Coutts FA probe

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I haven't watched the videos, I saw it from the kop.

At the time I felt that if the ref had spotted it, Coutts was off.

Heart sank when I saw this.

Anything could happen though, so chin up.

I do feel that somehow the frustration of Saturday could end costing us.

I haven't watched the videos, I saw it from the kop.

At the time I felt that if the ref had spotted it, Coutts was off.

Heart sank when I saw this.

Anything could happen though, so chin up.

I do feel that somehow the frustration of Saturday could end costing us.

I agree but your manager and captain cannot behave like that. One was sent off and the other now may be given a red card retrospectively. Norwich were anooying as hell, the officals crap but United have to manage their emotions far better. Smacking bottles over and raising an arm is not going to help us ultimately.
I agree but your manager and captain cannot behave like that. One was sent off and the other now may be given a red card retrospectively. Norwich were anooying as hell, the officals crap but United have to manage their emotions far better. Smacking bottles over and raising an arm is not going to help us ultimately.

I agree. When I saw the thread title I knew exactly the incident it referred to.

Perhaps this is a big lesson for our management and team. It's alright being "one of our own" with a brilliant connection between the team, club, and fans, (in fact it's better than alright, it's fucking fantastic)

But the players and management need to remain professional.

All in all it seems Norwich managed to get under our skin, needled us, and it worked, and it may cost us some loss of pride.

Lesson learned, I hope.
Elbow...Fist...Hand....matters little. He raised his hand. The ball was long gone also. If it has gone to the FA, it will be a 3 match ban.

Ironic if morons in charge on Sunday had seen it they may have gone with a yellow maybe meaning a red and 1 match ban. Now they will make it a straight red.

What I want to know is how do they know..ref has not seen it, linesman saw it and gave nothing. Have Norwich reported it? Do we now have a case where clubs can send video evidence if they feel agrieved or do the FA trawl through games to find such incidents.

Genuinely no idea as if not in the match referees report - seem only in Prem when games are more high profile/televised and every incident is poured over; more action is taken.

Seems lower down leagues you get away with a lot more.

Like with goal line technology where half the Champ have but half does not.
Isn't there always a referee's assessor in the crowd? I wonder if they are involved in referring these incidents? I'm amazed the lino didn't raise it with the ref or the 4th official.
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and finally - moment immediately after impact - note the position of elbow. Both players are approx the same size - if anything Coutts elbow has pushed the twats shoulder.

In F1 terms - it would be a racing incident.

I was bang inline with FB & at the time I thought he'd done him ... bloody hope not ... I fear the worst I'm afraid :(
I know a lot of responses to this thread seem to be a case of demonising our own and I don't condone the bottle throwing from the kop (as I understand it two people have had their season tickets cancelled) but did anyone see the highlights of Barnsley vs Villa? When Villa had the pen awarded there was loads of stuff thrown onto the pitch, including plastic bottles. Even as the player was taking the pen. I've not seen one mention of it. Nothing on RS or in the press - yet we seem to be the bad boys all the time. Again, not condoning any action but why are we the only ones to get it all highlighted?
image.png View attachment 31012 FView attachment 31010 I was surprised and relieved at the time when the Ref missed it,but it looks like he tries to pull him back from the shoulder,and with the momentum and forward movement,his arm goes across the lads neck...It's a bit out of character for Coutts to deliberately elbow someone,he's not that type of player.image.png
I see what you're all saying, but that's a jostle rather than a thrown elbow. I don't think it's violent conduct and would have been nothing more than a yellow tops if the ref had seen it. I appreciate that would have seen him sent off, but I don't see him getting a ban.

Bold prediction: no further action.

Dont know if it's just red& white glasses, but even watching that video, where there is more contact than I originally thought from John street, I still think it would be incredibly harsh to get a 3 match ban for that.

50:50 whether it's a yellow for me
I see what you're all saying, but that's a jostle rather than a thrown elbow. I don't think it's violent conduct and would have been nothing more than a yellow tops if the ref had seen it. I appreciate that would have seen him sent off, but I don't see him getting a ban.

Bold prediction: no further action.
Fully agree
This thread was 2 pages last I checked, has he been banned?
Coutts obviously tries to block the Norwich player flying past him, as he still does not enjoy those back tracking runs. I've tried to see if his arm receives a little push, meaning it goes higher than he intended. Just before Coutts starts raising his arm the opposition player sort of stretches his arm out, but really it's too difficult to tell.

Skjermbilde 2017-09-19 23.25.52.png

In these situations you lose out if your arm is lower than the opposition and knowing this Coutts raises his arm. If he does hit the opponent's humerous/shoulder it's not so serious. But his arm - for whatever reason - goes a bit higher and hits the Norwich player in the neck area. Malice, or an unfair block hitting harder than intended, I'm not 100% sure and Coutts must hope the panel reaches that verdict too.
Its totally off the ball, that's what doesn't help. I agree with you, I think he'll get a retrospective ban
Can they issue just 1 game bans or does it have to be deemed violent and therefore 3 games ? There is no doubt he intended to stop the player using his arm, so therefore the foul was intended, guess it's just was it so bad. He was clearly aiming for for the shoulder but just maybe unlucky it went a bit over the shoulder and caught the player on the chin. It's a tough one and if a big profile Premier League game would be hotly debated ! He'll get a ban for me, fucking nailed on to happen Friday afternoon
Well i've just watched the extended highlights of the game and the foul on Freeman was worse for me. The Norwich player knew what he was doing when he slyly kneed Freeman in the ribs resulting in a suspected broken rib. Maybe they should have a look at that as well.
Did the cheat who rolled around on the ground for the Coutts incident receive any injury? No. Did Freeman receive an injury? Yes. Your honour, i rest my case.
I'd be astounded if he doesn't get a retrospective ban.

Password for the video is the first word of the first "sticky" thread title in the Comments, Suggestions and Problems forum (case sensitive).

Having seen this again I'll go back to what I said on shoutbox during the game. He was lucky to stay on. If the rolls were reversed most on here would say it was a straight red.
Still waiting to hear. Rusty view had ITK earlier to say that he wouldn't be though.

What I've heard is he won't be banned. Leon is fit. Sharp should be. Donaldson is a maybe.

Sounds too good to be true given the state we were in.

Let's just see. And keep everything crossed

Coutts obviously tries to block the Norwich player flying past him, as he still does not enjoy those back tracking runs. I've tried to see if his arm receives a little push, meaning it goes higher than he intended. Just before Coutts starts raising his arm the opposition player sort of stretches his arm out, but really it's too difficult to tell.

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In these situations you lose out if your arm is lower than the opposition and knowing this Coutts raises his arm. If he does hit the opponent's humerous/shoulder it's not so serious. But his arm - for whatever reason - goes a bit higher and hits the Norwich player in the neck area. Malice, or an unfair block hitting harder than intended, I'm not 100% sure and Coutts must hope the panel reaches that verdict too.

Someone mentioned to me the Norwich player had run his studs down Coutts' Achilles, the picture you posted seems to show that. Maybe he was retaliating, maybe that's why he's self referred.

I really hope he's doesn't get banned and all these injury worries are mind games, but the more I think about it, the more naive I think we were on Saturday. It's a long season, we can't go getting wound up like that every week when things don't go our way

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