Players signed over the last 18 months

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May 26, 2014
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These may be all of the players we have bought since we were promoted. I may have missed some out, in which case I put that down to my being very ill last year. Although during my illness there was the highlight of our great season. This time around it’s all terrible.

It does not seem a particularly long list. If I were to believe everything I read on the United pages it would seem very few, if any have been a success. Have there been any successful buys?

It was really exciting to read who, particularly players abroad, we were going to recruit. Some really exciting name and some really exciting names and places. Now all we are promised are two loans in January. I can understand that but, I have to admit, I am very disappointed.

We seem to be relying on so many from the seasons before we were even in the Premier, except for that goalie guy whose name I forget but who went back over the Pennines and then there is Jack O’Connell, who was really the only Premiership player, a giant of a man, a leader and future England player now, sadly, side lined for the season.

Here I go:


Save the first ‘till best. Not won a huge number of plaudits. Doubtful he is our worst ever signing. Doubtful he even cost 18 million. Seems to like punching, could always come in useful. It is true that he has not played in front of a settled defence, or a settled team for that matter, or even a team that includes O’Connell. Some might say in front of a team that anyone recognises. (But it is our team.) He returned to BDTBL after a spell on the south coast, where most people go to retire. It is well known that CW has a penchant for wanting to bring back former players from Bournemouth.


You would have thought with hands like that we would be onto a winner. Fifty or filthy clams? And Dutch to boot! He is also rather taller than Ramsdale but hasn’t been seen since Brian took him out. (Now Brian is out.) It is going on almost a year. Thank God a season, well this season anyway, isn’t that long!


What is going on here? Where’s Wes? Any more questions?


We could always add him to our roster of goalkeepers. We could also give him another contract.


Knows how to throw a ball a long, long way. Some are not too enamoured. I’ve always said that you can’t have enough Robinson’s in your team. Or was it too many? Thought he was going to help shore up our defence. We could do with one or two Shaw’s in our defence these days.


He has a good engine on him, I’ll be bound. But is he, I hear you say, Premier shop or Premiership calibre? Yet someone else who has connections with the City Ground. Could he deputise for O’Connell? He’s another who can lump it to McBurnie.


He’s a looker, could have made a come-back with A-Ha! but joined us instead. Since which time we have been on a downhill trajectory.


Isn’t he the alien they brought in from New Mexico or Sunderland or some such place? I have almost seen as much of him as I have of Bogle. He has a big “O” in the season overview on the club’s website. Maybe he ought to wear sunglasses and a string tie. An England international to boot. We don’t have many of them.


Never seen him. Although I believe he is in the first team squad.


Another one for the future so long as he doesn’t spend too much time learning his trade in the first team, some might say. It seems more lowe than great expectations.


Nothing wrong with being Welsh. Ask that young Brookes fella me lad. Anyway, he looks pretty in pink and anyone who’s played for RB Leipzig is alright by me.


Been, not for long and now gone. Some seem to think that was a big mistake.


Been and gone. Now at WBA, who beat us, and now managed by Big Sam. Is it Big Sam or a face from Spitting Image?


Has been, when he was here wasn’t doing too much. Now at the City Ground and injured, doing even less, probably in Switzerland for Christmas. Is he the missing link?


I really like him. Do we even play to his strengths? Some think he hasn’t got any. Still, I do like him.


He’s French so bound to be good. When he is available, that is. When is that? He could be the broken toe of our lost kingdom.


He is fast, very fast. Where’s the end product?


He is our saviour but doesn’t get enough time on the pitch. How are you going to save us if you don’t get enough time on the pitch?!! My worry is this Swansea connection. What Swansea connection is that? Well, McBurnie, whom I really like, was outstanding for the Swans the season before last. Last season Brewster was outstanding for the Swans. Now we have both of them. Outstanding!


This is a talent if ever I were to see him. Plying his trade with a small but, albeit a possibly, successful Belgium club – well compared to some teams I could name they seem pretty successful. They are grooming him for us. On that basis we may need him sooner than expected. No doubt brexit and all who sail in her will put paid to that.

Young Players

We have lots. We have lots who are really impressive. I am not aware that CW ever plays young players. Well, not ours anyway. Well sometimes not even ours when they are in the first team squad. Ask Brewster.


Has he who is in charge of recruitment done a good job?

Who are the stand out or stand alone or, even, still standing or, more importantly, seriously outstanding purchases?

Which ones are the game-changers and the ones who have really made a difference?

Premier League recruits XI who are still at the club. Set up for 'the system'

GK Foderingham
RCB Rodwell
CB Jagielka
LCB Robinson J
LWB Lowe
RWB Bogle
RCM Berge
CM Ampadu
LCM Osborn
ST Burke
ST Brewster

Subs. Verrips/Ramsdale McBurnie, Moose

Allowing for a severe injury crisis, would this line up be acceptable? Not looking great Chris.

Edit. Over £50m worth of talent on display there. £45m on the bench.
🤢 feel sick
Last edited:
Hi, Stegosaurus here,

Good thread. I know you all value my contribution so I'll give them the Official Stegosaur Ranking out of 10


3/10 - Liability and waste of money. Whether he cost 10 or 18 million. He's dog shit.


?/10 Dunno -- But he must be crap if Foderingham was above him earlier


1/10 - Like a broken pencil


4/10 - He served his purpose as a mentor to the younger players and an experienced head


2/10 - Barely championship level


5/10 - He's a passable backup.


8/10 for his talent and resale value---he's clearly a good player and when we sell him, we will get back more than we paid.

5/10 for his contributions to the team--- he doesn't fit our system.


0/10 - More like Dudwell. A waste of a contract. I'm sure scrap his wage and Foderinghams and Bogles and it'd free up a bit for someone better.


1/10 - Bigfoot gets spotted more. Pointless signing.


0/10 - He is shite. He gets lower than Bogle because Bogle gets a point for not screwing up.


4/10 - A mixed bag. Can look shit. Can look decent. I think he'll be good in the future, so if we signed him permanently he'll get an extra point for potential.


7/10 - He's a good player, should have kept him.

3/10 - For Wilder's handling of him.


3/10 - Didn't suit our system, but he's good at West Brom. But, this rating is for us, where he was shite. If this was the West Brom rating, he'd be 8.


6/10 -- He looked good when he played. WIlder misused him.

3/10 for Wilder's mishandling of him. I don't know why Wilder hated him.


4/10 - He's not great, but he is an asset when defending corners and shows glimpses that there is a good striker in there.


6/10 - He looks good when he's healthy. But he's never healthy.


10/10 ..... if this was a sprinting club. But it's not, so he gets a 4.


More like Pooster, amirite? 3/10


Him who used to be at Man Utd and flopped. He came here and flopped too. 0/10
These may be all of the players we have bought since we were promoted. I may have missed some out, in which case I put that down to my being very ill last year. Although during my illness there was the highlight of our great season. This time around it’s all terrible.

It does not seem a particularly long list. If I were to believe everything I read on the United pages it would seem very few, if any have been a success. Have there been any successful buys?

It was really exciting to read who, particularly players abroad, we were going to recruit. Some really exciting name and some really exciting names and places. Now all we are promised are two loans in January. I can understand that but, I have to admit, I am very disappointed.

We seem to be relying on so many from the seasons before we were even in the Premier, except for that goalie guy whose name I forget but who went back over the Pennines and then there is Jack O’Connell, who was really the only Premiership player, a giant of a man, a leader and future England player now, sadly, side lined for the season.

Here I go:


Save the first ‘till best. Not won a huge number of plaudits. Doubtful he is our worst ever signing. Doubtful he even cost 18 million. Seems to like punching, could always come in useful. It is true that he has not played in front of a settled defence, or a settled team for that matter, or even a team that includes O’Connell. Some might say in front of a team that anyone recognises. (But it is our team.) He returned to BDTBL after a spell on the south coast, where most people go to retire. It is well known that CW has a penchant for wanting to bring back former players from Bournemouth.


You would have thought with hands like that we would be onto a winner. Fifty or filthy clams? And Dutch to boot! He is also rather taller than Ramsdale but hasn’t been seen since Brian took him out. (Now Brian is out.) It is going on almost a year. Thank God a season, well this season anyway, isn’t that long!


What is going on here? Where’s Wes? Any more questions?


We could always add him to our roster of goalkeepers. We could also give him another contract.


Knows how to throw a ball a long, long way. Some are not too enamoured. I’ve always said that you can’t have enough Robinson’s in your team. Or was it too many? Thought he was going to help shore up our defence. We could do with one or two Shaw’s in our defence these days.


He has a good engine on him, I’ll be bound. But is he, I hear you say, Premier shop or Premiership calibre? Yet someone else who has connections with the City Ground. Could he deputise for O’Connell? He’s another who can lump it to McBurnie.


He’s a looker, could have made a come-back with A-Ha! but joined us instead. Since which time we have been on a downhill trajectory.


Isn’t he the alien they brought in from New Mexico or Sunderland or some such place? I have almost seen as much of him as I have of Bogle. He has a big “O” in the season overview on the club’s website. Maybe he ought to wear sunglasses and a string tie. An England international to boot. We don’t have many of them.


Never seen him. Although I believe he is in the first team squad.


Another one for the future so long as he doesn’t spend too much time learning his trade in the first team, some might say. It seems more lowe than great expectations.


Nothing wrong with being Welsh. Ask that young Brookes fella me lad. Anyway, he looks pretty in pink and anyone who’s played for RB Leipzig is alright by me.


Been, not for long and now gone. Some seem to think that was a big mistake.


Been and gone. Now at WBA, who beat us, and now managed by Big Sam. Is it Big Sam or a face from Spitting Image?


Has been, when he was here wasn’t doing too much. Now at the City Ground and injured, doing even less, probably in Switzerland for Christmas. Is he the missing link?


I really like him. Do we even play to his strengths? Some think he hasn’t got any. Still, I do like him.


He’s French so bound to be good. When he is available, that is. When is that? He could be the broken toe of our lost kingdom.


He is fast, very fast. Where’s the end product?


He is our saviour but doesn’t get enough time on the pitch. How are you going to save us if you don’t get enough time on the pitch?!! My worry is this Swansea connection. What Swansea connection is that? Well, McBurnie, whom I really like, was outstanding for the Swans the season before last. Last season Brewster was outstanding for the Swans. Now we have both of them. Outstanding!


This is a talent if ever I were to see him. Plying his trade with a small but, albeit a possibly, successful Belgium club – well compared to some teams I could name they seem pretty successful. They are grooming him for us. On that basis we may need him sooner than expected. No doubt brexit and all who sail in her will put paid to that.

Young Players

We have lots. We have lots who are really impressive. I am not aware that CW ever plays young players. Well, not ours anyway. Well sometimes not even ours when they are in the first team squad. Ask Brewster.


Has he who is in charge of recruitment done a good job?

Who are the stand out or stand alone or, even, still standing or, more importantly, seriously outstanding purchases?

Which ones are the game-changers and the ones who have really made a difference?

Good post. You have just shown everyone one very clearly why we are going down.
These may be all of the players we have bought since we were promoted. I may have missed some out, in which case I put that down to my being very ill last year. Although during my illness there was the highlight of our great season. This time around it’s all terrible.

It does not seem a particularly long list. If I were to believe everything I read on the United pages it would seem very few, if any have been a success. Have there been any successful buys?

It was really exciting to read who, particularly players abroad, we were going to recruit. Some really exciting name and some really exciting names and places. Now all we are promised are two loans in January. I can understand that but, I have to admit, I am very disappointed.

We seem to be relying on so many from the seasons before we were even in the Premier, except for that goalie guy whose name I forget but who went back over the Pennines and then there is Jack O’Connell, who was really the only Premiership player, a giant of a man, a leader and future England player now, sadly, side lined for the season.

Here I go:


Save the first ‘till best. Not won a huge number of plaudits. Doubtful he is our worst ever signing. Doubtful he even cost 18 million. Seems to like punching, could always come in useful. It is true that he has not played in front of a settled defence, or a settled team for that matter, or even a team that includes O’Connell. Some might say in front of a team that anyone recognises. (But it is our team.) He returned to BDTBL after a spell on the south coast, where most people go to retire. It is well known that CW has a penchant for wanting to bring back former players from Bournemouth.


You would have thought with hands like that we would be onto a winner. Fifty or filthy clams? And Dutch to boot! He is also rather taller than Ramsdale but hasn’t been seen since Brian took him out. (Now Brian is out.) It is going on almost a year. Thank God a season, well this season anyway, isn’t that long!


What is going on here? Where’s Wes? Any more questions?


We could always add him to our roster of goalkeepers. We could also give him another contract.


Knows how to throw a ball a long, long way. Some are not too enamoured. I’ve always said that you can’t have enough Robinson’s in your team. Or was it too many? Thought he was going to help shore up our defence. We could do with one or two Shaw’s in our defence these days.


He has a good engine on him, I’ll be bound. But is he, I hear you say, Premier shop or Premiership calibre? Yet someone else who has connections with the City Ground. Could he deputise for O’Connell? He’s another who can lump it to McBurnie.


He’s a looker, could have made a come-back with A-Ha! but joined us instead. Since which time we have been on a downhill trajectory.


Isn’t he the alien they brought in from New Mexico or Sunderland or some such place? I have almost seen as much of him as I have of Bogle. He has a big “O” in the season overview on the club’s website. Maybe he ought to wear sunglasses and a string tie. An England international to boot. We don’t have many of them.


Never seen him. Although I believe he is in the first team squad.


Another one for the future so long as he doesn’t spend too much time learning his trade in the first team, some might say. It seems more lowe than great expectations.


Nothing wrong with being Welsh. Ask that young Brookes fella me lad. Anyway, he looks pretty in pink and anyone who’s played for RB Leipzig is alright by me.


Been, not for long and now gone. Some seem to think that was a big mistake.


Been and gone. Now at WBA, who beat us, and now managed by Big Sam. Is it Big Sam or a face from Spitting Image?


Has been, when he was here wasn’t doing too much. Now at the City Ground and injured, doing even less, probably in Switzerland for Christmas. Is he the missing link?


I really like him. Do we even play to his strengths? Some think he hasn’t got any. Still, I do like him.


He’s French so bound to be good. When he is available, that is. When is that? He could be the broken toe of our lost kingdom.


He is fast, very fast. Where’s the end product?


He is our saviour but doesn’t get enough time on the pitch. How are you going to save us if you don’t get enough time on the pitch?!! My worry is this Swansea connection. What Swansea connection is that? Well, McBurnie, whom I really like, was outstanding for the Swans the season before last. Last season Brewster was outstanding for the Swans. Now we have both of them. Outstanding!


This is a talent if ever I were to see him. Plying his trade with a small but, albeit a possibly, successful Belgium club – well compared to some teams I could name they seem pretty successful. They are grooming him for us. On that basis we may need him sooner than expected. No doubt brexit and all who sail in her will put paid to that.

Young Players

We have lots. We have lots who are really impressive. I am not aware that CW ever plays young players. Well, not ours anyway. Well sometimes not even ours when they are in the first team squad. Ask Brewster.


Has he who is in charge of recruitment done a good job?

Who are the stand out or stand alone or, even, still standing or, more importantly, seriously outstanding purchases?

Which ones are the game-changers and the ones who have really made a difference?
I’m not going to go through player by player as opinions are opinions but I think I can answer a few of your questions as to the logic behind some of signings namely in goal and upfront.

So in goal firstly Ramsdale it’s an attempt to tie down the number 1 spot for a long time likely a decade or more so we don’t have to allocate resources there in future he’s also a player we knew well and is by all accounts a hardworking well liked player who we think we can develop further. It was always going to be hard to find a keeper capable of replacing Henderson like for like. Secondly Verrips plain and simply he was a punt on a free who was highly rated in Belgium at the time we saw an opportunity and took it, it just hasn’t panned out. I’ve seen lots of people say van winkle should be given control of scouting and transfer because of the coulibally signing well verrips was also one of his so that makes it 1/2 for him. Lastly Foderingham wilder likes to have 3 senior keepers in the squad we were looking to loan out and probably permanently move Eastwood out and Moore doesn’t have use of the required number of fingers yet so we needed a body in he’s gash but again was a free and available.

Upfront I think our logic is pretty clear we’ve signed and paid the going rate for players with outstanding records in the division below so if we do drop we’ll have the fire power to seriously trouble that division. Will this pan out who knows but it is logical. We probably also hoped these players would have the development room to step up a level and they’re still young and still might do in their careers.
No he hasn't done a good job most of the players we have signed are shite
Whichever way you look at it, the signings and the squad as a whole, we're a Championship club.

We've spent poorly out of desperation not too spend too much, but in desperation to sign anyone at all.

We've now got a very inexperienced and unproved squad.

Out of the players that you mentioned, I think the only ones who played any role at all in our success last year are McBurnie and Mousset. They're the only ones who you can say "without these players we would have done worse".

Of those two, only Mousset has lived up to his price tag.

If we'd had an injury to Jack O'Connell and injuries to Fleck last season, we probably would have been in a similar position to where we are now.

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