McBurnie Drink Driving bust

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I know someone close to McBurnie, who politely described him as a bit of a daft lad, who’d ended up at Swansea, partly due to poor off field influences. When we signed him, the same person said his only concern was that being based within travelling distance of Garforth, he would once again be able to associate with those same ‘bad influences’

I’m not in the least bit surprised this has happened, I’m just amazed that he passed Wilders character assessment, a ten minute browse through his Instagram would tell you football isn’t his first number one priority

I reckon, he’ll be gone before next season........invited to the Saudi embassy for a ‘meeting’ 😉
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We'll wait and see whether he'd had two pints and decided to chance it, or whether he'd gone full Dean Saunders.

He's only 23 and he doesn't strike me as the sharpest tool in the box at the best of times. Not that that's any excuse. I just hope he's been a bit thick rather than clearly dangerous to himself and others.

Funny though, innit? 20-odd goal Ched Evans gets accused of something pretty damn bad and the Justice4Ched brigade rallied immediately around our golden boy.

Highly expensive (for us) 1-goal McBurnie, who has admittedly struggled so far (but whom we should be backing and willing to succeed), has been hooded and readied for the gallows by the Blades' Court of Public Opinion before we've even received the full facts. I can't help but feel there'd be more people willing to wait and hear said facts before judging him if he'd settled into Premier League life a bit better and scored more goals.
I know someone close to McBurnie, who politely described him as a bit of a daft lad, who’d ended up at Swansea, partly due to poor off field influences. When we signed him, the same person said his only concern was that being based within travelling distance of Garforth, he would once again be able to associate with those same ‘bad influences’

I’m not in the least bit surprised this has happened, I’m just amazed that he passed Wilders character assessment, a ten minute browse through his Instagram would tell you football isn’t his first number one priority

He’s not the only one though. Wasn’t Jamie Vardy notorious for being a dick head when he was back home from Fleetwood? He turned out alright in the end. Sounds to me like McBurnie just needs a stern warning about who he knocks about with and when.

Just checked his Instagram and only 2 of his last 18 posts are non football related. Yes he’s a footballer but it’s his own personal page. There’s literally nothing that anyone can be offended about on there.
We'll wait and see whether he'd had two pints and decided to chance it, or whether he'd gone full Dean Saunders.

He's only 23 and he doesn't strike me as the sharpest tool in the box at the best of times. Not that that's any excuse. I just hope he's been a bit thick rather than clearly dangerous to himself and others.

Funny though, innit? 20-odd goal Ched Evans gets accused of something pretty damn bad and the Justice4Ched brigade rallied immediately around our golden boy.

Highly expensive (for us) 1-goal McBurnie, who has admittedly struggled so far (but whom we should be backing and willing to succeed), has been hooded and readied for the gallows by the Blades' Court of Public Opinion before we've even received the full facts. I can't help but feel there'd be more people willing to wait and hear said facts before judging him if he'd settled into Premier League life a bit better and scored more goals.

Can you like a post more than once....
Indefensible if he's well over the limit in the early hours which seems likely, even more stupid bearing in mind the high profile of the Derby County incident. As far as going out on the piss for the second time in a week is concerned in his defence he is supposed to be out injured so may not have been in contention for tonights game. I'm afraid thats all I can come up with for a defence.

It seems its a case of a young player with far too much money having not much to do other than go out drinking with his mates. Unfortunately he chooses to post on social media when he's out which doesn't help him and he goes as far afield as Swansea as well as his home town of Weeds. What I find strange, is as someone else has said, after getting caught early Friday morning and probably spending a night at the police station he chooses to go to the Barnsley match when he would have been better keeping a low profile. Tends to suggest he hasn't got much between his ears.

The Club will provide support for him, they have to he's our player. They also need to sit down with him and explain he needs to change his lifestyle. They should put him under the supervision of the Captain and make sure he bonds off the field more with his own team mates.

From a football perspective there's a good player in there if we play to his strengths but he needs to get his head right first. Unfortunately I suggested in a previous thread about him potentially becoming a PR disaster. I didn't think it would only take him a couple of days to confirm that statement.

Just realised it was the early hours of Friday morning not Saturday but still would have been better not to have gone to Barnsley game and keep his head down.
He’s not the only one though. Wasn’t Jamie Vardy notorious for being a dick head when he was back home from Fleetwood? He turned out alright in the end. Sounds to me like McBurnie just needs a stern warning about who he knocks about with and when.

Just checked his Instagram and only 2 of his last 18 posts are non football related. Yes he’s a footballer but it’s his own personal page. There’s literally nothing that anyone can be offended about on there.

There’s one glaringly obvious difference in that comparison.................
I'd disagree completely. Pretty sure Andy Murray or mo Farah Chris Froome aren't over the drink drive limit 4days before a comp...

It's 2019 and football has moved on... Like it or not, they're elite athletes now...

Totally agree.

I'm certainly not one of these who thinks players shouldn't drink and have no problem with players going out Saturday or Sunday for instance.

I do think, however, it shouldn't be too much to ask for an elite athlete earning several thousands of pounds of week for the privelige to keep themselves in the best possible condition and abstain 4 days before a big game.

It's the tiniest of margins at this level often and anything that gives you 1 or 2% extra can be hugely important. Medical science proves it.

Don't expect players to be robots and the down time is important imho but times have moved on in the last 20 years. Many of your opponents won't have been drinking in the days before.
I agree we need all the facts to get the full picture but where does training fit in here?
Surely we would be in on Friday so he didn’t seem to be bothered about that either. I don’t mind them having a beer or a night out when the time is right but all I see of this guy is him following Swansea whenever he can or with his mates posting on social media. If we are a tight fit group he isn’t going to fit in to the ethos with his current behaviour. I personally see nothing in him so far but appreciate that others do which is fine and clearly Chris does. If they give their all for the shirt and keep our club out of the news for this type of nonsense then fine. I think he now needs to keep his head down make his apologies and get on with doing the job he gets very well rewarded for. He has used his lifelines all ready but we all know football has a short memory if it’s good news and a long one if it’s bad. Your choice now Oli.
Funny though, innit? 20-odd goal Ched Evans gets accused of something pretty damn bad and the Justice4Ched brigade rallied immediately around our golden boy.

Highly expensive (for us) 1-goal McBurnie, who has admittedly struggled so far (but whom we should be backing and willing to succeed), has been hooded and readied for the gallows by the Blades' Court of Public Opinion before we've even received the full facts. I can't help but feel there'd be more people willing to wait and hear said facts before judging him if he'd settled into Premier League life a bit better and scored more goals.

I think a lot of it is because he’s a young lad with money, who dresses in Gucci and posts pictures on Instagram of his holidays to the US and at the NBA. The gammon on here can’t handle it.
If we can play Ched whilst he's awaiting trial for rape, I don't see any problem with playing Oli whilst he's on a drink drive charge.

End of the day morals aren't going to keep us in the Premier League, so if Wilder thinks playing Oli is best for the team then personally I have no issue with it.
How’s he going to get here though? He lives in Leeds and is allergic to public transport.
not really. Two players who are young with the cash on the hip but unfortunately a bit dim. One knuckled down and reached the top of his game, the other still has an opportunity to do so.

You being serious? ....None so blind as those who don't want to see 🙄

He‘s a stupid self centred fool as are all drink drivers, but I’m not going to line up to kick him when he’s down or write him off with us.

What I will say is that no professional sportsman should be out on the pop 3 days before a massive event that will be televised world-wide. It’s indefensible, and knowing how how much Wilder puts on self-discipline and a good dressing room I suspect that he’s really going to have to up his game on and off the pitch from now on to win him back over. Hopefully he will.
Starting to wish we'd spent the money on Maupay...
Me too. But he was never gonna come up north, he has family in France and had his agent courting the south coast clubs, and got one, although it probably wasn't his ideal choice, could be back in the Champ in no time.
I think a lot of it is because he’s a young lad with money, who dresses in Gucci and posts pictures on Instagram of his holidays to the US and at the NBA. The gammon on here can’t handle it.


Apart from that being another pathetic term like snowflake and libtard, I don't know what relevance it has to this.

Fans are going to be pissed off about stuff like this to varying degrees.

One or two will always go OTT but there seems to be more throwing the snowflake tag about these days.

I was reading a thread about abuse of young referees in kids football last night and there was more than a few on there calling people snowflakes.

There's a big difference between being annoyed or offended about anything and everything, and about stuff that is at least justified to some extent.
I think a lot of it is because he’s a young lad with money, who dresses in Gucci and posts pictures on Instagram of his holidays to the US and at the NBA. The gammon on here can’t handle it.

I don't necessarily think it's that. That implies some level of jealousy and I find it difficult to believe there are that many people going round with a chip on their shoulder because all these footballers they watch make shitloads more money than they do (personally speaking, I could never be jealous of some of the fucking horrendous gear McBurnie chooses to purchase...Gucci sliders, anyone?)

I do however think that, either consciously or subconsciously, people assign an amount of leeway in their minds as to what certain players should or shouldn't 'get away with' depending on how well they've been playing for their club. The difference between 'silly boy...he'll learn' and 'fuckin gerrim out of my club' for some is a few goals and some decent performances.
Drink driving is a cunts activity.

A professional sportsperson drinking alcohol 4 days before a big match is the action of an uber cut of the highest order. So high in fact, I can't believe the lack of professionalism.

I'm actually a bit concerned that Wilder has misread his personality...

Thought it was just me thinking that.
According to the official statistics for 2017 almost 300 people were killed in accidents were alcohol related.
Speeding was a major factor in accidents that caused 6600 deaths.
Why aren't speeding drivers reviled as much as drink drivers? Could it be that for most drivers, me included, that comes a bit too close to home
Wow. Throw him under the bus guys.

Did anybody read the article? It says caught on "Friday morning" - before we just write him off, maybe this was after he'd been to bed, slept it off etc and was still a tad over like we all are and have done.

If this is the early hours and he's driving home from the bars then yeah, what a cock

Then how much has he been drinking to be over the limit still the next morning on the way to training? Work the next morning and four nights before a big big league game no less. Either way he's out of order.

In fact might go some way to explaining his huffing and puffing on the pitch.

According to the official statistics for 2017 almost 300 people were killed in accidents were alcohol related.
Speeding was a major factor in accidents that caused 6600 deaths.
Why aren't speeding drivers reviled as much as drink drivers? Could it be that for most drivers, me included, that comes a bit too close to home
Drink driving is a bit close to home for some too, me included, if we're talking about being over the limit at the time of driving.

If you go on a night out and drive the morning after you are likely over the limit.

The hypocritical holier than thou attitude around drink driving grips my shit. The only time it's inexcusable is when people drive somewhere when they're clearly pissed up.

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