Tony McMahon.

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A good basic defender but he's only been going downhill for a while now and he seemed to be a bit of a cunt, but we do miss his shithousery.

He could only play in central midfield in a hoofball team like Bradford.
League 1 probably about his level. I mainly remember him as a yellow card waiting to happen, although he was useful with corners, free-kicks, etc. Swapping him for Bob Harris was Nigel Clough's second-best transfer deal (after Brayford's loan).
I used to like singing that song;

Toe knee muck man
Toe Knee muck man
Toe knee muck man................

I also remember speaking to his dad a few times, he was a decent fella and so was his geordie mate.

Maybe he's at the last chance saloon and trying hard to take his last opportunity at a decent sized club.
He's not the only one to fail here. Too many players arrive at this club and don't put the work in.
They have an initial two or three decent games then they lapse into the same attitude as those that are already here.
One after another they probably arrive with incredible excitement only for it to wear off when they see the attitude of those around them.

A poor working environment doesn't come from the fans, it comes from those your working for and those your working with.
If the board of directors are idiots it will have a negative effect on their employees, (players and manager included).
This goes for any job in any industry.
Our managers look like their almost at deaths door after 12 months in the job and the first sign of them cracking is waffling bullshit and platitudes every day during interviews.
Our players look like a useless set of unfit, couldn't give a shit tossers after a much shorter period of time.

It's a poisonous, vicious circle that can only be changed with a new, bright, adventurous, ambitious boardroom.
That wont happen because even if we got a new boardroom they will be schooled by the outgoing directors about our ordinariness, low expectation levels and doing it the BLAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYDDDDESSSS WAAAAAAAHHHHYYYY.
Maybe he's at the last chance saloon and trying hard to take his last opportunity at a decent sized club.
He's not the only one to fail here. Too many players arrive at this club and don't put the work in.
They have an initial two or three decent games then they lapse into the same attitude as those that are already here.
One after another they probably arrive with incredible excitement only for it to wear off when they see the attitude of those around them.

A poor working environment doesn't come from the fans, it comes from those your working for and those your working with.
If the board of directors are idiots it will have a negative effect on their employees, (players and manager included).
This goes for any job in any industry.
Our managers look like their almost at deaths door after 12 months in the job and the first sign of them cracking is waffling bullshit and platitudes every day during interviews.
Our players look like a useless set of unfit, couldn't give a shit tossers after a much shorter period of time.

It's a poisonous, vicious circle that can only be changed with a new, bright, adventurous, ambitious boardroom.
That wont happen because even if we got a new boardroom they will be schooled by the outgoing directors about our ordinariness, low expectation levels and doing it the BLAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYDDDDESSSS WAAAAAAAHHHHYYYY.

You really believe all that? Players fail after two or three games due to the board? Fuckin ell beam me up Scotty!
You really believe all that? Players fail after two or three games due to the board? Fuckin ell beam me up Scotty!

Yes I do,
Either that or practically every player we've bought for the last few years has been shit.
Players with a shit attitude when they settle in at this club is too common an experience for it to be explained away by "We just buy shit players". Or "we just get shit managers".

We've bought some shit granted, but we have also bought very high quality players at League One level.
There is obviously something going on at this club which drops the heads of players and managers into depression and affects their performance.
No matter who they are and no matter who the manager is we cannot get any sort of value for money out of our players.

Jamie Murphy being a classic example, we are screaming out for players on their way up not on their way down.
We sold him to a higher placed club and he's doing well for them, but for us he performed for 20 minutes in a game once every six weeks in spite of playing at a lower level.
Maybe at Brighton he knows he has to perform, at United he knew he could give the bare minimum and just do enough to attract another clubs attention.
His attitude was probably "Why should I be the one to do everything, no fucker else busts a gut"

Carry on with the veiled dig at our supporters if you like but the problem is at the top, and unless it changes were stuck in one of the "bottom two" divisions.
Because mark my words we'll go down again one day soon if they don't move out.
Yes I do,
Either that or practically every player we've bought for the last few years has been shit.
Players with a shit attitude when they settle in at this club is too common an experience for it to be explained away by "We just buy shit players". Or "we just get shit managers".

We've bought some shit granted, but we have also bought very high quality players at League One level.
There is obviously something going on at this club which drops the heads of players and managers into depression and affects their performance.
No matter who they are and no matter who the manager is we cannot get any sort of value for money out of our players.

Jamie Murphy being a classic example, we are screaming out for players on their way up not on their way down.
We sold him to a higher placed club and he's doing well for them, but for us he performed for 20 minutes in a game once every six weeks in spite of playing at a lower level.
Maybe at Brighton he knows he has to perform, at United he knew he could give the bare minimum and just do enough to attract another clubs attention.
His attitude was probably "Why should I be the one to do everything, no fucker else busts a gut"

Carry on with the veiled dig at our supporters if you like but the problem is at the top, and unless it changes were stuck in one of the "bottom two" divisions.
Because mark my words we'll go down again one day soon if they don't move out.

Wow! OK, well fair enough then, each to his own, you certainly make your point well and I respect that. Wouldn't call it a "veiled dig", it's a fairly open dig really. Maybe we will go down as you say, seems a logical progression if what you say is true. Off to me bed afore I slit me wrists.
We need to go for Vince McMahon instead.

Yes I do,
Either that or practically every player we've bought for the last few years has been shit.
Players with a shit attitude when they settle in at this club is too common an experience for it to be explained away by "We just buy shit players". Or "we just get shit managers".

We've bought some shit granted, but we have also bought very high quality players at League One level.
There is obviously something going on at this club which drops the heads of players and managers into depression and affects their performance.
No matter who they are and no matter who the manager is we cannot get any sort of value for money out of our players.

Jamie Murphy being a classic example, we are screaming out for players on their way up not on their way down.
We sold him to a higher placed club and he's doing well for them, but for us he performed for 20 minutes in a game once every six weeks in spite of playing at a lower level.
Maybe at Brighton he knows he has to perform, at United he knew he could give the bare minimum and just do enough to attract another clubs attention.
His attitude was probably "Why should I be the one to do everything, no fucker else busts a gut"

Carry on with the veiled dig at our supporters if you like but the problem is at the top, and unless it changes were stuck in one of the "bottom two" divisions.
Because mark my words we'll go down again one day soon if they don't move out.

Interesting posts, if a bit extreme. Our new owner has only been here just over two years.

My conclusion is that our beloved club has all the pressure of a "big club" without any of the advantages of a club in that category.

As for the fans, we are tremendously loyal in the sense that we keep on turning up at games but we are not one of those warm, supportive crowds when things are going badly during a game; we are perfectly capable of picking on an individual player, even new signings and young lads. It's not intentional, it's simply because we have the expectations of a "big club" and not the players of a big club and we have a finely tuned sense of doom and gloom and dissatisfaction. As a result there is massive pressure on players and McMahon is an example of a player who can flourish elsewhere and not with us.
I don't even understand where all this, 'he was good at cornmers/freekicks' comes from? He was meant to be a dead ball specialist when he joined us, but all I can remember is those two goals from free kicks that he scored against Crawley.

Glad he is not with us anymore, but as mentioned we do miss someone who will stand up for themselves on the pitch

Tony McMahon was a cunt. I literally hated seeing him turn out for us. Cheating, feigning injury, snide kicks off the ball. Not the type of 'footballer' I like to pay money to see.

My memory's similar. A player more interested in who he could foul than playing the game. His only plus side was that he was at least good enough at it to avoid the red card he usually deserved. The only player I disliked more was Keith Curle.

As for his form at Bradford, I'm not surprised. He was far from the worst technically, when he wanted to play, but Bradford are a club that won't be going anywhere this season. That's the standard that McMahon is. Average to slightly above average League One. And that'd be fine if we were told that was our ambition.
Tony McMahon had a very tough upbringing as well. By all accounts his family were for all intentional purposes the polar opposite of the Walton's.
When we were struggling under David Weir, Kevin McCabe told me he couldn't understand it as McMahon was the best full back in the division, .........I knew it was going to end badly then.

Still I got over that until last season when I was told that Jason Holt was 10 times the player that Stefan Scougall was.

You win some you lose some with regards to players, all clubs get rid for a variety of reasons, and that's nothing to do with expectations of supporters.

With regards to Macca, I will remember that he sent me home from a very wet Crawley just before christmas very happy, but that was basically it, if he's doing alright at Bradford then good luck to him, but last season even Blackpool didn't want him.
Holt's now playing for Rangers, 3 year deal, £65k fee. Played 10 Goals 4.
Maybe managers as well?
Possibly. It's difficult to say because most of our managers since Warnock have been ones many would expect to fail. I wasn't surprised when Robson, Blackwell, Speed, Wilson and Weir failed (for different reasons) but a little shocked at how poor Adams was. Similarly, I thought Clough would do a bit better; I didn't expect to finish as far from the top two as we did.
I thought Adkins may have a few problems taking over a side that someone else had just recruited but, again, I expected him to do a little better.

Whilst we could discuss whether some of them should be in my second list and not the first, or vice versa, what is undeniable is that none of them achieved their objectives. All have 'failed'.

The longer this goes on, the longer one wonders if there is something fundamentally wrong with the club.
McMahon was a good set piece taker but is the worst regular first team right back we've had for a long time. Kyles, Lowton, Brayford, Freeman etc. By comparison, he was poor. He also came across as unlikeable as he just tried to get into squabbles with opponents and refs more than he wanted to play football. I do remember thinking his range of passing might make him an OK CM though.,

It was horrible to watch McMahon play. It was a mixture of being a real crashing back down to earth seeing him at RB after being blessed for a few years with Naughton, Walker & Lowton each stepping up from the academy, and partly just he was so bleedingly average, bad tempered and seemed a total prick on the field. I suppose some would defend that and say he's a marmite character who opposition fans hate but home fans love, like Robbie Savage. But he wasn't even that to me, he was just a total prick who thought he was far better than he actually was.

He was also just quite a poor defender.

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