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A director of football doesn't make signings.
He either makes them happen
Or he puts the kibosh on them

Depending on money

But the players the management would be talking to would surely be players Wilder had already identified

How I'd see it working, purely my opinion and not based on fact would be the following.

Me "right, heres a list of players I would like, there's 8 but I'd consider it a result if you could make 6 happen"

DOF then does the negotiations and the legal bollocks and gets back to me
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Know plenty of top men who follow the Blades. I’m sure he’s a nice chap. His spell as co-Chairman coincided with one of the worst spells in the club’s history.

True. But.... The S2 narrative at the time that it was all pretty much McCabes fault though. Let’s not rewrite this forums history.
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The Prince and the transfer committee are just as responsible for the signing as Chris "one vote" Wilder. That's the point.
That’s true but I think this transfer strategy has largely been led by Wilder and the Prince has allowed that to happen because he respects his achievements. We also know that if the Prince started vetoing suggestions, he’d have the fans on his back as well as Wilder. Unfortunately it appears it’s got to a point where the Prince is beginning to seriously question the transfer policy, as is his right to do so and the manager doesn’t like that idea hence they’ve agreed he can’t carry on as manager.
Wasn’t Van Winkle brought in for that? So you’re saying no one but Chris Wilder has any authority to judge the merit of a potential player? That’s fine, the trouble is the best managers in the world, ones with Champions League Winners medals, all have recruitment teams, advanced scouting networks and DoFs. We want to play with the big boys in the elite league, we can’t run the club like a cash-in-hand jack-of-all-trades sole trader.

We don't; we have a transfer committee in which signings can be recommended for everyone and are voted on by all members - one being Van Winkel. They are all responsible for the signings. If CW wants player A and the majority want B - he gets B. That's why the comments re signings are disingenuous in the extreme.
That’s true but I think this transfer strategy has largely been led by Wilder and the Prince has allowed that to happen because he respects his achievements. We also know that if the Prince started vetoing suggestions, he’d have the fans on his back as well as Wilder. Unfortunately it appears it’s got to a point where the Prince is beginning to seriously question the transfer policy, as is his right to do so and the manager doesn’t like that idea hence they’ve agreed he can’t carry on as manager.

They have vetoed signings.
As are various other comments on here.
Agreed, but I don’t think we’re dissecting others’ comments so thoroughly. Basically I don’t think we should pay much notice to what the guy says. It was a foregone conclusion what he’d say.
Some right pelters in the 100’s of comments below Jim’s post , none very complimentary to Jim and the prince !
If they didn’t know how the fans would react to this they do now
Wilder needs help by being allowed to sign Premiership players, not being told to sign players that have the potential and we hope might be developed into Premiership players.

If anyone ought to admit error It's the Prince. Why doesn't he come out and say he can't fund us properly at Premiership level. Why can't he admit that he can't actually afford it?
He can’t fund us in the way Wilder wants obviously, so we have to find another way for it to work which is what they seem to be putting into place.
Regardless of who did this, that or the other, isn't it just typical of this bleeding club.

I honestly think if a consortium of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Bernard Arnault and Mark Zuckerberg took over the club it would still fail
Agreed, but I don’t think we’re dissecting others’ comments so thoroughly. Basically I don’t think we should pay much notice to what the guy says. It was a foregone conclusion what he’d say.

Fair comment.
Not how I read it, seems like Wilder was my way or fuck off. Only one outcome there.

Reading that I think the Prince was more than fair.
Fair. I’d say more like desp
Not how I read it, seems like Wilder was my way or fuck off. Only one outcome there.

Reading that I think the Prince was more than fair.
Fair? I’d say despair. He’s lost the best manager of all, the fanbase and at best a very uncertain future for the club. He luckily inherited a club with a secure foundation and what’s the outcome? A shambles. Shockingly badly handled. It’s his money but my club. Anyone who is in touch with Phipps might suggest he could do something useful and mediate.

There is always two sides to every story but I don't think Jim Phipps statement is very helpful at this moment in time although it does raise a few valid points. On the other hand Wilder having digs at the owner and boardroom in press interviews does him no favours either. At the moment none of us know what has gone off and we may never know fully so I really don't see the point of taking sides.
What we do know is Wilder has been backed more than any Sheffield United manager and it is fair to say this seasons recruitment has been at best very poor as have team selections and tactics. If he has been sacked he has brought a lot of it down on himself. I can understand the reluctance to throw more money at him in January when we were as good as already relegated.
I would prefer Wilder to stay at the club if he was the same Wilder who got us the promotions sadly all season we have only seen a defensive Wilder who when we lose goes on and on about how much better the other team are and how they have spent much more than we have. Errr weren't we one of the top seven spenders over the summer if you count incomings against out goings?
Watkins, Robinson, Cash, Bogle (in the end they changed their mind).
All of which were purely down to wages. Wilder knew well in advance what the wage structure was and has always stated in agreement with the Prince that they wouldn’t put the club into financial difficulty by breaking that wage structure. One would assume that there was an agreement that those targets would not be pursued purely on a financial basis.

As far as any of us are aware, the board have never once vetoed any of Wilder’s targets and have allowed him to dictate the transfer policy and pursue the targets that he wants first and foremost.
We don't; we have a transfer committee in which signings can be recommended for everyone and are voted on by all members - one being Van Winkel. They are all responsible for the signings. If CW wants player A and the majority want B - he gets B. That's why the comments re signings are disingenuous in the extreme.
Fair comment.
Be careful what you wish for Jim Phipps in real life is a very nice guy
Funny, when did Alex Ferguson have a DoF.

Let the manager manage in the way he's comfortable. He knows more about football management than any of these board room clowns, van Winkely included
Different era of football imo.
All of which were purely down to wages. Wilder knew well in advance what the wage structure was and has always stated in agreement with the Prince that they wouldn’t put the club into financial difficulty by breaking that wage structure. One would assume that there was an agreement that those targets would not be pursued purely on a financial basis.

As far as any of us are aware, the board have never once vetoed any of Wilder’s targets and have allowed him to dictate the transfer policy and pursue the targets that he wants first and foremost.

Wages aren't the managers job. He gives his list and they get voted on. just like the other power brokers on the committee. Then they negotiate if his suggestions get the green light. There's many creative ways around wages anyway as I'm sure you're aware. Our squad is not 100% Wilder signings.
That’s true but I think this transfer strategy has largely been led by Wilder and the Prince has allowed that to happen because he respects his achievements. We also know that if the Prince started vetoing suggestions, he’d have the fans on his back as well as Wilder. Unfortunately it appears it’s got to a point where the Prince is beginning to seriously question the transfer policy, as is his right to do so and the manager doesn’t like that idea hence they’ve agreed he can’t carry on as manager.
The transfer policy has worked great up until this season. The same transfer policy got us from league one to the premier league. That would suggest the transfer policy has been a success.
Reading the local article tonight it would seem given the position we finished the wage structure was going to go up in the managers eyes. It didn’t.
Football management is one part of running a multi-million business enterprise. Does one person design the iPhone every year? How about Amazon, is it just Jeff Bezos picking orders and delivering them to your gaff? I think you’re in danger of oversimplifying exactly what it takes to scout, recruit, integrate, manage and maintain a premier league squad.

Exactly, it ain’t like on football manager when all you have to do is look at a player’s stats and if they high enough sign him.

Football is a global multi billionaire pound industry, it’s impossible for one man to manage the first team day to day whilst effectively identifying transfer targets.
It’s not the first time either side have done it and it’s doing my nut in. As it looks like wilder will leave and obviously the prince stays then I’ll comment on this as it more pertinent for united moving forward. Having someone on social media who has gone to great lengths to prove his ITK status in the recent past get ahead of the news before the club has a chance to address it directly through official channels isn’t good. It disrespects the club as an institution and its ability to communicate properly with the fan base. If the owner wants to say something then say it through the official channels at his disposal not through a second party. If Jim wants to only post his own opinions about the club then he has to disavow his ITK airs and graces and stop using figures or in this case insider transfer knowledge he could only have acquired through insider contacts. Be a fan or be the owners friend you cannot present both faces on social media.

Both sides have been at it since January. Wilder's been using his press conferences to have a go. None of it should be aired in public.

What annoys me about that statement isn’t what he’s said or that he has an opinion but his timing of it. That reads like an official statement from the club (I know it isn’t) especially the last paragraph and to put that out there before any official announcement by the club on the issue is poor form. Keep stum until there’s been an announcement then say what you like.
Wouldn’t you rather have this and accept it for where it has come from and understand the agenda rather than a bland statement on the website and lots of speculation, at least it is pretty clear where one side is coming from.

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