I detest property speculators

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Aug 15, 2009
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Just saying. A real cause of problems in our society and economy. OK they may provide an element of employment when the luck is with em but my word it has crashed down around them, affecting all of us.

Ah, more cryptic nonsense. Why not just post a thread that says you dislike McCabe? Because none of us know how you feel about him after all.

Unless of course this is a genuine general go at property developers, in which case it should be in the General Chat section. But of course, you knew that, didn't you?

Why not start a thread about property developers, and type in a cod-Sheffield dialect? You could post in it lots of times, and laugh at how clever you are and how many posts you have got, and the rest of the forum could ignore it, as per.
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Speculators please Shorehamview, 'developers' to me suggests they have some element of control over what is happening.

Linking our beloved football club in with the state of the national and global property market - unforgiveable.
i cant wait for our club to be taken over by billionaire robe wearing glory hunters who would take the pride out of our club and replace it beautiful down town bramall bahjis are us stadium.
canny wait.
So the small buy to let property I speculated in (using my own cash), that brings in the cash I spend on my families season tickets, is a bad thing?

I'll get the tenants out and get it on the market tomorrow, and not bother with my tickets next season. I'll send my kids to free Esperanto lessons at the village hall.

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Pride in mediocrity, pride in the pub league, pride in being the biggest joke club in English football, proud of bottling it every time it really matters - yes I'm very proud, proud of everything our beloved property speculator has done.
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So the small buy to let property I speculated in (using my own cash), that brings in the cash I spend on my families season tickets, is a bad thing?

I'll get the tenants out and get it on the market tomorrow, and not bother with my tickets next season. I'll send my kids to free Esperanto lessons at the village hall.

Yes, if it is preventing young, hard working families getting on a stable property ladder.
I was only talking to a guy the other week about 'buy to let'. He told me not to go for a terrace house but to go for a semi behind say the wee willie. I have to save a bit more but the right sort of client will be in the house. Bit of a pension fund I thought. Its a bit difficult though as young unemployment is set to sore and does that mean their will be no money for them to get on the property ladder?
Perhaps one of the truly qualified in this field could help?
Boo - can't see any mortgage products offering a solution to the problem that youngsters can't scratch together a deposit. If it's in an area with good amenities or good schools you'll always be able to let it.
Boo - can't see any mortgage products offering a solution to the problem that youngsters can't scratch together a deposit. If it's in an area with good amenities or good schools you'll always be able to let it.
Thanks. i knew i'd get some decent advice from someone on here. It is a good area with decent amenities.

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