New deal for Wallace

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He's a young player who has played well this season he has been given a small extension on no doubt small wages so no problem with this at all.
I was going to post the same but with a lot of swearing. This is just a non-issue turned into a drama.

Personally, I think it’s a good call. I’m disappointed he’s out of the team at the minute as I thought he was playing well and had been MoM in a couple of games. I don’t agree that Harris should walk straight back in as soon as he’s fit. Don’t get me wrong, I think Harris is OK but I think those in form should keep the shirt.

He won’t be on a lot of money at all as a 20 year old with a handful of first team appearances coming from non-league. But he has proven that at worst, he is a capable squad player to come in and do a job at the age of 20. Hopefully, he will develop beyond that into a really good player but if not, we will still be paying him less than the likes of McEveley and Alcock who have occupied that defensive cover role previously. It’s a step in the right direction for me. Sign and keep young players who show some promise. Then, if you’re looking for experience, only a select few who are proven to be a cut above the level they are playing at (like when we signed people like Ehiogu, Speed, McCall, McGrath, Cowans, Unsworth etc). A few of them supported by willing, competent, athletic youngsters is a good formula to follow in my opinion.

Wallace is young, tall, cheap, strong and versatile. That is exactly the sort of player that should be providing cover for a first team of much higher quality than the one we have now.

I’ll only be complaining if we renew the contracts of people like McEveley, Alcock, Collins, JCR, Howard, Higdon, Flynn, Cuvelier, McFadzean, Kennedy, J. Wallace etc.

* The last 2 because of their injury record- I like them as footballers.
Don't be getting all wound up because I pointed out one of many clear displays of an intelligence deficiency on your part.

And because I thought better of meeting some low life from the internet, that constitutes shitting my pants? Without trying to act a big man(I am a bit), if you actually saw me I could guarantee you wouldn't be claiming I'm scared of you. I've disagreed with many on here but to call them a cunt just shows you for what you are, a scummy reject.

My advice to you would be to go careful with the insults, because you might end up arranging to meet someone without as much concern for the professional implications of any potential consequences. i.e a fight.

Oh dear barny, you really have outdone even yourself. Spend days calling out alco and then when he responds you chicken out? For what it’s worth, I agree it’s stupid to meet strangers off the internet for fights. There’s nothing to be gained and plenty to be lost. However, calling people out and repeatedly calling them cowards for not arranging a meeting only to then backtrack when taken up on it is beyond pathetic.

You really have shown your true colours over the last few days. I’m not one for telling people not to post but if I were in your shoes, I would go away and not show my “face” again as you have laid down a marker and will forever be a subject of ridicule on this forum now. Then again, I suppose some people seem to like that. I remember a pig called mcnulty on blades mad who embarrassed himself time and time again and still came back for more so each to their own again.
A simple thread on a promising young player being given a deserved short extension to his contract turns in to a dramathon.

Only on S2 :rolleyes:
Oh dear barny, you really have outdone even yourself. Spend days calling out alco and then when he responds you chicken out? For what it’s worth, I agree it’s stupid to meet strangers off the internet for fights. There’s nothing to be gained and plenty to be lost. However, calling people out and repeatedly calling them cowards for not arranging a meeting only to then backtrack when taken up on it is beyond pathetic.

You really have shown your true colours over the last few days. I’m not one for telling people not to post but if I were in your shoes, I would go away and not show my “face” again as you have laid down a marker and will forever be a subject of ridicule on this forum now. Then again, I suppose some people seem to like that. I remember a pig called mcnulty on blades mad who embarrassed himself time and time again and still came back for more so each to their own again.
Your starting to get a little irritating.

You aren't in a position to tell me what to do, nor are you in a position to tell me what I'm thinking.

Be your own poster without trying to gain credibility by joining the Pilot Fish against me.

Your long arse, boring posts are bad enough on that front.
Your starting to get a little irritating.

You aren't in a position to tell me what to do, nor are you in a position to tell me what I'm thinking.

Be your own poster without trying to gain credibility by joining the Pilot Fish against me.

Your long arse, boring posts are bad enough on that front.

I am very much my own poster barny.

I like how you tell me not to tell you what to do before telling me what to do. It must be fun in barny's world.

At least my posts cover a range of subjects and offer some balanced consideration as opposed to your posts which let's face it, could be said by posting this:

Oh dear barny, you really have outdone even yourself. Spend days calling out alco and then when he responds you chicken out? For what it’s worth, I agree it’s stupid to meet strangers off the internet for fights. There’s nothing to be gained and plenty to be lost. However, calling people out and repeatedly calling them cowards for not arranging a meeting only to then backtrack when taken up on it is beyond pathetic.

You really have shown your true colours over the last few days. I’m not one for telling people not to post but if I were in your shoes, I would go away and not show my “face” again as you have laid down a marker and will forever be a subject of ridicule on this forum now. Then again, I suppose some people seem to like that. I remember a pig called mcnulty on blades mad who embarrassed himself time and time again and still came back for more so each to their own again.
McNumpty was interesting. I don't think he cared about 'embarrassment' as no one knew who he was. In fact I think he revelled in it. Some posters only seem to have one aim; to annoy other posters and get them arguing amongst each other. (Which could be two aims I suppose but interlinked). They don't care about 'embarrassment' because they're not embarrassed.
For a long time I was convinced Curtis was a pig and I was quite surprised when he was 'outed' as a Blade via his twatter profile. I've come to the conclusion that there are people who just want to wind other people up, at every opportunity. Unfortunately, one thing that is similar on here to BM is that there are a number of posters who give these attention seekers too much air time. Every time they post nonsense, someone has to pipe up and argue with them, given them the opportunity to post the same shit again, and again until the board turns to shit and posters just start thinking 'fuck it, I've got better things to do than read this repetitive shit'.

I don't get the compulsion to argue with idiots on the same point day in day out. It's almost like an addiction, some posters just seem unable to ignore even the most obvious of WUMs. And what almost invariably happens is that they drag decent posters down to their level, said posters then making comments that are equally embarrassing; the main prize being to wind up a poster so much that they get themselves banned by losing it and calling the WUM various unpleasant names.
If posters just ignored the WUMs message boards would generally be better; this one certainly would.
McNumpty was interesting. I don't think he cared about 'embarrassment' as no one knew who he was. In fact I think he revelled in it. Some posters only seem to have one aim; to annoy other posters and get them arguing amongst each other. (Which could be two aims I suppose but interlinked). They don't care about 'embarrassment' because they're not embarrassed.
For a long time I was convinced Curtis was a pig and I was quite surprised when he was 'outed' as a Blade via his twatter profile. I've come to the conclusion that there are people who just want to wind other people up, at every opportunity. Unfortunately, one thing that is similar on here to BM is that there are a number of posters who give these attention seekers too much air time. Every time they post nonsense, someone has to pipe up and argue with them, given them the opportunity to post the same shit again, and again until the board turns to shit and posters just start thinking 'fuck it, I've got better things to do than read this repetitive shit'.

I don't get the compulsion to argue with idiots on the same point day in day out. It's almost like an addiction, some posters just seem unable to ignore even the most obvious of WUMs. And what almost invariably happens is that they drag decent posters down to their level, said posters then making comments that are equally embarrassing; the main prize being to wind up a poster so much that they get themselves banned by losing it and calling the WUM various unpleasant names.
If posters just ignored the WUMs message boards would generally be better; this one certainly would.

You may have a point Bush but in my opinion, WUMs play their part in an active messageboard and amongst the nonsense they speak, they sometimes pave the way for valid points to be raised.

I quite liked Curtis and McNulty as I thought a lot of the stuff they posted was quite funny. Ridiculous yes but amusing with it. Some do get very boring though. Beighton on blades mad got too repetitive for my liking. Lendegoey (Lenners) was one of the biggest WUMs going but at least he wasn’t daft and could comprehend the points being made. Barny’s anti adkins diatribe is getting very boring and repetitive now and I suppose it’s probably best to ignore him when he’s doing that. However, I find this latest little spat with alco and particularly barn’s conduct during it very funny. His fake flounce was also quite amusing.

For me, if you publicly repeatedly challenge someone to say something to your face when arguing on a messageboard calling them a coward etc. and engage in every bit of school yard posturing you can think of then backtrack when they take you up on it, you deserve every bit of ridicule that comes your way.

It’s also not always clear what a poster is thinking. Some posters might not be WUMs. They might just be a bit dim or uneducated. I hear plenty at the match that make mind-bogglingly stupid comments. In fact, the thing that made McNulty so amusing was that he seemed so deadly serious about everything he said. Although it seems to be the case that barny is just a WUM and a bit of a shit one at that.
You may have a point Bush but in my opinion, WUMs play their part in an active messageboard and amongst the nonsense they speak, they sometimes pave the way for valid points to be raised.

I quite liked Curtis and McNulty as I thought a lot of the stuff they posted was quite funny. Ridiculous yes but amusing with it. Some do get very boring though. Beighton on blades mad got too repetitive for my liking. Lendegoey (Lenners) was one of the biggest WUMs going but at least he wasn’t daft and could comprehend the points being made. Barny’s anti adkins diatribe is getting very boring and repetitive now and I suppose it’s probably best to ignore him when he’s doing that. However, I find this latest little spat with alco and particularly barn’s conduct during it very funny. His fake flounce was also quite amusing.

For me, if you publicly repeatedly challenge someone to say something to your face when arguing on a messageboard calling them a coward etc. and engage in every bit of school yard posturing you can think of then backtrack when they take you up on it, you deserve every bit of ridicule that comes your way.

It’s also not always clear what a poster is thinking. Some posters might not be WUMs. They might just be a bit dim or uneducated. I hear plenty at the match that make mind-bogglingly stupid comments. In fact, the thing that made McNulty so amusing was that he seemed so deadly serious about everything he said. Although it seems to be the case that barny is just a WUM and a bit of a shit one at that.
I've yet to see any point being raised by a WUM that hadn't already been raised by a genuine poster.

Len was very good at getting posters to show themselves in a very bad light. Some of the vitriol heaped on him said more about those attacking him than it did him.
Remind me, how long ago was it that the Premier League's top scorer was playing for Stocksbridge Park Steels?

I agree and Jamie Vardy is a great example of a player who has developed late having slipped through the academy net. Undoubtedly it is possible to find Diamonds in non league football, I just think personally that both Adams and Wallace will only ever be semi precious stones at best :(
It could be a shrewd bit of business in the long run. There is no harm in extending the contract of a promising youngster who like others have mentioned will be on relatively low wages at the moment.

If we start extending contracts for the the likes of McEveley and Collins then I would be worrying.
Mis-use of capitals and full stops.

What was your first line again?

Where have I misused capitals ? I dont see the need for full stops on here but correct spelling should be a given
You have misused the hyphen misuse not mis-use

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