Kyron Gordon

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Once a Blade, always a daft ****
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
God's country ...... Rovrum!

I disagree, not heard our fans do it anywhere for a start.
So you can hear every fan in the ground can you? We need to be realistic that it’s happening in every club if we are going to deal with it. There was a lad who used the n word and rightly banned on this board last season when talking about Brewster.
So you can hear every fan in the ground can you? We need to be realistic that it’s happening in every club if we are going to deal with it. There was a lad who used the n word and rightly banned on this board last season when talking about Brewster.

Speaking just anecdotally, and certainly not looking for an argument, but in 22 years of being a season ticket holder and attending countless away matches, I've not heard such sentiments expressed once. The unwritten rule is that it's simply not the done thing.
I'm not so naive as to think it's never occurred, but it's at the very least not the same situation as with certain other clubs, where it comes as naturally as breathing.

So you can hear every fan in the ground can you? We need to be realistic that it’s happening in every club if we are going to deal with it. There was a lad who used the n word and rightly banned on this board last season when talking about Brewster.
On the same note then, you know every club have a set of racists? You can’t label everybody with the same brush. I’m only speaking from personal experience because I’ve never heard a racist comment at a game from our fans, if it happens I’ve yet to hear it is all I’m saying. I’m not calling you a liar either by the way Gav.

I didn’t know about that regards Brewster by the way but he was rightly banned if that’s the case mate.
Speaking just anecdotally, and certainly not looking for an argument, but in 22 years of being a season ticket holder and attending countless away matches, I've not heard such sentiments expressed once. The unwritten rule is that it's simply not the done thing.
I'm not so naive as to think it's never occurred, but it's at the very least not the same situation as with certain other clubs, where it comes as naturally as breathing.
To make a wider point, people on this board are happy to call people from certain parts of the country names and no one bats an eyelid. Like scabs and derogatory words for scousers or welsh people being insulted re sheep etc. That’s also racist. Every club has racist arseholes and though we think we are better than other clubs we aren’t. Sadly football is so tribal it can bring out the worst in people. Like I said there was a lad on this board who used the n word in the last year and was rightly banned.
On the same note then, you know every club have a set of racists? You can’t label everybody with the same brush. I’m only speaking from personal experience because I’ve never heard a racist comment at a game from our fans, if it happens I’ve yet to hear it is all I’m saying. I’m not calling you a liar either by the way Gav.

I didn’t know about that regards Brewster by the way but he was rightly banned if that’s the case mate.
It’s highly likely that every club has racists yes. Look at the way we talk about people from Nottingham, scousers and welsh people on this board.
I appreciate you taking the time to reply thoughtfully though bud and let’s hope racism is stamped out altogether one day eh? Utb
To make a wider point, people on this board are happy to call people from certain parts of the country names and no one bats an eyelid. Like scabs and derogatory words for scousers or welsh people being insulted re sheep etc. That’s also racist. Every club has racist arseholes and though we think we are better than other clubs we aren’t. Sadly football is so tribal it can bring out the worst in people. Like I said there was a lad on this board who used the n word in the last year and was rightly banned.

But regional epiphets aren't even in the same ballpark as racial abuse. Do you think anybody really minds when opposition supporters make reference to us being northern, or more specifically, from Yorkshire? The two aren't comparable.
Calling someone from Nottingham a scab is racist? Strange opinion there 😵
To make a wider point, people on this board are happy to call people from certain parts of the country names and no one bats an eyelid. Like scabs and derogatory words for scousers or welsh people being insulted re sheep etc. That’s also racist. Every club has racist arseholes and though we think we are better than other clubs we aren’t. Sadly football is so tribal it can bring out the worst in people. Like I said there was a lad on this board who used the n word in the last year and was rightly banned.
I don't think you understand the definition of the word 'racist'.
To make a wider point, people on this board are happy to call people from certain parts of the country names and no one bats an eyelid. Like scabs and derogatory words for scousers or welsh people being insulted re sheep etc. That’s also racist. Every club has racist arseholes and though we think we are better than other clubs we aren’t. Sadly football is so tribal it can bring out the worst in people. Like I said there was a lad on this board who used the n word in the last year and was rightly banned.
I can honestly say that in 40+ years of going to the lane, I have only once heard one of our fans being racist and he was given swift justice from those around him and rightly so.

Not saying it doesn’t happen more often, because I’m sure it does but I have witnessed much worse at other grounds.

What is the consensus on gingers tho?
I can honestly say that in 40+ years of going to the lane, I have only once heard one of our fans being racist and he was given swift justice from those around him and rightly so.

Not saying it doesn’t happen more often, because I’m sure it does but I have witnessed much worse at other grounds.

What is the consensus on gingers tho?
I'm sure there are racist twats supporting this club but I've heard racism twice at the lane and both offenders got decked. There was a queue of willing volunteers to do it as well.
I'm sure there are racist twats supporting this club but I've heard racism twice at the lane and both offenders got decked. There was a queue of willing volunteers to do it as well.
Glad to hear it.

Clearly the best solution would be to identify culprits so they can be dealt with by the police and banned for life, but that’s always quite cumbersome/hard to enforce. In the interim this is the kind of “frontier justice” that is (sadly) needed. Make it clear to these Neanderthals that they’re not welcome and no-one agrees with them or finds them funny.

Feel for Kyron - utterly depressing that a young black lad still has to deal with this shit in 2022. Also feel for the average Hull fan - feel sick to my stomach when I read about United supporters being involved in owt like this, so I’m sure they do too.
I can honestly say that in 40+ years of going to the lane, I have only once heard one of our fans being racist and he was given swift justice from those around him and rightly so.

Not saying it doesn’t happen more often, because I’m sure it does but I have witnessed much worse at other grounds.

What is the consensus on gingers tho?

I can honestly say that in 40+ years of going to the lane, I have only once heard one of our fans being racist and he was given swift justice from those around him and rightly so.

Not saying it doesn’t happen more often, because I’m sure it does but I have witnessed much worse at other grounds.

What is the consensus on gingers tho?
Totally fair point on the ginger thing. Ginger people suffer hugely.
I really can’t imagine it ever happening at the Lane
If it would I’d hasten to say they’d get a clip.
It happened at our home game with Reading last year. The offender didn’t have any remorse at full time either. If it wasn’t knowing you would have been banned (and the fact he was a small gobshite in his 60s) he too would have got a clip.
Very well dealt with by United though and we assume he’s been banned by the club though we have since seen him at an away match
I disagree, not heard our fans do it anywhere for a start.
I'm sure there's been posts even on here about fans making racist remarks towards our players when they're playing shit.

Some ribbing and for want of a better word 'abuse' is fine and players will no doubt expect it, some even give it back which is great but this really does just take the piss. I'm not sure how difficult it's going to be but Hull need to find these cunts, speak with who they need to and get them lifetime banned from every football stadium.

To make a wider point, people on this board are happy to call people from certain parts of the country names and no one bats an eyelid. Like scabs and derogatory words for scousers or welsh people being insulted re sheep etc. That’s also racist. Every club has racist arseholes and though we think we are better than other clubs we aren’t. Sadly football is so tribal it can bring out the worst in people. Like I said there was a lad on this board who used the n word in the last year and was rightly banned.
I would gently point out that people from Liverpool or Nottingham are not a different race and therefore calling someone a scouser is not racist, it’s identifying by a negative stereotype. I would also add that I haven’t heard a racist chant or language from a Blade since the early eighties when it was still pretty common.

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