How to lift A Curse

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silver blade

Mar 5, 2014
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Worth a try? What have we got to loose?​

Try A Simple Curse Breaking Spell​

There are many ways to break curses and some of them are fairly quick rituals. Try one or two of these to see if the curse will lift easily.

  1. Let a source of living water carry it away. Take yourself to a natural source of water like a river, lake or ocean and get in. [1]
  2. Burn a bay leaf at dawn and again at sunset. Allow the smoke to waft over you and when the leaves have finished smoldering scatter them in the wind.
  3. Use selenite to cleanse your energy field and break the hold that the curse has on you
  4. Take a bath with epsom salt and hex breaking herbs (bay leaves, fennel, jasmine, and nettles are all common choices)
  5. Clean your house with water infused with hex breaking herbs. Mop the floors, clean the walls, wash the doors and windows and when you’re finished throw the mop water out the back door.

Loose - as in a bigun down west street after a few WKD Blues
In Cuba the ritual is this...

They first light a very good cigar. They then immediately take an enormous swig' of Havana Club rum ... which is then blown from the mouth, as far as possible, everywhere, and in all directions. They then sit back ... relax ... and enjoy the remains of the cigar and what's left in the bottle.

Maybe with friends they then have a simple chat about baseball, the relation between economics, Fidel and Lunny, or even the possibilities of Sheff Utd appointing Blessin before they get relegated.

Who knows?
Barry Fry pops up to piss on all four corner flags.

Loose - as in a bigun down west street after a few WKD Blues
About 30 years ago me and my mate were walking up West Street after a night out and a lady of the night enquired if we were looking for business. My mate asked “what? Both of us?” and she replied “yeah, no problem, I’ve had kids”.
Someone said you could lift a curse by shitting in a golf hole.

I don't think it works.
Stop supporting Sheffield United

I did it once, but I think I got away with it

For a few years I lived and worked away, it was only in Cheshire, just South of Manchester, but seriously Sheffield might as well have been the other side of the Ort cloud, and Sheffield football was about where Beteljuice is.......or maybe was, who knows?

I actually had people saying "Are you a Blade or an Owl" and I used to say neither. It was very liberating genuinely not giving a toss.

It was actually the happiest I've ever been looking back, and then the gaffer said to me one day 'We're opening an office in Barnsley, how do you fancy going back home"

Big mistake, I came back, and the depression of the place got hold of me again, this was magnified by me not continuing to stay away from these red and white twats.
Someone said you could lift a curse by shitting in a golf hole.

I don't think it works.

Conversely, some people say that if you sneak into a rusty old football ground, and take a shit on the centre spot, then take a picture of it, to post on social media, for good luck, it causes that team to be relegated to league one.

Could be true, who knows?
In Cuba the ritual is this...

They first light a very good cigar. They then immediately take an enormous swig' of Havana Club rum ... which is then blown from the mouth, as far as possible, everywhere, and in all directions. They then sit back ... relax ... and enjoy the remains of the cigar and what's left in the bottle.

Maybe with friends they then have a simple chat about baseball, the relation between economics, Fidel and Lunny, or even the possibilities of Sheff Utd appointing Blessin before they get relegated.

Who knows?

I'll say it for Bert That's a waste of good rum.

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