Coronavirus - a real season spoiling threat?

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Postpone, play behind closed doors or carry on?

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How do you feel about sitting in a stand with someone who had been to either the Far East or Italy at the moment.
Trouble is you dont know who's next to you anywhere .... supermarket, public transport , pub .... dont panic .... what..... media and social media blowing it totally out of proportion!

Usable vaccine is next Jan I think at the earliest

I've boldened your comment on poor hygiene. I think football is the only place I go to where nearly everyone doesn't wash their hands after going to the toilet, it's fucking disgusting.
You have a piss or a shit then you get hold of a tap that’s covered in everyone else’s shit,you wash your hands then get hold of the same
shit infested tap to under the illusion that your hands are clean.
Some Man City fans went to Madrid via Italy last week. I know this for a fact. Maybe there’ll be even more empty pig seats in the coming weeks.
You have a piss or a shit then you get hold of a tap that’s covered in everyone else’s shit,you wash your hands then get hold of the same
shit infested tap to under the illusion that your hands are clean.
Not really clear what you saying here

Are you saying it's cleaner to not wash your hands after going to the toilet?
Based on current data the death rate‘s actually about 1% for this compared to 0.1% for flu. So not just as dangerous – it is more dangerous, and when dealing with a situation where a lot of people become infected that could mean a lot more dying. And while a healthy person might not be particularly affected by the infection, what they do in the period between infection to detection can have quite a big impact on whether someone in more at-risk gets it. Any fans in a stadium that have it and through poor hygiene contaminate surfaces that others could come into contact with is kind of a disaster scenario for Public Health England.

We’re not there yet by any means, and hopefully we won’t be. But the possibility of matches being made behind-closed doors because of a wider outbreak in the country is a real one. That’s not to say that the handshake ban isn’t at this stage quite ridiculous, as it is.

If you’re expecting something in the next few months to appear, it would be almost unheard of for that to happen so quickly – and that’s despite the better-than-usual open sharing of data on it. Developing something widely available within 12 months would by current practice be very quick.
You can’t compare the relative incidence of two things that have a vastly different sample size.

That’s basic statistics.

It is not correct to say this is more dangerous than flu or even measles for that matter.

The correct statement is we just don’t know yet.

You are absolutely spot on about the chances of developing something quickly though. The only “something” would be a vaccine - and those can take years to develop and are not “cures” - they help to prevent the spread.
The last time we had a great team destined to challenge for major honours was in 1939 with a young Jimmy Hagan weaving his magic.
Think we were 2nd in the league and looking strong....then...............

World war 2 started and the league had to be abandoned for 6 years.

Could be worse.....imagine Leeds fans if their team are refused promotion due to it being declared null and void.
About reyt, Hitler f"ed us over in 39, der kaiser (Wilhelm not beckenbaur) f***ed us over in 14/15 when we were putting together another great team and now Corona virus is lurking in the back ground to f us over again this time ... said it a few weeks ago we'll about win the cup at behind closed doors Wembley
You can’t compare the relative incidence of two things that have a vastly different sample size.

That’s basic statistics.

It is not correct to say this is more dangerous than flu or even measles for that matter.

The correct statement is we just don’t know yet.

I’m not really sure what you mean. There is enough data to make a good estimate of the level of danger – frankly the approach to outbreak control isn’t to simply wait till the number of infected reaches flu levels so that you can make a nice direct comparison between the basic statistics to see how serious it is, but to make considered estimates of the danger based on the data available, the mechanisms of the virus, the means it’s spread, the likelihood of it being spread widely, the infrastructure for national response etc. The mortality rates are based on the data that we have. There had been an assumption from some that this would go down as more data (eg. those infected but with less serious symptoms) was confirmed – it might, but if anything the extra data that’s come in over the last month or so has reinforced that rate estimate.
Sadly, I think it is almost inevitable that the threat of Covid19 is going to impact severely on a lot of aspects of day to day life and not just football. I think a very likely scenario that sport will have to face in the next 2 or 3 weeks or so, based on the increase in confirmed cases we are now seeing, is a confirmed case in a member of a club/team. If this happens to a PL player for example then in line with current guidelines all his teammates are likely to be asked to self-quarantine, which team is going to be happy to play them anyway? I can genuinely see the scenario that this season will not be completed.
Just think if mccabe was still here, he'd be taking China to court


Have they signed an improperly registered player, been caught, lied and then played him again?

ISC Tendering to the terminally stupid, since 2015....
Matt Hancock on Question Time just said that our final at Wembley will be going ahead*

*He actually said stopping large gatherings is unlikely to stop the spread as much as people think. He also said the death rate is currently more like 1% than 3.4%. He is also Matt Hancock
There is no worry about closed doors at the Lane. If Coronavirus is present Egan will head it away.

It started in China, notoriously bad at admitting anything negative about the country.

Many Asian countries are equally bad at admitting possible failure on their part. All countries should use standard reporting, testing and detection systems. Sadly that won’t happen because globalism does not trump common sense yet. Russia and N Korea have been mentioned already, but what about India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Burma, Laos etc?
Many of these places don’t have flushing toilets available to the general public yet. What are the chances of them having a bullet proof reporting and testing system, or even admitting that some of their citizens, have been infected.
The developing world is often growing up in secretive cultures.
I live in Indonesia and the open reporting of any cases is limited to those that cannot easily be denied, or covered up.
MSM are still guilty of overplaying it, and they have initiated shock horror stories to create bad news, simply because sensational bad news sells better.
More people are going to get it no matter what. The vast majority will recover and be fine.

It will be spread at shopping centres, pubs, night clubs, restaurants, parties, theatres, on public transport and wherever people come into contact with each other.

I doubt playing football games behind closed doors will make any difference. Are they planning on closing Meadowhall, the London Underground, Glastonbury and Brighton beach?
It started in China, notoriously bad at admitting anything negative about the country.

Many Asian countries are equally bad at admitting possible failure on their part. All countries should use standard reporting, testing and detection systems. Sadly that won’t happen because globalism does not trump common sense yet. Russia and N Korea have been mentioned already, but what about India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Burma, Laos etc?
Many of these places don’t have flushing toilets available to the general public yet. What are the chances of them having a bullet proof reporting and testing system, or even admitting that some of their citizens, have been infected.
The developing world is often growing up in secretive cultures.
I live in Indonesia and the open reporting of any cases is limited to those that cannot easily be denied, or covered up.
MSM are still guilty of overplaying it, and they have initiated shock horror stories to create bad news, simply because sensational bad news sells better.

It's not just foreign countries that are under-reporting it. Although the reasons may be compounded in more controlled regimes the reality is that the number of cases is likely to be greatly under-reported everywhere including in the UK. The development of the symptoms means that many infections are only being confirmed when nasty chest infections start to develop by which time the carrier is likely to have been infected and contagious for over 7 days. The majority of cases will never get reported because in many cases people won't even know they've had it.
More people are going to get it no matter what. The vast majority will recover and be fine.

It will be spread at shopping centres, pubs, night clubs, restaurants, parties, theatres, on public transport and wherever people come into contact with each other.

I doubt playing football games behind closed doors will make any difference. Are they planning on closing Meadowhall, the London Underground, Glastonbury and Brighton beach?

Agreed, lots of people are going to get it and it will indeed be spread in all the ways you suggest and many more. But the likelihood is that many events will be cancelled. What the authorities realise is that to give as many vulnerable people as good a chance as possible of surviving they are going to have to try and spread the infection rate out as long as they can and not leave it to create an abrupt and massive peak in numbers over a shorter period of time. The only way of doing this, apart from through personal hygiene, will be to try and eliminate the obvious high-risk places that people can become infected. The staff and equipment to help deal with acute pneumonia and chest infections isn't exactly common and the more our resources are swamped the higher the death rate will be amongst the vulnerable.
More people are going to get it no matter what. The vast majority will recover and be fine.

It will be spread at shopping centres, pubs, night clubs, restaurants, parties, theatres, on public transport and wherever people come into contact with each other.

I doubt playing football games behind closed doors will make any difference. Are they planning on closing Meadowhall, the London Underground, Glastonbury and Brighton beach?

Good point. Not sure if cancelling football matches will make that much difference.

I heard an estimate that as many as 1 in 5 could catch it
and for those that have this flu.l...I’ve heard that as many as 1 in 200 could die......mainly the very weak/ elderly.
Could be many 10,000’s dying but it will only be people closish to death anyway.

Actually using some basic arithmetic.
If the population of the UK is 60 million, then a worse case scenario is as many as 12 million could have the flu.
So 12 million divide by 200 means 60,000 could die.

But I’ll repeat it again....these 60,000 people will be weak and elderly already being close the death.
Think the government are more concerned about the wheels of industry slowing right down because of so many people are off sick at the same time.
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It's not just foreign countries that are under-reporting it. Although the reasons may be compounded in more controlled regimes the reality is that the number of cases is likely to be greatly under-reported everywhere including in the UK. The development of the symptoms means that many infections are only being confirmed when nasty chest infections start to develop by which time the carrier is likely to have been infected and contagious for over 7 days. The majority of cases will never get reported because in many cases people won't even know they've had it.
A couple of finely thought out posts on the subject. I disagree with your predicted solution though.
At risk groups include, the very young, who will obviously enjoy the parental protection they deserve from caring parents. Those who are already suffering from some pulmonary calamity, and are therefore, hopefully under professional care of a GP or an NHS hospital.
The elderly with diminished immune systems are largely house bound and therefore unlikely to present a risk to the unaffected remainder.
These groups are the least likely to be attending sporting events and becoming infected, and if they have the virus already, are not in a position to transmit it to others.
Shopping, partying and attending concerts or sporting events are hardly likely to attract at risk groups, and the largely healthy people that do attend, will not increase the number of fatalities, because they have a robust immune system.
Talk of banning events and closing schools and universities is both premature and pointless. Please let the media know this.
I'm no scientist but you'd think that sitting in the outdoors at a match would be preferable to sitting on a crowded bus, train, the underground etc...where do you start and finish really trying to police it??

It would be very annoying, but I'd rather it happen now than having to cancel my trip to the Nou Camp this time next season. 👀

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