If Norwich weren't such wankers....

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Maurice Maurice

Active Member
Nov 17, 2021
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That game could have ended up the same as the Blackpool debacle. Allowing players to waste time, feign injury and attempt to get fellow professionals red carded could quite easily have finished with a free for all when the final whistle blew. Hecky got a yellow card for rightly pointing their antics out to the ref, and that was their green light to ramp up the shit housery

Thank fuck they're such a bunch of ladyboys, who'd lose a fight with a group of 12 year old girl guides, or we could have ended up in bother again, as a result of a referee who completely lost control of the game.

That game could have ended up the same as the Blackpool debacle. Allowing players to waste time, feign injury and attempt to get fellow professionals red carded could quite easily have finished with a free for all when the final whistle blew. Hecky got a yellow card for rightly pointing their antics out to the ref, and that was their green light to ramp up the shit housery

Thank fuck they're such a bunch of ladyboys, who'd lose a fight with a group of 12 year old girl guides, or we could have ended up in bother again, as a result of a referee who completely lost control of the game.
Didn't the Blackpool game also end up in a draw? Other than that I agree totally. I think it's time the clock was stopped every time there was a stoppage in play.
You lot are as bad as other teams, it’s just bias and rose tinted specs that make you believe that the Blades play in the spirit of FairPlay and Stanley Matthews. sadly just part of the modern game.

If you like that sort of thing….. You’re quite happy at one of your players pretending Sharp assaulted him? That’s not shithousing, it’s cheating.
You lot are as bad as other teams, it’s just bias and rose tinted specs that make you believe that the Blades play in the spirit of FairPlay and Stanley Matthews. sadly just part of the modern game.
We may indeed be as bad as other teams. But not as bad as your bunch. I assumed it was just a Farke thing but I was wrong, it appears to be a Norwich thing. Must be something in the water.
The ref got pelters, and he made some bad decisions, but the level of cheating by Norwich was off the scale. They were all at it, the goalkeeper and almost everyone in front of him (14, 26 and 30 particularly).

Norwich have a justified reputation for top level shithousery and they didn't disappoint today.

The term Wankers sums them up beautifully
You lot are as bad as other teams, it’s just bias and rose tinted specs that make you believe that the Blades play in the spirit of FairPlay and Stanley Matthews. sadly just part of the modern game.

We are definitely as bad as some teams, agreed. You lot are on a completely different level however. Some of the play acting from some of your players, Cantwell and the number Giannoulis in particular, was absolutely pathetic.
You lot are as bad as other teams, it’s just bias and rose tinted specs that make you believe that the Blades play in the spirit of FairPlay and Stanley Matthews. sadly just part of the modern game.
Your club is pathetic, what you did today and the other year is absolutely pathetic. There should’ve been 15 mins added on and that’s been generous. There will be pictures going round of the ref getting changed afterwards sporting some canary not budgie smugglers on, the wanker!

They've been like this as long as I can remember
When Ashton played for them and they beat us at home I remember ( McVeigh ? ) celebrating in front of our fans by standing in front of the kop taunting them which I was amazed at as no one had said fuck all to him
You lot are as bad as other teams, it’s just bias and rose tinted specs that make you believe that the Blades play in the spirit of FairPlay and Stanley Matthews. sadly just part of the modern game.

Nah, you're the worst, you really are. And hiding behind 'it's part of the modern game' doesn't make it any more right. How you can laud the cheating cunts who threw themselves down holding their faces today, when video playback showed they hadn't been touched is beyond me. Should expect it really, you've always been a strange club, with supporters who look like they'd be happier picking potatoes.

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We definitely do it, but nowhere close to the level of Norwich. It's frustrating for all football fans. Unless you're absolutely tanked up in the away end, surely nobody enjoys a player going down under minimal contact and knowing the game isn't going to restart for 2 minutes.
You lot are as bad as other teams, it’s just bias and rose tinted specs that make you believe that the Blades play in the spirit of FairPlay and Stanley Matthews. sadly just part of the modern game.
Norwich City have been doing the same antics for years at Bramall Lane. Pity really because you had the game won at half time.
Once your players started with the shit housing, aided by the weakest referee I've seen in years, the Blades and the crowd realised there was fuck all to beat.
Five more minutes and we'd have won that game but a fair result in the end.

Would rather us try and play in the spirit of fair play instead of watching your cheating bastards each week. Embarrassing.
Norwich City have been doing the same antics for years at Bramall Lane. Pity really because you had the game won at half time.
Once your players started with the shit housing, aided by the weakest referee I've seen in years, the Blades and the crowd realised there was fuck all to beat.
Five more minutes and we'd have won that game but a fair result in the end.

Would rather us try and play in the spirit of fair play instead of watching your cheating bastards each week. Embarrassing.
I would rather all teams try and play in the spirit if fair play but no teams do. It really is exceptionalist delusion if you believe for some reason that you lot are any different to other clubs. Oh well if it makes you happy. Embarassing.
I would rather all teams try and play in the spirit if fair play but no teams do. It really is exceptionalist delusion if you believe for some reason that you lot are any different to other clubs. Oh well if it makes you happy. Embarassing.

It isn’t us that’s particularly different from other clubs, it’s you. As I said, you’re on a completely different level. There’s a reason you’ve got a reputation for it.
Seemingly we only have a reputation with yous. Never heard it from proper clubs. Perhaps you need to take a look at yourselves, your conspiracy theories and why it’s always someone else.
Got a fucking comedian here haven’t we???
Not a very good one.
To try & seriously defend some of that embarrassing stuff by their players takes a sense of humour though.
Agree that all clubs, including us, partake in the dark arts of football but some clubs - and Norwich are one of them - take it to a different level.
Pretend head injuries, needless physio visits, diving about at the slightest touch etc etc.

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