Safe Standing

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Not interested in safe standing tbf, I know others are. Not for me.

Nothing quite like seeing a whole stand (so to speak) stand up when we score - stretches the legs as well ;)

BOS I would restore standing: take away the seats in an area given over to standing. People: genuine supporters will stand, choose what that twat Taylor suggested. Unfortunately there are those unable to stand. They may as well stay at home for what they will see for those standing

I loved the terrace, right on the half way line. Unfortunately, the twats who think they know better have deprived supporters of a great view and atmosphere.:)

Got me thinking about Tom Hark (The Piranhas version) and the Eighties terrace anthem that stemmed from it and I can't remember the words. Going round my head is the end bit of 'cos after the match you're gonna die!' (apologies young Blades it was the Eighties).

Anyone help me with the full words once again, for something not heard for a while?

Just wanted something new to sing along to with the kids on the school run a little later..
Wasn't it simply "The Wednesday sing, I don't know why, cos after the match you're gonna die! (na-na-na-na (hu!) na-na-na-na (hu!)...)" ? That's how I remember it anyway.
Cheers for this, just voted in favour of both. Love a bit of Tom Hark and love standing. Both help the atmosphere, I really don't understand people who can actually dislike goal music (provided it's a decent track like Tom Hark or 7 Nation Army... I'd actually enjoy it more if we played a few on rotation rather than the same 1 every time).

I can't see why you'd like goal music - unless you're a woman or young child.

Music is separate to the atmosphere and the one time the atmosphere isn't an issue is when a goal's been scored. The 'Tom Hark' in particular is cringeworthy and has long since passed its sell by date.
I always thought it was 'outside the ground' rather than 'after the game'.

I genuinely can't believe someone has described 'Tom Hark' or 7 nation army as good tracks. I shudder when I hear them.

Next you'll be telling me it's mandatory to buy a replica top and join in "everywhere we go" with a set of pom poms ;)
I've been going to the Lane for 36 years and, through all the shit, I've always loved it because I've felt some kind of kinship with my fellow Blades. When I see that a majority are voting in favour of goal music on the Phipps poll- it makes me question my entire existence. I thought I knew these people- I thought we were brothers and sisters- yet here they are voting in favour of force fed, sanitised pretend atmosphere. I know there's a strong possibility that I'm a miserable old git who is missing some point or other- but if this is the modern world- I don't want to be part of it.
Success or cheaper ale will bring back the atmosphere. Goal music is Nazism for the Ariana Grande generation
I always thought it was 'outside the ground' rather than 'after the game'.

I genuinely can't believe someone has described 'Tom Hark' or 7 nation army as good tracks. I shudder when I hear them.

Next you'll be telling me it's mandatory to buy a replica top and join in "everywhere we go" with a set of pom poms ;)
Sos Rod not being pedantic but it was " after the match"
I've been going to the Lane for 36 years and, through all the shit, I've always loved it because I've felt some kind of kinship with my fellow Blades. When I see that a majority are voting in favour of goal music on the Phipps poll- it makes me question my entire existence. I thought I knew these people- I thought we were brothers and sisters- yet here they are voting in favour of force fed, sanitised pretend atmosphere. I know there's a strong possibility that I'm a miserable old git who is missing some point or other- but if this is the modern world- I don't want to be part of it.
Success or cheaper ale will bring back the atmosphere. Goal music is Nazism for the Ariana Grande generation
This would be superb.

We would need to, of course, also;

1. Reintroduce that gap midway across the kop
2. Rebuild that white corner on John st with the posters on it.
3. Reinstate the ale shed at the back of the kop next to the bogs.
4. Place some white metal railings at the front of the stand to provide an area where all the young uns can congregate with their milk crates.
5. Reinstall the safety barriers that you could run in front of when United scored as the big lads came rushing forward.
6. And finally, put the club shop back on john st, where we could buy silk scarves to tie to wrists..

Then we would be talking, anything less just wouldn't be right.

Oh and get a midfield genius, a flying right winger with a bullet like shot and a keeper who didn't punch anything (other than opposition centre forwards!) and we would make the dream complete..
And it should be compulsory for every bloke over 65 to sit alone near the back of John St and smoke a pipe full of St Bruno.
I think Jim has a social media voting product that he's promoting / trying to flog rather than this being any sort of meaningful fan engagement.
The problem with the whole seating thing is that there is a real danger that, if it's done, it will be done in a way that doesn't work. People imagine we can go back to the same feel and atmosphere of the old kop, but I doubt it'll work out like that. I'm personally not that bothered about having it back, but I know a lot of people want it.
Firstly I don't get the "safe" bit - it appears to me to be a sop to the Taylor report. Standing itself was never dangerous, correct me if I'm wrong. The incident that led to it being banned was to do with the caging in, the caging is because of the behaviour of fans and the tendency to invade the pitch (especially if you're already standing). So why are they making efforts to design it to be "safe"?
If this means that they will be seats that can be left up, with a raised rail so that you still have a ticket with a seat number but can stand, then that is not really different to people simply being allowed to stand at the moment. People should be aware, if that is what is being proposed.
I am against re-introducing any form of caging. I don't like the sort of penned standing area I've seen in some German stadiums with seating to the left, right and behind. I think those sort of caged areas draws/encourages/creates a certain type of fan. If it's to happen it should be a whole stand or bottom half of a stand. Because of the awful leg room on the kop I suspect it lends itself to this as the seating will simply need to be replaced. If that's what people want, then fair enough.
The factors that caused the Hillsborough disaster would no longer be a possibility. The combination of overcrowding and fencing were to blame inside the ground, in isolation neither would've caused it. Nowadays fences aren't used and stadium capacity is controlled far more. So both those things, let alone one, are no longer factors. The word 'safe' in 'safe standing' is just a way of trying to prevent the sensitive people immediately dismissing the idea... but most of them do anyway, with no real argument to back themselves up.
Success or cheaper ale will bring back the atmosphere. Goal music is Nazism for the Ariana Grande generation

That has to be the tag line for your avar :)
Top stuff :D

(first, you have to decide on a suitable avar ;) )
Last week we lose at Fleetwood and the club conveniently releases details of the Kop development being 'back on the cards'. This results in a 270+ post thread about this very subject.

This week we scramble a home draw against Southend and what do we have? Jim tweeting and asking about our views on 'safe standing.'

Since I hit the ripe old age of 60 I have become very cynical but I sniff a pattern of 'diverting our attention' developing here.

I dread to think what will be appearing on Twitter at the end of January.
I've been going to the Lane for 36 years and, through all the shit, I've always loved it because I've felt some kind of kinship with my fellow Blades. When I see that a majority are voting in favour of goal music on the Phipps poll- it makes me question my entire existence. I thought I knew these people- I thought we were brothers and sisters- yet here they are voting in favour of force fed, sanitised pretend atmosphere. I know there's a strong possibility that I'm a miserable old git who is missing some point or other- but if this is the modern world- I don't want to be part of it.
Success or cheaper ale will bring back the atmosphere. Goal music is Nazism for the Ariana Grande generation

I wonder whether this is more an indication of those that follow Phipps on social media. I'm guessing those that love it are probably younger, whose earliest memories of the Lane are from the 2002/03 season.

For me, enjoying the sound of just the crowd after a goal at the Lane again has been one of the few highlights of the season so far.

Last week we lose at Fleetwood and the club conveniently releases details of the Kop development being 'back on the cards'.

They couldn't have possibly done anything more to make that a lower key bit of news. No club release, just one media release from a third party, and nothing promoted by anyone associated with the club. If anything this was something he could have been much more communicative on at the time but wasn't.
They couldn't have possibly done anything more to make that a lower key bit of news. No club release, just one media release from a third party, and nothing promoted by anyone associated with the club. If anything this was something he could have been much more communicative on at the time but wasn't.

Jim said on that Alan Biggs interview last week that it was a case of renewing the permissions (before the deadline ran out), rather than an indication than rebuilding is imminent.
Jim said on that Alan Biggs interview last week that it was a case of renewing the permissions (before the deadline ran out), rather than an indication than rebuilding is imminent.

He did – fans tweeted Biggs to suggest a question on it. I doubt he'd have said anything at all had the question not come up.
I wonder whether this is more an indication of those that follow Phipps on social media. I'm guessing those that love it are probably younger, whose earliest memories of the Lane are from the 2002/03 season.

For me, enjoying the sound of just the crowd after a goal at the Lane again has been one of the few highlights of the season so far.

I'm glad you made that point Loughborough, because I was at the point of PandaCola (ah....Panda Cola....) in questioning my entire existence. You're right, of course, that Jim's followers are not an accurate cross section of Blades fans. Supported by the views on this thread, I can therefore go back to my comfortable state of self-deception that the vast majority of Blades fans hate goal music and all that goes with it.

What's that you say? This forum isn't a representative cross-section of Blades fans either? That I refuse to believe.
Wasn't it simply "The Wednesday sing, I don't know why, cos after the match you're gonna die! (na-na-na-na (hu!) na-na-na-na (hu!)...)" ? That's how I remember it anyway.
At the game it was whoever we were playing.
What will Jim play over the tannoy when our woeful defence concedes then ?

Englebert's "there goes my reason for living, there goes my everything" for three points thrown away,
Hot Chocolate's "so you win again" for another home defeat,
Beach Boys "Heads you win" for a goal conceded from a corner,
Clarence Greenwood's "Sideways" when one of the relentless passes across the back are intercepted, ,
Fat's Domino's "Don't blame it on me" for a Collin's calamity,
The Dodgems "Lord Lucan is missing " when Freeman loses his man
and obviously Des O'Connor's "Careless Hands" for a goalkeeping error ???????


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