Coronavirus - a real season spoiling threat?

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Postpone, play behind closed doors or carry on?

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Hoping a virus affecting young people doesn't emerge! .... you self centred b*****ds ... sort your lifestyle out and don't expect the elderly to look after your kids then! No babysitting no school runs, no bailouts from bank of dad ... ummm it's only football ffs!!! 🤣
Don't you know it is us old un's that is ruining the planet?
But still we got milk and pop in glass bottles that were washed and re-used not bottles made of plastic. We walked to school we didn't get dropped of in a gas guzzling Land Rover 4x4. When it was cold we walked across the yard with a hammer to break the ice in the shit house before taking a dump no central heating for most of us if you had a fire in one room you were lucky, if it was really cold at night you got you dads old army trench coat chucked over your bed ......................... fuckin young un's don't know they are born.

This just actually made me laugh out loud. Oh my god.

To be fair anyone could be in the category of “underlying illness” - this is why I said attend at your own risk. So, say they ban public gatherings. What’s everyone going to do lock themselves at home for 2 week and no got anywhere or speak to anyone face to face ?
Even though places are on lock down now the news presenters have still flown there and people are still walking around in the background.
Nothing makes sense...

The best thing to do is listen to the government and in particular to what their scientists and medical officers say. We've probably got the best people in the world for this, and the NHS is probably ideal compared to other countries, to deal with it.

Ignore whats going on in other countries, it seems a lot are panicing and over reacting.
History will tell us... But given the crowds outside the PSG game last night, the notion that people have a limited tolerance when asked to restrict their behaviour seems plausible. If we can pick our moments then perhaps that’s better?

Hope so...
Perhaps they have longer tolerance when it comes to being told what to do by Macron?
The best thing to do is listen to the government and in particular to what their scientists and medical officers say. We've probably got the best people in the world for this, and the NHS is probably ideal compared to other countries, to deal with it.

Ignore whats going on in other countries, it seems a lot are panicing and over reacting.

Good luck with that. Can't help reading that with a slight pleading intonation in the 'probably' (x2). Authoritarian China probably had the best system to cope with it if only they hadn't denied it at the start.
Don't you know it is us old un's that is ruining the planet?
But still we got milk and pop in glass bottles that were washed and re-used not bottles made of plastic. We walked to school we didn't get dropped of in a gas guzzling Land Rover 4x4. When it was cold we walked across the yard with a hammer to break the ice in the shit house before taking a dump no central heating for most of us if you had a fire in one room you were lucky, if it was really cold at night you got you dads old army trench coat chucked over your bed ......................... fuckin young un's don't know they are born.
Sooo, what you’re saying is that your parents’ generation didn’t pamper their kids and used sustainable packaging.
But your generation have ignored this example and raised a bunch of spoilt brats, embraced a “throw-away society” and introduced indoor plumbing.
Bloody “boomers”...Meanwhile, millennials first generation to be worse off than their parents’.
expect all games at the weekend to be postsponed, low number of tests done in the uk hides actual number of infected people

at the lane guided tours are off, but 50 000 at st. james is ok.............
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As humans we are a very social species, reacting closely with each other, be it at work, or play.
Discounting London’s anti social, me first philosophy, we will continue to gather in family and social groupings, at home, at work, on public transport and in all areas of life.
Apart from hermits and Londoner’s we will continue to socialize, despite whatever measures the government deems appropriate. The social elements of humanity will continue, even if certain activities are banned or regulated.
Life as we know it could be shut down by government edict, but as a species we will continue to interact, because that is how humanity works.
Football is a very popular human, social activity. Whatever precautions or restrictions are implemented, the need for human contact and interaction will continue.
There is no workable or effective solution to this virus. All we can do is take the best advice available and behave as sensibly as possible.

It might be the perfect opportunity to place the media under martial law, and prevent them from sensationalist speculation. Other than that you just have go with the flow, and try to be kind to everyone else.
Surely Arsenal can muster together a second 11 from the squad who haven't been in direct contact with Arteta. Or they could field their youth team.

Sheffield United 1 - Burnley - 0
Man united 3 - West Ham 2
Covid 19 - Arsenal 0
Haven't read the entire thread, but have seen a few replies saying something along the lines of just our luck to have the season cancelled as we're going for Europe/FA cup etc.

In fact the situation we're in is better by far than almost any other. Imagine this happening if we were gunning for promotion in the championship like last season, or like Leeds are now.
Imagine if at this moment we were in a relegation battle and 1 point below safety with a game in hand.
Either of those would be absolutely gutting if we were denied by these events.

Of course we'd all like Europe and/or the FA cup, but in reality this is about as comfortable position as we could hope for. Nothing really serious (at least football wise) is riding on it. If we complete the season we may get into Europe but then again we may not. Theres plenty of quality sides left in the FA cup as well. We can be perfectly happy with what we've got. If the season ends here let's just appreciate what has actually happened. Survival and much more, a superb Blades squad that we can be proud of.
Attendance at Meadowhall and in shopping centres across the country will all be well down as people isolate themselves.
Just being well down still means lots will be there. We will continue to make contact and it's just as likely to spread in small numbers . They are staying a carrier will only infect 2 or 3 others so big crowds are as safe as going in a small shop
Can only assume (dangerous I know) that this mornings emergency meeting will be to decide what’s happening with the rest of the season. Cannot for the life of me imagine this weekends games will go ahead now.
Haven't read the entire thread, but have seen a few replies saying something along the lines of just our luck to have the season cancelled as we're going for Europe/FA cup etc.

In fact the situation we're in is better by far than almost any other. Imagine this happening if we were gunning for promotion in the championship like last season, or like Leeds are now.
Imagine if at this moment we were in a relegation battle and 1 point below safety with a game in hand.
Either of those would be absolutely gutting if we were denied by these events.

Of course we'd all like Europe and/or the FA cup, but in reality this is about as comfortable position as we could hope for. Nothing really serious (at least football wise) is riding on it. If we complete the season we may get into Europe but then again we may not. Theres plenty of quality sides left in the FA cup as well. We can be perfectly happy with what we've got. If the season ends here let's just appreciate what has actually happened. Survival and much more, a superb Blades squad that we can be proud of.

Depends on what would happen. Would they say it stops as it is therefore, say, liverpool win league and those in european promotion and relegation places are treat as if the season finished with them in those places? Or do they simply say that the season didn't actually happen so it's a start again next season based on positions clubs finished in last season with us starting the season as a newly promoted club? Either option has huge levels of unfairness with some clubs benefiting and some not.
Can only assume (dangerous I know) that this mornings emergency meeting will be to decide what’s happening with the rest of the season. Cannot for the life of me imagine this weekends games will go ahead now.
I don’t think any decision on that would be taken until UEFA meet on Tuesday. They will supposedly offer guidance to the domestic leagues as well. If they delay the euros we may be able to end the season.

I can only assume that the likes of Klopp and Pep won’t be moaning about the players being fatigued if they have a short pre season, but you never know. Of course this all assumes we’re back to normality by the end of April. But who knows.
I've voted to carry on as normal, if we're saying that 80% will contract it then what's the point changing anything, we'll all have to clock in on Monday won't we.

Seems to me that boris wants to stem the flow of cases into the NHS so it doesn't get swamped, that's the only reason to stop large gatherings of people..

As for football, the players will stop the show as 80% will get it too, I can see it all grinding to a halt in 3 weeks time because they say we're 3-4 weeks behind Italy in the effects of the virus...

On another note we haven't helped ourselves, Manchester Airport let a full flight from Milan last week just walk straight in, no checks, nothing ! So this tells you the government aren't bothered about the health risk to people (they've accepted that) but it's just about slowing it down and protecting the NHS..
Suspend it. Wait for inevitable Euro 2020 postponement. Finish the season in the summer. That should be the aim, but there's a lot of football to squeeze into a handful of summer weeks if the cups aren't abandoned.

What a fucking shame :(
Suspend it. Wait for inevitable Euro 2020 postponement. Finish the season in the summer. That should be the aim, but there's a lot of football to squeeze into a handful of summer weeks if the cups aren't abandoned.

What a fucking shame :(

Europa League qualifiers start end of July... tight to fit it all in.
What time is the premier league meeting this morning ? I’m watching the news waiting to see what’s going on and it’s actually doing my head in the hype and worry they’re causing - and saying even to ban mass gatherings is too late now anyways......

just give us the facts

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