Roy's View From... View From Chelsea

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
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Well, other than the fact that most of them see us as little old Sheffield United, they're sorta quite gracious there, in that none of 'em suggest we didn't deserve at least a point.

Best ever. Possibly competing with pigs after bouncing day.

Great cheesy song choice too

Qualiteh :)
Good stuff as always Roy. What do we have win to stop being a pub side?

What a set of arrogant big headed remarks. Not as good as they think they are mi thinks!!! Great effort Blades!!!
Nice that you made it back from your holidays Roygbiv

Very pleasant reading, I think we will have lots of new back handed compliments this season.

Things like losing to a Championship side make me laugh. Yes we were a championship side, but like Wilder said, this isn’t the 3rd round of the FA Cup, we earned the right to be in then Premier League and whether they like it or not, we’re here for at least a season...

I also love how fans have started giving their endorsement on whether we will stay up or go down based on one game.

From early showing, we’re getting some plaudits
Thanks Weirdo - I’m taking a bit of a shine to the Premier League, their fans suffer from PTSS when they don’t get the expected result.
Well, them’s the breaks, lads, get used to it..

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