What do we want for christmas for united

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Active Member
Mar 16, 2014
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Come on then what would you like for christmas and the new year for united, ill kick it off with a team i can be proud of, it doesnt have to be succesfull but to be commited and a team ful of people who care about us as most fans do. Oh and a multi billion dollar owner , only kidding

Saw the thread title and thought, 'not again' but this is slightly different from the usual wish lists.
I think if we can finally put paid to what's causing the injuries at United it would not only be good for the club but also for the individuals even those who go on to play elsewhere. (I know some people say the level of injuries is not out of the ordinary but most of United's injuries seem to occur during training as opposed to during a match.)
Saw the thread title and thought, 'not again' but this is slightly different from the usual wish lists.
I think if we can finally put paid to what's causing the injuries at United it would not only be good for the club but also for the individuals even those who go on to play elsewhere. (I know some people say the level of injuries is not out of the ordinary but most of United's injuries seem to occur during training as opposed to during a match.)
So what is it you want a new stretcher or first aid kit
So what is it you want a new stretcher or first aid kit
Finally putting paid to United's injury woes, I thought I mentioned that originally.
Since this is a wish list there's no point hoping for a new cardigan or Xbox because even a pauper like me can afford those.
A new owner with deep pockets
Some wins on the board
All players returning to fitness
Wilder not blowing our money on dud strikers
A new keeper
And a clearout of the deadwood
19th May. 90+6 mins in. Spurs have just equalised, dropping us back to 18th below Forest who have just heard the final whistle blow.

Norwood, playing what he knows is most likely his last game for United whacks the ball seemingly into nowhere straight from the kick-off. So reminiscent of the Villa away game. The Spurs defence have pushed up, confident that they will get another late late winner and thus their champions league spot finish.

But the ball’s trajectory is flat and skids along the turf towards the corner of the penalty box. A moment’s indecision between the keeper and the Spurs defensive line who have been caught flat footed and a lone red and white shirt sprints past them from right centre back in echoes of a previous successful system.

The keeper tries to close the angle but…..

Basham arrives.

Or if that doesn’t happen at least to see him walking onto the pitch before the end of the season so he can get the appreciation he deserves from a Bramall Lane crowd.
A life ban on this club trying to spend another penny on transfer fees and a very large increase in wages instead.
Then pick up every decent free transfer on the planet and see if they can defend stoutly for 99 minutes minutes or about 114 minutes if their miraculously finding themselves winning after 90.

Wilder is to truly be 2.0 and not stray back into negative behaviour patterns once a sustained period of losses and challenges hits him.
If a wiser, more humble and considered Wilder is what we have then a longer contract and a return to the club we thought we had in 2020 would do very nicely.

Oh and Forest and Wednesday to be relegated.

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