Ryan Flynn

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2009
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West Yorks
Every single player was magnificent today, and they all deserve a heap of praise. I am singling out Flynn for several reasons. Firstly, as one of his sceptics, that is by far the best performance that lad has put in in a blades shirt. He beat his man, he got balls into the box and scored a cracking goal. So, here's the point I am eluding to... Why can he not replicate that on the league? Today Flynn was like a new signing, a type of winger we haven't had since Cotterill. This is a thread of praise with a plea to Flynn to keep it up!! Great performance from them all, and we will be more than fine if we maintain that level of performance until may.

He was the best of the bunch today. Nobody had a bad game but nice to see both Flynn and Murphy stand out as key performers in the same game.
Well pleased today.

Benteke is Wank
We've got Chris Porter
Benteke is Wank
Just shows how long it can take players from north of the border nowadays to adapt to our game. Shame a lot want instant world-beaters. Both will gain a lot from this and both have gained from Cloughie's ability as a manager.
Lets hope they can all carry it on for the rest of the season.

I don't wanna put a downer on the mood but I read Roy Keane's autobiography some time ago and he mentioned teams who turned up at OT and suddenly became world beaters, I don't agree with a lot he said but it makes a valid point in saying why can players raise their game for the big occasion and not do it week in, week out? Keane's said if he'd have played that way in his career he'd have felt like he was cheating the fans.

Come on Blades, lets see this commitment week after week.
He was the best of the bunch today. Nobody had a bad game but nice to see both Flynn and Murphy stand out as key performers in the same game.
Well pleased today.

Benteke is Wank
We've got Chris Porter
Benteke is Wank

No doubt we stole it from someone else but that is the funniest chant I've heard in a long time.
I keep beating the drum that this team should be higher than it is and that we shouldn't be accepting of defeats against Walsall etc; especially when we took 2 of their best players from last season in Brandy and Cuvellier, who can't get in the 11.

Doyle is playing where he should be and not charging around like a headless chicken, helped by the fact that Baxter can drop back in. We have 2 wingers running the wings and being direct with Brandy as backup and White hopefully coming back at the end of the month.

The ability is there and slowly but surely Clough is putting confidence in to this team and they proved to themselves they can put it in for both 45 minutes today.

A decent striker and central midfielder to go along with White and we have something good on our hands for next season. Just let's not be so accepting of defeats to teams we should beat.
Credit to Clough on this one I think, encouraging both him and Murphy to go forward instead of turning and passing sideways or back. Great performance from Flynn today, him or Harry as MOTM for me although to be fair they were all magnificent today.
Flynn was class today not his biggest fan but he showed me how he can play, that left footed strike!! Went mental when that flew in
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Credit to Nigel Clough in keeping his faith in murphy and flynn.
His persistance has paid off and slowly the players are responding.
I cant speak highly enough of NC at the minute,he`s turning a team of losers into a TEAM again,and were seeing the sort of graft we had under warnocks tenure.
Flynn has been consistently good since Clough came and started playing him on the right wing.
Maguire and Doyle with Flynn were the best players on the pitch today ,there only player was Albrighton I thought.
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Flynn has been consistently good since Clough came and started playing him on the right wing.
Maguire and Doyle with Flynn were the best players on the pitch today ,there only player was Albrighton I thought.

That's exactly how it was reported on 5 Live. The only time I worried was when Albrighton's name was mentioned.

Always liked Flynn - a proper footballer, even though he doesn't have the physicality to be a real star.
He makes the full back behind him look a lot better ,hopefully he can get a long run in the side on the right wing playing with 2 wingers.
I was amazed at how much space and time Villa gave us so that we could actually play football. Loved it today
In Cloughie's interview after the match he praised the fans for their support and he said he was discussing it with a couple of the players. They said the encouragement and vocal support from the fans lifted them especially as they were tiring towards the end.

I know Flynn's had his critics but there is a decent footballer there and people shouting negative stuff / booing players can't help confidence. If the team has had a bad game show your displeasure at the end if you have to but throughout the game support from the fans can lift them as mentioned in the first paragraph.

Well done to the team, Cloughie and all Blades who went today. Fantastic.

Flynn has been consistently good since Clough came and started playing him on the right wing.

Trig Jnr (TY), who's seen more of Flynn recently, said before the game how much he'd improved. He was excellent yesterday. Right at the end of the first half, when we were really only running the clock down, he took on the full back and skinned him. The cross was poor, but the point is he has the confidence to get to the byline.

He gets knocked off the ball and isn't a great tackler, but he tracks back well and as we now know, can score with either foot. His goal was one of the most delirious away moments of my Blades following life and reminds me why I do it.
Jimmy Leadbetter was the star of Ipswich's league win in 1962. See link below and scroll down for the full picture of him. He looks like a footballer in his 70's, not in his 30s. Never judge a book by its cover!

I remember Jimmy Leadbeater well Silent, was always amazed as a kid how a bloke who looked a granddad could play first division football.
On another note.....stick Jimmy a one inch wide tash below his nose and Adolf springs to mind...

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