Praise for McCabe, The Prince and SUFC

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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2011
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North-West Leodis
Thought this was appropriate for GBC as it's a more general thanks to the powers that be. Season ticket renewal prices are fantastic. . Also very keen are the prices for returning season ticket holders. When you look at the prices charged over at Pigland, our pricing is great value.

Credit and praise where it is due the board deserve a lot of thanks. They cop for plenty of stick but deserve the plaudits for this one.

I think we'll be looking at 20,000 crowds again next year and 25,000+ IF we finish the job and get promoted. The club's united from top to bottom, just as the Snort Beasts are falling apart.


We're not up yet.

He says we're not up!
Yes, we are.
We're not!
Well, we will be soon, we're eight points clear
We struggled to beat Charlton!!
No, we didn't - we'll be champions anytime now!!
But we can't say we're up now, it's against the regulations.
Oh, don't be such a wuss.
But Sharp hasn't scored in two games!!!

etc etc
Good post Rodders, it's actually quite refreshing to see a well balanced view that supports the boards role in the resurgence of this season.

No doubt some will knock it and suggest its despite the leadership but my position is that it's been a team effort from top to bottom.

Also of you want a second beer, I'll get you one in ;)

Not looking for a fight here, but what has the Prince done this season - please enlighten me (serious comment).

I don't think anyone outside the boardroom can say anything much about what he has or hasn't done, 1066. Maybe helped underwrite a few debts? But then, I don't believe the plan was for him to do much while we are in league 1. Kevin McCabe has stated publicly that his influence will be seen if and when we reach the Championship.
Thought this was appropriate for GBC as it's a more general thanks to the powers that be. Season ticket renewal prices are fantastic. . Also very keen are the prices for returning season ticket holders. When you look at the prices charged over at Pigland, our pricing is great value.

Credit and praise where it is due the board deserve a lot of thanks. They cop for plenty of stick but deserve the plaudits for this one.

I think we'll be looking at 20,000 crowds again next year and 25,000+ IF we finish the job and get promoted. The club's united from top to bottom, just as the Snort Beasts are falling apart.


I've got to thank them for this man...

Kevin McCabe has stated publicly that his influence will be seen if and when we reach the Championship.
"Game changing" was the phrase used, I believe
Was the Prince responsible for obtaining Wilder's services? Big like if that's true.
Not looking for a fight here, but what has the Prince done this season - please enlighten me (serious comment).

And I don't think you'll find a fight mate. There are far more informed posters than myself, but in essence the Prince takes care of much of the day by day funding needed to keep the club afloat, from what I recall the figure of £12 million a season was mentioned when you include wages. Could be wrong of course, but don't confuse silence with inactivity. The often quoted £1 was a token figure, what matters is the support the Prince has provided since he joined this club, and of course what he'll provide once we're promoted.
Has it crossed anyone mind that McCabe is edging his bets in case we don't go up? Give away tickets before we know our fate makes sure crowds don't plummet next season.

TBH I don't think season ticket sales income is that bigger deal to the club. If we averaged 25,000 at an average ST price of £350 (adults, kids and pensioners average) it's less than £9m. Any accountant /statto boffins know what that is as a %age of this seasons income?
Has it crossed anyone mind that McCabe is edging his bets in case we don't go up? Give away tickets before we know our fate makes sure crowds don't plummet next season.

TBH I don't think season ticket sales income is that bigger deal to the club. If we averaged 25,000 at an average ST price of £350 (adults, kids and pensioners average) it's less than £9m. Any accountant /statto boffins know what that is as a %age of this seasons income?

I'd say the average price is less than that.
Not looking for a fight here, but what has the Prince done this season - please enlighten me (serious comment).
The prince as always said he will only invest when we get into the championship let's hope he is true to his word utb
The prince as always said he will only invest when we get into the championship let's hope he is true to his word utb

He's already invested significantly to cover the losses along with McCabe, despite what many choose to deny. The promise was substantial investment upon promotion ( my wording).

"Game changing" was the phrase used, I believe
I thought some referred to the fact that it was 'Liverpool' game changing rather than 'Man City' which (to me anyway) referred to a long-term steady progression rather than ending up with a spend of £300 billion and 20 new players in one transfer window.
But everyone interprets the same words in their own way! ;)

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