My take ...

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Ooooh. Here we go. Another one obsessed with me because I'm critical of his poster boy. Is that person 'you'? It seems so.

What would being at the Majeski in person gain me over watching on telly with several different angles and a commentary? That's a serious question by the way, one which i know you lack the articulation even the potatoes to answer satisfactorily. Your tack, wearisome as it is, is 'if you don't personally attend games, then you don't have the levity to comment on them', which kinda fucks a lot of people off who watch it on streams and such too. Are they similarly unworthy also according to your shallow angle assessment of fandom? Do we have to be billy fucking massive blades and attend all games to have such beknighted opinions? I mean, do you go to every game? If you do, it's clear it gives you fuck all, because you spout such utter dogshit.

Bile-filled tantrum. Coming from someone whose lip is clearly wobbling because fans are reasoning now what a crock of shit Sander Berge actually is.

Dry your eyes lovey.

Wasn’t really, having a go at you for never turning up.
But if we all had the same attitude as you,and stayed at home, because it’s a better angle, watching it on the telly, there’d be no Blades, for you to moan about.
Don’t underestimate the sheer joy of celebrating a Blades goal, with fellow Blades packed all around you, or the pleasure of seeing a Berge glide past a defender close up.You might start to enjoy and appreciate it more.
You really should try it sometime.

Bogle was getting on my nerves against Blackburn. beats a player then runs into a cul-de-sac. loses possession and can't get back to defend. leaving that side of the pitch open to counterattacks. one of the centrebacks comes across. while the other centreback stays where he is again leaving a big gap perfect for fast counter-attacking teams.
The Defence needs to be a lot betterAnel Ahmedhozic was a big miss. and will be against Reading tomorrow. Berge, we need a lot more from him. he has pace
glides past defenders look great. but does not get stuck in needs to be a lot more involved at Blackburn needed a search party to find him. so come on United.
We can not afford to lose again.
Berge needs to be a lot more involved against Reading tommorrow I mean.
Berge needs to be a lot more involved against Reading tommorrow I mean.
I'd leave him out for tomorrow. Give him something to think about.

My team for tomorrow...


Baldock Bash Egan Robbo (C) ;) Osborn


Coolio Fleck/Mcatee



For Luton on Saturday...


Bogle Anel Egan Robbo (C) ;) Lowe


Berge Fleck/Mcatee


I'd leave him out for tomorrow. Give him something to think about.

My team for tomorrow...


Baldock Bash Egan Robbo (C) ;) Osborn


Coolio Fleck/Mcatee



For Luton on Saturday...


Bogle Anel Egan Robbo (C) ;) Lowe


Berge Fleck/Mcatee


Nooooo. Cant play Fleck again, poor bugger was sucking oxygen at half-time on Sat. Get Doyle/ Lowe in to start.

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