Wilder...Another interview!!

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It's not his fault all the national newspapers want an interview. Interesting to hear he was at the Wigan game in 2007 as a fan.
“I don’t have a clue how it’ll pan out"

I'll agree with that Chris, but it will be interesting watching it unfold.
Can't ever beat the Newcadtle fan who got Andy Cole in a Newcastle shirt tattooed on his thigh the week before they sold him 😂😂

Can't ever beat the Newcadtle fan who got Andy Cole in a Newcastle shirt tattooed on his thigh the week before they sold him 😂😂

What about the Leeds fan with the promotion tattoo? 😂

Christ almighty.

What's he gonna tell his grandkids? "Grandad went on piss and was so convinced that Bielsa was the second coming of Don Revie that he got this etched on him for all eternity."?
Change the subject to ‘attendance’.
Getting bored of him now, going on about how rough it were when he were young. Worse than me bloody dad.
Eh I'll have thee know times were bloody hard, we got up before we went to bed, walked 17 miles to work (backwards). We ate jam and lard sandwiches, poor as church mice but we were happy 2 of me brothers got lost up chimneys eee happy days.

Eh I'll have thee know times were bloody hard, we got up before we went to bed, walked 17 miles to work (backwards). We ate jam and lard sandwiches, poor as church mice but we were happy 2 of me brothers got lost up chimneys eee happy days.

Jam and lard ? Luxury.

You were lucky, we had it tough in my day..;)
Christ almighty.

What's he gonna tell his grandkids? "Grandad went on piss and was so convinced that Bielsa was the second coming of Don Revie that he got this etched on him for all eternity."?
He will tell them he is a thick Leeds twat, then again they will probably already know that.
It's not his fault all the national newspapers want an interview. Interesting to hear he was at the Wigan game in 2007 as a fan.
I remember when he was a player and not getting a game for a club he was on loan at used to sit with “ the lads “ at games , apparently 🙄
I remember when he was a player and not getting a game for a club he was on loan at used to sit with “ the lads “ at games , apparently 🙄
He was a few rows in front of me when we won 2-0 at Everton in May 1993 despite that he was A Miller player at the time. Stood up and sang with his mates. When we won on penalties in the Coventry FA Cup replay in 1998, our manager at the time, Steve Thompson, said Chris (who was a Bradford player then) ran on the pitch to celebrate.
He was a few rows in front of me when we won 2-0 at Everton in May 1993 despite that he was A Miller player at the time. Stood up and sang with his mates. When we won on penalties in the Coventry FA Cup replay in 1998, our manager at the time, Steve Thompson, said Chris (who was a Bradford player then) ran on the pitch to celebrate.
Millers where the club SB , spot on as normal
Can't ever beat the Newcadtle fan who got Andy Cole in a Newcastle shirt tattooed on his thigh the week before they sold him 😂😂

Oh I don't know. What about the Blades fan who came on here - and on local radio - a couple of years ago to say he was having Clayton Donaldson's face tattooed on his arse? That ranks as the ultimate in stupidity to me. Yes, I remember it was for a bet and was just a bit of fun with his mates, and I think he tried to turn it into a charitable cause as well. But you know what, you don't deface your body for "a bit of fun with your mates" or for charity. Not if you've got an ounce of common sense in you, you don't. There are more worthy ways of raising money than having someone draw pictures on your arse. Anyhow, I hope he's enjoying life having defaced his body with a picture of a footballer who played only a bit-part for us and is now long-since gone? Idiot.
Christ almighty.

What's he gonna tell his grandkids? "Grandad went on piss and was so convinced that Bielsa was the second coming of Don Revie that he got this etched on him for all eternity."?
What makes it worse is that he had another tattoo last summer which reads.....
"England 2018 World Cup Winners"! 😂

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