Come on Blades, let's just stay classy, eh!

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Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
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FFS I've read some right shit on here lately. When did we ever turn into such a set of miserable self entitled twats. Before we all start slagging off every man and his dog involved with the club, let's just remember the positives that have been achieved over the last 7 years or so. We could only dream of spending 3 seasons (at least) in PL when we were "waving bye bye" to Adkins and his sorry bunch at the end of 2016.

Yes we are hugely (note, not massively) disappointed - and quite rightly! Hecky and staff have failed to deliver. The recruitment has been shite and of course the prince is potless (apart from what he's got left out of his lottery win being handed a premier league club for basically nowt).

However, from me, it's a big rendition of ..... "Hecky, Jack and Stuart McCall"..................... and if it happens......... "He's one of our own, he's one of our own, Chrissy Wilder........"

And now that HMS Pisstheleague has again set sail, we need to to keep our shit together in order to continue lording it over the piggy bastards!

Excuse me if I’m not overflowing with ejaculate at the thought of the creator of this mess coming back for another pay day.
The "creator of this mess" took a bowl of dog shit and turned it into a 5 course Sunday serving. Over time, some of the trimming fell off and the portion size diminished but ffs, it still tasted better than dog shit on toast.

I'm not actually saying he's the right man for the job ....... but when assessing him let's see the whole 5 year picture, and not just the last bit.
At least we might finally see McAtee play the Duffy role which we so badly missed until the emergence of Ndiaye.
The "creator of this mess" took a bowl of dog shit and turned it into a 5 course Sunday serving. Over time, some of the trimming fell off and the portion size diminished but ffs, it still tasted better than dog shit on toast.

I'm not actually saying he's the right man for the job ....... but when assessing him let's see the whole 5 year picture, and not just the last bit.

No, we’re comparing like for like. Wilder isn’t coming into a league 1 team with two owners that are floundering in the lower leagues.

He’s coming into a team in the same position as when he decided he couldn’t be arsed and jumped ship. Arguably despite the spankings it’s actually better based on points.

He had no idea then and considering no one else wants him, I’d argue he has no idea now.

What’s he done since? Fuck all apart from show his colours again when publicly blaming the players for his own failures.

No thanks.
Wilder back
Bottom of league
Playing (sic) shite
All that is missing:-
“The Duffy role”

Nostalgia’s clearly not what it used to be
All I meant is that we might see the best of McAtee again rather than the weird roles that Hecky has had him playing this season. McAtee is a bit like Duffy and Ndiaye. He's a player who you don't need to overcoach. He's a maverick player who can be deadly on the ball if you trust him with it. Put him behind the front two/one and let him have a free role and he'll spring to life even on this division. He's been very restrained and strangled this season because of our negative formation and tactics. You don't put out and out attacking players into a formation and system designed to soak up pressure and defend for 90 minutes, particularly when defending is the weakest part of his game.
good to see Wilder back to finish the job he started ( getting us relegated)
cant wait for pashun and lefties talk then him talking about his contract etc if he was chocolate he'd eat his 'sen
I'm not saying that Hecky and staff don't deserve the push. And I am not saying that Wilder is the man to rescue us. What I am saying is when you are all slagging every man and his dog at the club, just remember the whole of the last 7 years and not just seasons 20/21 and 23/24.

We are miles away from where we were when Wilder took over. The potless Prince, I do think his heart is in the right place ...... it's just that he's erm, yeah, potless!

Now is the time for Blade solidarity. For clear thinking and togetherness. We are backs truly against the wall. We just need to make sure that we keep our shit together so that when the inevitable happens and we are relegated , we are in a position to give it another right go, and not just drift into obscurity like we have done in the past.

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