Old Photos For No Reason Whatsoever

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Next to the bus is John Spencer's, think it was a Taylor's shop. Along the skyline would that be Pitsmoor flats, can't remember them looking that impressive

I got my first ever Saturday job there whilst a student at Granville Art College in 1973, but I can't remember if it was still called Spencer's then, photo looks more like late '60's than '70's.
Anyway I didn't like it & only managed a few months, better things to be doing on a Saturday when you are 16 that's for sure.
Cracking photo. Foreground, Austin Somerset next to a Ford Consul, to the left would be the King's Head, which had a revolving door at the entrance. The Bell in the square as it was known in the late 50s, once stood outside on the pavement with my Dad and watched the best fist fight I have ever seen. Wiggy's to the right, everyone had a telly on the strap at sometime from them and the GPO extreme right, going in there in that era was like going in Church, if you uttered a sound yer Mam would clip you round the earole.
I am led to believe from a now dead mate that the Kings Head was a Higsons pub, unusual for Sheffield as it was a Liverpool brewery, now also dead.
Found this, looks like the same photographer, possibly the same day.
Just noticed your use of 'technicolor', never heard that term used with still photography only movie film. With your undoubted knowledge on this subject I wondered if I could learn something here. View attachment 77973
Anyone got a pic of the newspaper kiosk at the Penny Black end of Pond Street, I think it was called Hopkinsons but we obviously called it Hodgkinsons. Back in the 50s/60s it was a most popular rendezvous for aspiring lovers for a night out both young and old.
Mid 60s there was a public convenience close to the kiosk, soon after leaving school I used to catch my bus to work from Pond Street, one morning I went for a piss in said bogs, whilst in there a voice came from within one of the WC traps "eh young un, there's no bog paper in here, nip and fetch me a Morning Telegraph" a hand came round the door handing me a shilling. A bit apprehensive I duly joined the queue at the kiosk, then gathering my senses, thought, a shilling, that's three days bus fare and promptly legged it. Needless to say I caught the bus a few stops further along for the next fortnight.
Anyone got a pic of the newspaper kiosk at the Penny Black end of Pond Street, I think it was called Hopkinsons but we obviously called it Hodgkinsons. Back in the 50s/60s it was a most popular rendezvous for aspiring lovers for a night out both young and old.

We just called it "The Thrupenny Bit".
Kings Alms, Commercial St. never went in but as you say revolving door which must have been unique for a pub. Sad story from long standing neighbor no longer with us. 1945 demobed with his mate celebrating victory in Kings Alms, hoky coky strikes up mate puts his hands on a lasses hips, husband objects fight follows mate knocks husband down, Husband dead mate goes down for manslaughter.

Kings Arms hotel on the right, prior to it getting bombed.



Anyone got a pic of the newspaper kiosk at the Penny Black end of Pond Street, I think it was called Hopkinsons but we obviously called it Hodgkinsons. Back in the 50s/60s it was a most popular rendezvous for aspiring lovers for a night out both young and old.
I tend to associate the thrupenny bit with rejection☹️
Second photo down, far right, Lew Burgin's door mi thinks, or maybe he had moved on when photo was taken. He also had shop in Castle Market next to RAF Recruiting Office 1st floor.View attachment 77910

Dawsons Fabrics - think he was a Tory councillor. Big Wednesdayite family.

Talking of clothes shops - the row of shops on the left hand side (out of view) I think there was a shop there - SMC shirts.

I am sure the shop on Exchange Street near the Berni Inn was Bunnys.

Others - Harry Fenton on Chapel Walk. Tramps on King Street.

There was another one of those kiosks at the end of Arundel Gate where the hole in the road was built. I remember it having foreign newspapers for sale during the 1966 world cup.

Used to stand there waiting for a bus and hating the smell coming from the brewery not realising how much I'd end up loving the stuff about 10 years later.
I am led to believe from a now dead mate that the Kings Head was a Higsons pub, unusual for Sheffield as it was a Liverpool brewery, now also dead.
A close up photo would be useful as it may have the brewery name on it. Mid 60s the only reason I went in was my Trades Union branch held their meetings there. If pushed I would say it was a Bass house then. The revolving door was unique, imagine the trouble that would cause today.
A close up photo would be useful as it may have the brewery name on it. Mid 60s the only reason I went in was my Trades Union branch held their meetings there. If pushed I would say it was a Bass house then. The revolving door was unique, imagine the trouble that would cause today.
One every other compartment. Ideal for social distancing.
Brum 1 (Latchford) Blades 2 (Hockey, Woodward) in August 1972. Looks like in the photo McAlister saving a chance by Francis or the ball went wide. I was at that end.
Bert was also there. Coach windows smashed when stuck in traffic after the game. Would have been worse if a lad hadn't jumped off our coach with a big knife and chased them off.

Very draughty journey on the way home.
Brum 1 (Latchford) Blades 2 (Hockey, Woodward) in August 1972. Looks like in the photo McAlister saving a chance by Francis or the ball went wide. I was at that end.

Amazing to think that in 1972, Francis was 18 and had been playing league football for 2 seasons. The idea of an average top level club holding on to such a talent for almost 10 seasons is unthinkable today. The young lad Bellingham, also at Brum being a case in point. Without the lockdown he’d be on his way somewhere glamorous in the summer for big money.

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