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Both of these days, rather coincidentally, are my birthday. What a little bobby dazzler of a present that would be. Second year running too.

I usually only get socks every year, looks like signing Brayford will have to be a new tradition!

Whichbwoukd mean the heartache of him leaving every summer in order to resign in January. No thanks
I've noticed a real trend on here before we play some posters come on predicting an overreaction if we lose

If we win they come on goading any one who has been critical when we lose

And now we are going to sign some players and( I assume ) 99% of us are happy they are on here winding people up about that as if they knew all along

But you and your like have proclaimed long and loud to "know" that we definitely wouldn't! You refuse to listen to people who know better and prefer to launch a season long campaign against a board and manager who are building a club for us to be proud of.

Stop playing the martyr. It's nauseating.

It's a mystery.

'I cannot forecast to you the action of Nigel. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key.'

(apologies to W Churchill)

But you and your like have proclaimed long and loud to "know" that we definitely wouldn't! You refuse to listen to people who know better and prefer to launch a season long campaign against a board and manager who are building a club for us to be proud of.

Stop playing the martyr. It's nauseating.

Good observation Pinchers. Reading that claptrap from judge it's obvious he's being disingenuous as he's been the architect of that small but voluble crew of miserablists who get a buzz from initiating opinions that say far more about themselves than whoever they're meant to be about. It's an old, old trick of repeating something, anything, as a way of making it seem like fact. The use of the word 'goading' is priceless coming from judge. Twatisms would be a far more appropriate word to describe this sulky disposition that seems to be at the heart of what makes judge and his merry crew so repetitive and limited in what they're capable of discussing. Best to leave 'em to their state of unhappiness, it seems to be their reason for being. UTB
Good observation Pinchers. Reading that claptrap from judge it's obvious he's being disingenuous as he's been the architect of that small but voluble crew of miserablists who get a buzz from initiating opinions that say far more about themselves than whoever they're meant to be about. It's an old, old trick of repeating something, anything, as a way of making it seem like fact. The use of the word 'goading' is priceless coming from judge. Twatisms would be a far more appropriate word to describe this sulky disposition that seems to be at the heart of what makes judge and his merry crew so repetitive and limited in what they're capable of discussing. Best to leave 'em to their state of unhappiness, it seems to be their reason for being. UTB

It's been relentless and, worse still, anyone that dares to challenge the claptrap and introduce a little common sense is accused of "goading"! It's "Heads we win; Tails you lose" in the land of the single-cells.
It's been relentless and, worse still, anyone that dares to challenge the claptrap and introduce a little common sense is accused of "goading"! It's "Heads we win; Tails you lose" in the land of the single-cells.

I've noticed that judge has stopped replying to my posts. He recently made an accusation that he appears incapable of offering evidence to back up his claim, so an old and tired tactic of throwing shit in the hope that some will stick. There's a predictability about all of this that can be seen a mile away, so a case of some posters being wired to cause trouble without an optimistic or positive bone in their bodies.
But you and your like have proclaimed long and loud to "know" that we definitely wouldn't! You refuse to listen to people who know better and prefer to launch a season long campaign against a board and manager who are building a club for us to be proud of.

Stop playing the martyr. It's nauseating.
What a load of shit
Brayford in Cardiff line up today according to sky.
Goodness knows. It looked all set to be announced today, but Ssn and bbc have him set to start for Cardiff.

Mr Phipps has gone silent on twitter.

It may just be taking a while to sort the contract details. Given his potential wage cut to move to us it may well be a complicated package. (I'm clutching at staws)
Maybe Brayford actually wants money as a wage rather than peanuts and a copy of FHM.

They don't kick off until 3, so how can they have the lineups yet?

Standard teamsheet prediction surely at the moment? The teams won't actually be announced for another hour. I would have thought.

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