What's up with this team?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Kilmarnock, Ayrshire
Well we are really in a relegation dogfight now. What's up with these tossers?

I hope they're all out on the frigging Moors in the morning...

Pissed off Blade

The patient seems to be in terminal decline Doctor. McCabe has cut the cloth till there is fk all left, just a bunch of ordinary league 1 players trying to play as a team and failing.
And Clough wants to reduce the squad by 8 players, tell yer what he may as well ship the lot out, without major and I mean major spending in January we are relegation certainties. This lot aren't worth a bag o nuts.
Abysmal squad. No quality, no desire. We gave up at 2-1 down even though we were up against a pub side with 35 mins left. Maguire and Long were shocking - and once again demonstrated they are two of the most overrated players we've ever had. I'd settle for staying up because this team are the worst I've seen in my 35 years watching the Blades.
Abysmal squad. No quality, no desire. We gave up at 2-1 down even though we were up against a pub side with 35 mins left. Maguire and Long were shocking - and once again demonstrated they are two of the most overrated players we've ever had. I'd settle for staying up because this team are the worst I've seen in my 35 years watching the Blades.

I am bit confused as to what Long did wrong?

Midfield of White Lappin Mrs Doyle and Flynn speaks for itself
I am bit confused as to what Long did wrong?


He neshed the first albeit after a shocking back pass from Maguire. He allowed a powder puff header to beat him and come back off the bar for the 2nd. He generally looked half asleep and failed miserably to control his area. He was shite - although they all were to be fair.
I am bit confused as to what Long did wrong?

I was a long way off, but the second goal looked down to him, and I thought he might have got out quicker to the first.

Other than that he only had one save to make. How on earth did we lose to such a poor team?
JohnDenver - Because we're an even worse team!

Long didn't cover himself in glory for the first although he was hardly the one most at fault. From my position on the Kop it looked like he was caught badly flat footed for the second although I'd have to see it again.

As for the team it's a perfect storm of absolute incompetence, rock bottom confidence, a general lack of spirit and the ability to give goals away at the drop of a hat. It's also a hugely bloated squad full of plenty of equally poor players for some positions (full back, central midfield) and a total lack of choice at others (Centre Half).

Our much feted 'proper footballers' Baxter and Cuvelier has shown to be so far a massive waste of resources with barely a good half of football between them. Polarising Marlon 'he'll tear this league apart' King has been, if anything, even worse. The loan signings like Lappin and White has been uninspiring at best (with the odd good game from Lappin). Every decision the club has made with regards to managers, players and tactics appears to have been wrong recently.
How was the 2nd goal down to him JD? Can you explain what you saw?

I was at the wrong end of the ground but it looked a routine tip over which he fluffed. I'd say I'll find out on TV later, but I won't be bothering. You can watch and tell me tomorrow. ;)
How do we go from 5th to 25th (sic) in 3 months. Hell's teeth we had McDonald on our books not bloody Messi!

We sold our top scorer for peanuts when it was clear he was our only threat. Now we have no threat.

You could weep when you realise how some even supported that sale, and how some now defend such poor players.

We've got a losing mentality throughout the club now, sadly. We've almost forgot what a decent player looks like.

The club is rotten and full of players who are stealing a wage and believing that results like today is acceptable. You can blame Weir all you like but 9 of the players starting today were here last season or before. The other 2 were played out of position.

I was hoping Clough was going to be a man.

JohnDenver - Because we're an even worse team!

Oh we're crap alright but we still had to gift two goals to them in order to lose today.

The situation is scarily reminiscent of our Championship relegation - no cohesion, random loanees, and gutless performances. If we were an animal someone would take a shovel to us.
What I witnessed today is a herd of spineless and abysmal excuses for League 1 footballers. With this team we are heading for the exit of this league and in all fairness that's a more realistic place for them to be. Every single one today should be docked a weeks wage or better in fact, shipped as far away as possible. Disgraceful. League 2 awaits. Get rid of the shite that was on display today before it's too late.
The club is rotten and full of players who are stealing a wage and believing that results like today is acceptable. You can blame Weir all you like but 9 of the players starting today were here last season or before. The other 2 were played out of position.

I was hoping Clough was going to be a man.

Bloody hell, give him chance :)

Unlike you, I didn't really want him, but I didn't expect him to polish a turd.

I do expect him to steer us towards mid table. Our players are poor, but not that poor.

We didnt deserve to fall behind as there was only one team in the game up to that point. Once we got level, we stopped playing. Two awful goals conceded, and we only showed any urgency to recover the game when the 4 minutes added time board went up.
Too many passengers in the team and we'll do well to escape relegation.
Long was awful ,nesh and slow for the first ,and out of position and slow for the second ,but his main problem is he has no presence. Good shot stopper but very little else.

Good shot stopper is debatable. The last three games Clough has stated that Long has had nothing to save other than the goals, yet has conceded two each game.
Bloody hell, give him chance :)

Unlike you, I didn't really want him, but I didn't expect him to polish a turd.

I do expect him to steer us towards mid table. Our players are poor, but not that poor.


Lappin and Doyle in central midfield after what happened at Shrewsbury is inexcusable. What the fuck was he thinking?
Been disappointed with Long myself this season. Every game it feels like the only shots on goal the opposition are getting are going in (speaking from the home games I've seen at least). And today he could have prevented both goals easily. Problem is, I'm not sure we have a better option.
Disappointing display all round. Very lightweight and lacking in any desire. Once we equalised we stopped playing. One thing I noticed which none of the team or management seemed to was that Gillingham were eating up all the outswinging corners we threw at them (their number 6 was immense and I would gladly swap him for our whole defense) but once we put in a few inswingers they were all over the place. Second half all our corners were outswingers. Why???
The only time we get results is when McGinn is in the team, yet Clough insists on playing a left back there instead WTF?!?! I couldn't give a toss if he's shagging your missus cloughie get him in the fucking team you useless pratt.

Said it before, how demoralising must it be for our midfielders that clough rates an aging left back over them.

2 games played with Lappin in midfield 2 losses, how long is he going to persist with this stupid experiment/idea?

Round pegs round holes is a good start clough... get it sorted.

Beyond furious, especially with clough (if you hadn't guessed)
Wasn't there today but was at Colchester last week and was amazed he didn't stick with that team from there with seemingly Lappin on the wing and Coady in the middle. I thought they looked at least half a team last week, why move Lappin into the middle when he is clearly either a left back or left winger

We are shit because we have sacked a decent manager in Wilson and didn't bother to think of the consequences. There are 101 other reasons but that is my current bugbear.

But, two loans apart, it was basically Wilson's team that lost at home to Gillingham today to take us down to 23rd in the third tier.

I don't think we've had a good manager since Warnock left.

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