

Certainly puts some stupid play offs of football into where it belongs for me, insignificant.

Still hope tonight Sheffield United can put a smile on my face after what has been the most difficult week of my life.

Really sorry fella. Same as Dazzler, been there myself with an ectopic, reducing the likelihood of a family. Went on to have 3. Chin up.

All the very best wishes to both of you
Hope you both recover quickly and you can return to happiness. All the best.

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