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Scougall is the type of players that is a nightmare for defenders, but last night he was isolated up front because Baxter had a bad game.

I see Scougall fitting into an Arsenal-like style of formation with a CF in front of him who can bring him into play but also find space and runs for Scougs to exploit. I still think Paynter is that CF.

Once we've guaranteed L1 survival, i'd like to see us experiment with:


Refer back to post 11.

Baxter did well, the system broke down at Flynn who didn't have the belief to beat his man therefore not creating the space for Scoogs or Coady to run into.

around 1.09 on vid but op handed
Hill was on for precisely 4 minutes and spent half of that time hobbling - bit harsh, Putney!

When Hill came on, he hadn't warmed up, which wasn't his fault. However, his immediate involvement was a stupid attempt to run the ball down the line and out for a goal kick. In the end, he managed to give away a corner and tweak a muscle and there was no need for it.

Not being clever after the event, I thought it at the time, but all he needed to do was knock the ball into touch for a throw in. That would have taken the immediate pressure off him, so I blame him for such a quick injury.
2. In line with the general Scoogs merriment, I have bitten my tongue for long enough.... I don't get it. I really do not see what the fuss is / was all about. Other than being small, powder puff but with a bit of pace, what else is there ? Harsh maybe just what I have seen.

He's small of course and he will inevitably get outmuscled and knocked off the ball, but he also bounces off tackles. What excites me about him is that he makes runs that shouldn't work, but they often do, goes through gaps that aren't there and is imaginative in his game. For me, he's the most exciting player we've brought in for years and he frightens defenders in and around the penalty area, they know they can't touch him.

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