What's the main priority?

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Which issue would you sort out?

  • One more permanent signing

  • Modernise the Kop

  • Category 1 Academy

  • Training Facilities

  • Expand the Lane

  • Reopen the Copthorne

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Jan 30, 2020
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It's fair to say we've got a few different priorities and things to sort out at the moment...if you could pick one of the following, wave a magic wand at it and sort it right now...what would it be?

This has been discussed all over the place on here but I've not seen an actual poll, just wanted to gauge the opinion really!

(I've not included the new kit because at this point, I think we'd all like to see that appear)

I went training facilities because you can't upgrade the Academy without them.

Next logically is probably the hotel because it ought to have the shortest turnaround time.
I went with the training facilities, as it's probably the thing that lags furthest behind for a club of our size.

It's criminal that none of the above was done while we had two years in the Premier League, especially as it was just as the most lucrative TV deal in history kicked in.
They're all on the list of things we need to do in an ideal world with a lot of cash
I didn't vote as its quite obvious we could do all of them.
We have a world wide fan base of say 600,000. If everyone donated £100 that's 60m.
easy peasy.
We could entice every supporter with a piece of (crumbling) cake and a (used) paintbrush.
Massive. 🙃
I didn't vote as its quite obvious we could do all of them.
We have a world wide fan base of say 600,000. If everyone donated £100 that's 60m.
easy peasy.
We could entice every supporter with a piece of (crumbling) cake and a (used) paintbrush.
Massive. 🙃
We could also serve smaller portions of food but at the same price.
If we do end up selling Berge, the money needs to go on the training ground. Main priority, then the Academy.
Wasted the golden PL opportunity because we thought Wilder was God and we'd have forever

Training ground and Kop are the priorities

But at the same time we're always '1 signing from promotion!' in which case all problems will be solved......
Get rid of those bastarding poles on the Kop!
I have to say, watching the semi final the other night, big crowd, great atmosphere I felt really proud but as the camera swung round from the corner of Bramall Lane left to right showing the Kop it did look a tad old and disappointing looking at the pillars.
1) Purchase some electric cattle prods to move along the docile mouth-breathers who think it's acceptable to get up and leave on 85 minutes, then fucking congragate at the front of the kop.

2) Make the turnstiles lock precisely at kick-off time so that the dopey twats who simply MUST have one more pint at 5 mins to kick-off can't get in and make me get up out of my seat 20 bastard times.
I‘d demolish the hotel and start again...The BL corner could have been done so much better if that wasn’t there. Also it impedes any future expansion of the south stand...Wonder how much it’s gonna cost to keep it closed for another year?

Get kit ahht
That's what makes all the above possible.
Promotion will not happen if McBurnie is anywhere near the team.
Nor will it happen if an unfit (his and hecky';s opinion tonight) Brewster plays instated of fit players like Jebbo.
Just as MGW played when ill with Ilman sitting it out
Just as the useless McBurnie played when ill and injured in place of Jebbo.
If the manager leaves you out for ill and or unfit players it's time to move on - except in extremis eg Billy Sharp at SUFC under Wilder.
The ultimate priority is promotion as soon as possible.

So one more signing is probably top of the list BUT it needs to the the final piece of the jigsaw.
Probably best to wait and see how the squad perform over the next few weeks, see where we're short, where our weakness is.
Then show some ambition by spending decent money in the January transfer window.

The priority for now and probably the most urgent is to improve the training facilities in the most problematic areas (this is what I voted for).

Priority for this season must be to open the Copthorn some time, real shame it wasn't open for the Euro's.
Seeing it boarded up is an eye sore and kind of embarrassing.
Even Duffy mentioned that he used to stay Friday nights in the Copthorne with some of the other players who lived a distance away
and it really help crate a bond and strengthen team spirit.

Modernising the Kop and expanding the capacity can wait a few years because "safe standing" will become a significant factor.
Wait and see how the trial goes and then we might be able to do a new design with a large safe standing area.
Hopefully in a few years the UK might even allow clubs to follow the German model of at least 1.5 spectators allowed per 1 seat.
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Cat 1 academy so we can stop losing any good youngsters and can snaffle other decent young players. Dog eat dog etc etc.....

Suppose training facilities go hand in hand with this anyway so that would be n2.
Win the league in typically un United fashion by 20 points, never letting another team get within 10 points of us after Christmas, so I can have a stress free 9 months. Then spend money on players who are young and decent value and don't do Tik tok videos and call themselves jlingz.
Training facilities, with the injuries we've had this has to be a factor.

That's my vote.

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