Stagnation needs to end!

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Honourary Member Of Thunderbirds.
Mar 4, 2014
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S3, Sheffield
As has been pointed out in many other threads for a very long time, our club seems to be standing still while other clubs, apparently in a far worse financial situation seem to leap forward and over the many years I personally have followed the blades, the same things crop up from fans, the blades board showing lack of conviction, not always a lack of financial support but when, it seems to me we really need that finance, it's withheld ie spackman when the board sold fjortoft and Deane when we were in a decent position and a little investment could have paid off hugely with a return to the premiership.
The sale of players when we actually need them is a particular bug bear amongst blades fans like myself going back what, to the 70's and not on the whole reinvesting the money in the squad.
Now the solution, as I see it is simple, actually doing it not so much.
A lot are saying while we are getting 18,000 in the lane week in week out, our board are happy to continue in the same rut with the occasional foray into higher leagues to boost coffers for a season or so, now this is my club and the rest of the fans, never really the owners or other investors/board members so it seems to me the only way to get their attention is to hit them where it hurts all rich people, in the bank balance.
Now I know this solution will in all probability never happen but if all the supporters clubs, all the fans or at least the vast majority chose a game and just didn't turn up, maybe stand outside the ground, a silent protest and almost no fans inside, the board would have to take note, and I'd bet if not before right after a "fans forum" would be set up almost immediately, now I understand this would not be good for the team on the pitch short term, showing the board it's the fans that make a club NOT those at the top, that we the long suffering fans will no longer be lied to, be given excuses to and basically be used as a cash cow for these so called fans, mr McCabe as a fan himself might not like it but would surely understand and being a business man would be able to explain to other "investors" that the free ride is over, the fans want control of their club at least partially back in their hands, not in the hands of anyone that comes along and promises the world the delivers an atlas, no longer will the fans allow players sold from under the managers arse or when the player doesn't actually want to go, but only for the good of the club, only then can this once great club move forward and back where I and many other fans believe it should be.
I love my club, and as this shows I'm willing to put myself forward to be shot down and ridiculed by the minority of people that seem to enjoy that kind of thing.
We as fans need to take back what is rightfully ours, not just at BDTBL but every fan of every club, everywhere, make the boards, agents, players and everyone else that's destroying our clubs understand that we, the fans ARE the clubs and are done letting other people kill our clubs and our game for the sake of their bank balances.


I think you make a good point. Football fans don't seem to understand that while you continue to buy tickets, buy merchandise etc there really is no pressure on a club's ownership to listen to their concerns. Protests and discontent might be an annoyance, but as long as the money's rolling in every week, what does it matter? It's like at Newcastle now or Man U a few years back when the anti-glazer protests were going on, you can turn up and wave a Pardew out banner or wear a green and gold scarf, but if you're going to buy a ticket every week anyway it's utterly futile. These people are businessmen and they will only begin to give half a shit when the bottom line starts to be affected.

In United's case I don't know how much it would achieve though. We don't have a single issue that can be resolved, like sacking a manager or putting pressure on owners to sell, we just wish they'd stop being so crap. Everyone at the club's already aware they have to be doing better, boycotting a game might emphasize that but it's not going to make the team any better or upgrade the stature of player we can attract.
wouldnt adversley affect them if people stopeed turning up ,dont think anyone at the club seems to be losing any sleep or monay at the minute and if they do they will walk away
mccabe has been trying to get out for years and the prince couldnt get away quick enough
Does appear the prince has lost all interest. We should be grateful he paid off our debts when he first came in but the signings we've made this season don't suggest to me that we have any greater resources than before.
Does appear the prince has lost all interest. We should be grateful he paid off our debts when he first came in but the signings we've made this season don't suggest to me that we have any greater resources than before.
He didnt pay anything off ,mccabe supposedly wrote the debts off in return for a promise of staggered investment in accordance with the kevel we are playing at

Apparently it costs millions and millions to cover the day to day running of the club
Does appear the prince has lost all interest. We should be grateful he paid off our debts when he first came in but the signings we've made this season don't suggest to me that we have any greater resources than before.
Agree, I am coming to the conclusion that it would be better for everyone concerned if the Prince was to sever ties and we start once again to look for a serious investor, now the debts are cleared we are surely a more attractive operation than when McCabe was hawking us around with £50m of debts around our neck.
Agree, I am coming to the conclusion that it would be better for everyone concerned if the Prince was to sever ties and we start once again to look for a serious investor, now the debts are cleared we are surely a more attractive operation than when McCabe was hawking us around with £50m of debts around our neck.

KM turned the debt (owed to him/his family) into equity, so in other words, he simply increased the number of shares he has in the club, to the value of what was owed to him. It doesn't mean he won't want 50 million for the club, when he finally sells.
He didnt pay anything off ,mccabe supposedly wrote the debts off in return for a promise of staggered investment in accordance with the kevel we are playing at

Apparently it costs millions and millions to cover the day to day running of the club

I've asked many, many times,m but no-one seems to know if the Prince buggers off do the debts suddenly re-appear again?
When United were relegated from the Championship, a work colleague of mine who was a season ticket holder of many years standing, decided that he was no longer prepared to continue spending a significant amount of his income on what he described as one of the longest running con tricks in football. Consequently he has never renewed his season ticket but still goes occasionally.

At the time I thought he was going over the top but I now realise that I am reluctantly but slowly coming round to thinking that he may not have been far off the mark. On an individual basis such acts are empty gestures but collectively it could be the best means of exercising any influence that the fans have.

There is a long way to go this season and it is important to keep a sense of proportion and get behind the players and management and take a longer term view. A couple of wins in our next two matches and everything in the garden will be rosy again until the next defeat. The club also has to be run on a sound financial footing, whether some people like it or not. However, if as more people seem to be suspecting the utterances that came out of the Boardroom at the time of the game changing investment prove, by the second half of the season, to be nothing more than hot air then I think United's supporters will be entitled to conclude that their suspicions are well founded. Spin can only get you so far.

He didnt pay anything off ,mccabe supposedly wrote the debts off in return for a promise of staggered investment in accordance with the kevel we are playing at

Apparently it costs millions and millions to cover the day to day running of the club

This is the bit that I don't understand. I thought the FFP (or whatever it's called) was supposed to ensure that you didn't overspend ? if we still need extra millions just to break even with the FFP then our accountant needs a kick up the arse.
This is the bit that I don't understand. I thought the FFP (or whatever it's called) was supposed to ensure that you didn't overspend ? if we still need extra millions just to break even with the FFP then our accountant needs a kick up the arse.
It doesnt add up does it
Agree, I am coming to the conclusion that it would be better for everyone concerned if the Prince was to sever ties and we start once again to look for a serious investor, now the debts are cleared we are surely a more attractive operation than when McCabe was hawking us around with £50m of debts around our neck.

Interesting point. Not sure anyone would want to invest but the current situation and malaise means we have a few new names on the programme board section but in reality nothing has changed. We are 1 year on and the reality is I don't think the new regime has put anything of significance in. We got a friendly with Fenerbahce, gave away a motor bike and the American fella talks a good game but in reality they have delivered sod all.

Apparently it costs millions and millions to cover the day to day running of the club
err.. i don't buy this. .it doesn't add up.. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?? is Doyle on Ronaldo's wages or what? how much does the groundsman earn?
i think we should be told fucking why.. that would suggest the club is shockingly run..

the other clubs in this division exist on revenues of 5k and a hundred shirts per season.. we have sold 15000 fucking shirts this season. they have sold OUT of large shirts.. adidas were amazed.. 'apparently'..
the fact is this .. instead of buying decent players we bought 39 shit ones so that it didn't upset the board and probably cost the same in the end

i'm sick of being fed this bullshit.. it is insulting to my intelligence..mccabe and these people seem to think we are a bunch of oiks that can't add up the numbers..
another thing ..who owns the freehold??
We still have 36 games to play, and are far better off than we were this time last season. We need to improve and be more consistent (not waiting till the 85th minute to start playing), but this team hasn't played that much together (injuries and new signings) and we lost our best player in the summer.

As far as I can see we are well placed to build just like Southampton were when they eventually got out of this division.
As far as I can see we are well placed to build just like Southampton were when they eventually got out of this division.

Yeah, like the Southampton that spent £1 million on Ricky Lambert when in this league.

Are you on crack or summat. When the fuck are we going to spend that sort of money on a striker? That sort of money is "game changing investment" and there is fuck all sign of us doing any of that malarkey. We just plod on with the bog standard mediocrity on offer and expect a fucking miracle to happen - that's the "Blades Way" don't yer know?
Agree, I am coming to the conclusion that it would be better for everyone concerned if the Prince was to sever ties and we start once again to look for a serious investor, now the debts are cleared we are surely a more attractive operation than when McCabe was hawking us around with £50m of debts around our neck.

I am not a financial expert but if HRH did pull the plug my guess is that McCabe would transfer the debts back to the club. The debts weren't paid off they were just moved elsewhere off United books..... for now
Yeah, like the Southampton that spent £1 million on Ricky Lambert when in this league.

Are you on crack or summat. When the fuck are we going to spend that sort of money on a striker? That sort of money is "game changing investment" and there is fuck all sign of us doing any of that malarkey. We just plod on with the bog standard mediocrity on offer and expect a fucking miracle to happen - that's the "Blades Way" don't yer know?

Would £1 million get you a good striker these days?
I'm no financial expert but I am able to spot a duff product after all these years on this planet. I haven't been to a game this season, bar the Fenerbache friendly. Apparently I'm not missing owt.
I thought the FFP (or whatever it's called) was supposed to ensure that you didn't overspend ?

In a way yes but the scheme in Div1 is very different from the UEFA/Championship one where they go on overall profitability ( ie maximum overall loss you are allowed to make). Ours is just a simple formula of 60% of turnover that can be spent on wages. There isn't a ceiling on overall losses you can make in this division - the formula assumes that your biggest cost is players' wages and by controlling that the club should remain relatively solvent ( a bit of a flawed assumption in accountancy terms I think).

In our division you can, therefore, inject considerable amounts of extra cash to boost turnover enabling bigger transfer fees to be paid and higher wages - as the cash injections boost the turnover figure (in the UEFA and Championship schemes you aren't allowed to do this) - so it is easier to buy your way out of this Division than it is in the Championship. That is why you are better placed to make a game changing investment in Division 1 rather than the Championship. At Championship level you have to look for expansion of the "brand" outside of just the footballing area ( this JP's strategy according to an interview I read) - hence one of the reasons we may have gone for the new artificial pitch is to facilitate other events to be held on it (eg music events, other sports etc) which will stimulate growth and boost profitability.

As players under 21 do not count towards the wage cost in the formula players like Reed actually release a bigger proportion of the available wage funds to be spent on wages for better players in other positions - or in our case higher wages for ordinary players who won't be fit till Christmas.The opportunity cost of someone like Higdon is high - he is reported to have wanted 7k/pw from Chesterfield so I doubt it is less at the Lane - if he isn't fit for half a season that is 7k/pw of the "wage allowance" that could have been spent on someone who is.

So arguably if you can rely on a goodly number of your youth players to cover for injuries and suspensions you can invest more in the first 11 than you can if you have to have a bigger squad of over 21 year olds. So the academy should in theory give us a good platform.

That's my understanding anyhow.
In a way yes but the scheme in Div1 is very different from the UEFA/Championship one where they go on overall profitability ( ie maximum overall loss you are allowed to make). Ours is just a simple formula of 60% of turnover that can be spent on wages. There isn't a ceiling on overall losses you can make in this division - the formula assumes that your biggest cost is players' wages and by controlling that the club should remain relatively solvent ( a bit of a flawed assumption in accountancy terms I think).

In our division you can, therefore, inject considerable amounts of extra cash to boost turnover enabling bigger transfer fees to be paid and higher wages - as the cash injections boost the turnover figure (in the UEFA and Championship schemes you aren't allowed to do this) - so it is easier to buy your way out of this Division than it is in the Championship. That is why you are better placed to make a game changing investment in Division 1 rather than the Championship. At Championship level you have to look for expansion of the "brand" outside of just the footballing area ( this JP's strategy according to an interview I read) - hence one of the reasons we may have gone for the new artificial pitch is to facilitate other events to be held on it (eg music events, other sports etc) which will stimulate growth and boost profitability.

As players under 21 do not count towards the wage cost in the formula players like Reed actually release a bigger proportion of the available wage funds to be spent on wages for better players in other positions - or in our case higher wages for ordinary players who won't be fit till Christmas.The opportunity cost of someone like Higdon is high - he is reported to have wanted 7k/pw from Chesterfield so I doubt it is less at the Lane - if he isn't fit for half a season that is 7k/pw of the "wage allowance" that could have been spent on someone who is.

So arguably if you can rely on a goodly number of your youth players to cover for injuries and suspensions you can invest more in the first 11 than you can if you have to have a bigger squad of over 21 year olds. So the academy should in theory give us a good platform.

That's my understanding anyhow.

That's how I thought it worked too, but didn't know the bit about U21s being excluded from the FFP rules. So I imagine in the "costs" column there must be a few whopping items if the new regime are having to prop us up by millions ? The academy must be one of those items.

I haven't got "running a football club" on my CV but it either still doesn't add up, or we are shitting money unnecessarily where other teams in the division on way lesser gate receipts appear to do ok.
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Unless I either mis read it, or dreamt it, I seem to remember the last time someone posted the accounts on here wages were something like 12.5M and "Admin" came in at 13M. My initial thought was that's a lot of admin......
Unless I either mis read it, or dreamt it, I seem to remember the last time someone posted the accounts on here wages were something like 12.5M and "Admin" came in at 13M. My initial thought was that's a lot of admin......
Unfortunately, the Costs for Fax Paper got a little out of hand

All the more frustrating seeing as the Fax Machine is fucked, apparently
He didnt pay anything off ,mccabe supposedly wrote the debts off in return for a promise of staggered investment in accordance with the kevel we are playing at

Apparently it costs millions and millions to cover the day to day running of the club

Interesting, I didn't know that was the setup.
What makes you say this?

Well, obviously I'm an outside observer with no insight into the running of the club or the prince's mindset, but the signs don't look to encouraging to me.When was the last time he came to a game? We've seen very little of him, OK, fine he lives abroad, but we don't seem to have heard much at all from him either. He has this new position in the Saudi government which presumably takes up most of his time and attention. Additionally, it didn't seem to me that much was done to retain the services of Coady and Brayford, two key players from last season, who would have been worth a little more investment to maintain the core of what then looked like a very strong side at this level. The players that were brought in, while many might still prove valuable, do not seem much better than what we could have bought during last season's window, when we supposedly had less to spend.
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Interesting, I didn't know that was the setup.

Well, obviously I'm an outside observer with no insight into the running of the club or the prince's mindset, but the signs don't look to encouraging to me.When was the last time he came to a game? We've seen very little of him, OK, fine he lives abroad, but we don't seem to have heard much at all from him either. He has this new position in the Saudi government which presumably takes up most of his time and attention. Additionally, it didn't seem to me that much was done to retain the services of Coady and Brayford, two key players from last season, who would have been worth a little more investment to maintain the core of what then looked like a very strong side at this level. The players that were brought in, while many might still prove valuable, do not seem much better than what we could have bought during last season's window, when we supposedly had less to spend.
Both Coady and Brayford now play regularly at a higher level. You could have saved everyone a lot of time if you'd have just posted this from the start:
I'm an outside observer with no insight into the running of the club or the prince's mindset

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